| Tests for moving focus by pressing tab key across shadow boundaries. |
| To manually test, press tab key sixteen times then shift+tab sixteen times. |
| It should traverse focusable elements in the increasing numerical order and then in the reverse order. |
| |
| 1. First sequentially focusable element |
| 2. The focusable element in shadow tree with the higehst tabindex |
| 3. The focusable element in shadow tree with the lowest tabindex |
| 4. Slotted content with tabindex=4 |
| 5. Slotted content with tabindex=0 |
| 6. The focusable element in shadow tree with the higehst tabindex |
| 7. Focusable slot 1 |
| 8. Content in slot 1 with tabindex=7 |
| 9. Content in slot 1 with tabindex=0 |
| 10. Content in slot 2 with tabindex=1 |
| 11. Content in slot 2 with tabindex=1 |
| 12. Content in slot 2 with tabindex=0 |
| 13. Non-focusable slot fallback with tabindex=1 |
| 14. Focusable slot element. |
| 15. Shadow content with tabindex=2 |
| 16. Non-focusable slot fallback with tabindex=0 |
| 17. Focusable slot fallback content with tabindex=0 |
| 16. Non-focusable slot fallback with tabindex=0 |
| 15. Shadow content with tabindex=2 |
| 14. Focusable slot element. |
| 13. Non-focusable slot fallback with tabindex=1 |
| 12. Content in slot 2 with tabindex=0 |
| 11. Content in slot 2 with tabindex=1 |
| 10. Content in slot 2 with tabindex=1 |
| 9. Content in slot 1 with tabindex=0 |
| 8. Content in slot 1 with tabindex=7 |
| 7. Focusable slot 1 |
| 6. The focusable element in shadow tree with the higehst tabindex |
| 5. Slotted content with tabindex=0 |
| 4. Slotted content with tabindex=4 |
| 3. The focusable element in shadow tree with the lowest tabindex |
| 2. The focusable element in shadow tree with the higehst tabindex |
| 1. First sequentially focusable element |
| |