| <body id="iframe2body" tabindex="1" onblur="parent.parent.stopTest=true;"> |
| |
| <!--anchor types--> |
| <a href="#" tabindex="0" id="a4">anchor</a><br> |
| <img src ="abe.png" width="76" height="103" alt="honest abe" usemap ="#theMapName" /> |
| <map name="theMapName" tabindex="-1" id="map4"> |
| <area shape ="rect" coords ="0,0,76,50" href="#" target ="_blank" alt="rectArea1" id="area4a"/> |
| <area shape ="rect" coords ="0,50,76,103" href="#" target ="_blank" alt="rectArea2" tabindex="1" id="area4b"/> |
| </map><br> |
| |
| <!--media elements--> |
| <div id="div4a" tabindex="0"> |
| <audio controls src="../../../media/content/test.wav" tabindex="-1" id="audio4"></audio><br> |
| <video controls id="video4"> |
| <source src="../../../media/content/test.mp4" type="video/mpeg" id="source4"> |
| </video><br> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!--embedded elements--> |
| applet:<br> |
| <applet width="100" height="100" code="" tabindex="0" id="applet4"></applet><br> |
| object:<br> |
| <object type="application/x-no-such-plugin" width="100" height="100" tabindex="-1" id="object4"></object><br> |
| embed:<br> |
| <embed type="application/x-no-such-plugin" width="100" height="100" id="embed4"></embed><br> |
| |
| <!--presentation-related elements--> |
| <div id="div4b" tabindex="3"> |
| <abbr title="the tooltip" tabindex="0" id="abbr4">abbr makes a tooltip</abbr><br> |
| <acronym title="the tooltip" tabindex="-1" id="acronym4">acronym makes a tooltip</acronym><br> |
| <bdo dir="rtl" id="bdo4">text going right-to-left</bdo><br> |
| a blockquote:<blockquote tabindex="3" id="blockquote4">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis eu nisi. Fusce aliquet massa non felis. Sed consectetuer. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc vitae nulla. Quisque tristique sollicitudin libero.</blockquote> |
| a short quote:<q tabindex="0" id="q4">Veni, Vidi, Vici</q> |
| <p tabindex="-1" id="p4">paragraph</p> |
| line break:<br id="br4"> |
| horizontal rule:<hr tabindex="2" id="hr4"> |
| <marquee tabindex="0" id="marquee4">marquee text</marquee> |
| <center tabindex="-1" id="center4">centered text</center> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!--font style tags--> |
| <b id="b4">Bold text</b><br> |
| <big tabindex="1" id="big4">Big text</big><br> |
| <i tabindex="0" id="i4">Italic text</i><br> |
| <small tabindex="-1" id="small4">Small text</small><br> |
| <tt id="tt4">Teletype text</tt><br> |
| |
| <!--canvas element--> |
| <div id="div4c" tabindex="1"> |
| canvas:<br> |
| <canvas width='200' height='100' tabindex="0" id="canvas4"></canvas><br> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!--Phrase elements--> |
| <em tabindex="-1" id="em4">em</em><br> |
| <strong id="strong4">strong</strong><br> |
| <dfn tabindex="2" id="dfn4">dfn</dfn><br> |
| <code tabindex="0" id="code4">code</code><br> |
| <samp tabindex="-1" id="samp4">samp</samp><br> |
| <kbd id="kbd4">kbd</kbd><br> |
| <var tabindex="3" id="var4">var</var><br> |
| <cite tabindex="0" id="cite4">cite</cite><br> |
| |
| <!--heading tags--> |
| <div id="div4d" tabindex="-1"> |
| <h1 id="h1_4">Heading 1</h1> |
| <h2 tabindex="3" id="h2_4">Heading 2</h2> |
| <h3 tabindex="0" id="h3_4">Heading 3</h3> |
| <h4 tabindex="-1" id="h4_4">Heading 4</h4> |
| <h5 id="h5_4">Heading 5</h5> |
| <h6 tabindex="2" id="h6_4">Heading 6</h6> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!--other style-related tags--> |
| <s tabindex="0" id="s4">strikethrough (sTag)</s><br> |
| <strike tabindex="-1" id="strike4">strikethrough (strikeTag)</strike><br> |
