| Click Click |
| Click |
| |
| Click |
| This tests accessibility-specific events. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| onaccessibleclick support |
| PASS receivedDOMLevel1Event is true |
| PASS receivedAXEvent is true |
| PASS receivedFallbackEvent is true |
| |
| Test preventDefault |
| PASS receivedAXEvent is true |
| PASS receivedFallbackEvent is false |
| |
| Test event bubbling |
| PASS receivedAXEvent is true |
| |
| Test event capturing and bubbling |
| AX capture UL |
| AX capture LI |
| AX main event listener BUTTON |
| AX bubble LI |
| AX bubble UL |
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