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<title>Request clone</title>
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function testResponseOpacity(response, test, testName)
assert_equals(response.type, "opaque", testName + " type");
assert_equals(response.status, 0, testName + " status");
assert_equals(response.statusText, "", testName + " statusText");
assert_false(response.redirected, testName + " redirected");
assert_true(response.headers.values().next().done, testName + " headers");
assert_equals(response.body, null, testName + " opaque response body should be null");
promise_test(async function(test) {
var request = new Request(get_host_info().HTTP_REMOTE_ORIGIN, { mode: "no-cors" });
var response = await fetch(request);
testResponseOpacity(response, test, "fetched response");
var clone = response.clone();
testResponseOpacity(clone, test, "cloned response");
var buffer = await clone.arrayBuffer();
assert_equals(buffer.byteLength, 0, "cloned opaque response buffer should be null");
// WK1 does not support Cache API yet.
if (!self.caches)
var cache = await"test");
await cache.put(request, response);
var cached = await cache.match(request.url);
testResponseOpacity(cached, test, "cached response")
buffer = await cached.arrayBuffer();
assert_equals(buffer.byteLength, 0, "cached opaque response buffer should be null");
await self.caches.delete("test");
}, "Check opaque response can be cloned and cached correctly");