| <sub id="sub4">subscript</sub><br> |
| <sup tabindex="1" id="sup4">superscript</sup><br> |
| <u tabindex="0" id="u4">underlined</u><br> |
| <del tabindex="-1" id="del4">delete</del><br> |
| <ins id="inst4">insert</ins><br> |
| <pre tabindex="1" id="pre4">preformatted</pre> |
| basic usage of <font tabindex="0" id="font4">font</font> tag<br> |
| basic usage of <span tabindex="-1" id="span4">span</span> tag<br> |
| |
| <!--tables--> |
| <div id="div4e"> |
| <table border="1" tabindex="2" id="table4"> |
| <caption tabindex="0" id="caption4">table caption</caption> |
| <colgroup span="2" tabindex="-1" id="colgroup4"> |
| <col width="100" id="col4a"></col> |
| <col width="250" tabindex="3" id="col4b"></col> |
| </colgroup> |
| <thead tabindex="0" id="thead4"><tr><th tabindex="-1" id="th4"> |
| table header |
| </th></tr></thead><tbody id="tbody4"> |
| <tr tabindex="3" id="tr4a"> |
| <td tabindex="0" id="td4a">table cell 1</td> |
| <td tabindex="-1" id="tr4b">table cell 2</td> |
| <td id="td4b">table cell 3</td> |
| </tr></tbody> |
| <tfoot tabindex="2" id="tfoot4"><tr><td> |
| table footer |
| </td></tr></tfoot> |
| </table> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!--definition list--> |
| <dl tabindex="0" id="dl4">definition list |
| <dt tabindex="-1" id="dt4a">term1</dt> |
| <dd id="dd4a">definition1</dd> |
| <dt tabindex="1" id="dt4b">term2</dt> |
| <dd tabindex="0" id="dd4b">definition2</dd> |
| </dl> |
| |
| <!--lists --> |
| <div id="div4f" tabindex="-1"> |
| <ul id="ul4">unordered list |
| <li tabindex="1" id="li4a"> ul li |
| </ul> |
| <ol tabindex="0" id="ol4">ordered list |
| <li tabindex="-1" id="li4b"> ol li |
| </ol> |
| <menu id="menu4">menu list |
| <li tabindex="2" id="li4c"> menu li |
| </menu> |
| <dir tabindex="0" id="dir4">directory list |
| <li tabindex="-1" id="li4d"> dir li |
| </dir> |
| </div> |
| |
| <!--images--> |
| <image src="abe.png" id="image4"><br> |
| <img src="abe.png" tabindex="3" id="img4"><br> |
| |
| <!--forms--> |
| <div id="div4g" tabindex="0"> |
| <form tabindex="-1" id="form4"> |
| <fieldset id="fieldset4"> |
| <legend id="legend4" tabindex="3">legend4</legend> |
| </fieldset> |
| <select id="select4" tabindex="-1"> |
| <optgroup label="group1" id="optgroup4"> |
| <option tabindex="2" id="option4a">option1</option> |
| <option>option2</option> |
| </optgroup> |
| <optgroup label="group2"> |
| <option>option3</option> |
| <option tabindex="0" id="option4b">option4</option> |
| </optgroup> |
| </select><br> |
| <textarea id="textarea4" tabindex="-1">textarea1</textarea><br> |
| <input type="text" id="text4" value="text"><br> |
| <input type="checkbox" id="checkbox4" tabindex="-1"><br> |
| <input type="radio" id="radioChoice4a" name="radio4" tabindex="-1"><br> |
| <label id="label4" tabindex="0"><input type="radio" name="radio4">label for radio button</label><br> |
| |
| <input type="file" id="file4" tabindex="1"><br> |
| input type="hidden"<input type="hidden" id="hidden4" tabindex="0"><br> |
| input type="image"<input type="image" id="inputImage4" src="abe.png" tabindex="-1"><br> |
| <button id="button4" tabindex="1">button</button><br> |
| <input type="button" id="inputButton4" value="inputButton" tabindex="0"><br> |
| <input type="search" id="search4" placeholder="search" tabindex="-1"><br> |
| <input type="password" id="password4" tabindex="0"><br> |
| <input type="range" id="range4" tabindex="-1"><br> |
| <input type="submit" id="submit4" tabindex="1"> |
| <input type="reset" id="reset4" tabindex="0"><br> |
| </form> |
| </div> |
| |
| </body> |