| Tests to ensure that accesskey works in iframes and other iframes don't effect current accesskey maps. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| Accesskeys should work in an iframe. "iframe1" has both "inputG" and "inputH" (accesskey="c") elements. |
| PASS iframe1.contentDocument.getElementById("inputG").focus(); pressAccessKey("c"); targetsOfFocusEvents is ["inputG", "inputH"] |
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| "inputC" element has an accessKey of "a" and other iframes also have elements with accesskey of "a". An acccesskey should not be overridden by other iframes, so "inputC" should be selected. |
| PASS document.getElementById("inputB").focus(); pressAccessKey("a"); targetsOfFocusEvents; is ["inputB", "inputC"] |
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| A child iframe, iframe1, has an element with accesskey of "d", which should be ignored. |
| PASS document.getElementById("inputB").focus(); pressAccessKey("d"); targetsOfFocusEvents is ["inputB"] |
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| An accesskey defined in an ancestor iframe should be ignored. "inputD" has accesskey of "b", which should not be selected from descendant iframes, iframe1 and iframe2. |
| PASS iframe1.contentDocument.getElementById("inputG").focus(); pressAccessKey("b"); targetsOfFocusEvents is ["inputG"] |
| PASS iframe2.contentDocument.getElementById("inputK").focus(); pressAccessKey("b"); targetsOfFocusEvents is ["inputK"] |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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