blob: 11524d75e18b9bf148e7aab508471a2db0e87ce3 [file] [log] [blame]
Test the "scrollWidth" properties on the body element in quirks mode.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Initial values
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is document.documentElement.scrollWidth
Now we create a body element, it should not have a scrollWidth since it is not the first body element of the document.
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is document.documentElement.scrollWidth
PASS floatingBody.scrollWidth is 0
We add a new body element after the first body element, this should have no impact on the state.
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is document.documentElement.scrollWidth
PASS secondSiblingBody.scrollWidth is secondSiblingBody.clientWidth
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is not secondSiblingBody.scrollWidth
We add a new body element inside the first body element, this should have no impact on the state.
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is document.documentElement.scrollWidth
PASS bodyChildOfMainBody.scrollWidth is bodyChildOfMainBody.clientWidth
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is not bodyChildOfMainBody.scrollWidth
Getting the scrollWidth should not require a renderer.
PASS = 'none' is 'none'
PASS document.body.scrollWidth is document.documentElement.scrollWidth
PASS successfullyParsed is true