blob: b0e45478579e3536781612a68c88d277442371f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// DeferGlobalInitializers is an AST traverser that moves global initializers into a separate
// function that is called in the beginning of main(). This enables initialization of globals with
// uniforms or non-constant globals, as allowed by the WebGL spec. Some initializers referencing
// non-constants may need to be unfolded into if statements in HLSL - this kind of steps should be
// done after DeferGlobalInitializers is run. Note that it's important that the function definition
// is at the end of the shader, as some globals may be declared after main().
// It can also initialize all uninitialized globals.
namespace sh
class TIntermBlock;
class TSymbolTable;
void DeferGlobalInitializers(TIntermBlock *root,
bool initializeUninitializedGlobals,
bool canUseLoopsToInitialize,
bool highPrecisionSupported,
TSymbolTable *symbolTable);
} // namespace sh