blob: ff14b0a73e60561aaf427489a398f2c10cbdd0e9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Code generation for the built-in symbol tables.
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import date
import argparse
import hashlib
import json
import re
import os
import sys
template_immutablestringtest_cpp = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {function_data_source_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ImmutableString_test_autogen.cpp:
// Tests for matching script-generated hashes with runtime computed hashes.
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableString.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace sh
TEST(ImmutableStringTest, ScriptGeneratedHashesMatch)
}} // namespace sh
# The header file has a "get" function for each variable. They are used in traversers.
# It also declares id values of built-ins with human readable names, so they can be used to identify built-ins.
template_builtin_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {variable_data_source_name} and
// {function_data_source_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// BuiltIn_autogen.h:
// Compile-time initialized built-ins.
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolUniqueId.h"
namespace sh
class TVariable;
class BuiltInId
}}; // class BuiltInId
namespace BuiltInVariable
}} // namespace BuiltInVariable
}} // namespace sh
template_symboltable_h = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {variable_data_source_name} and
// {function_data_source_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SymbolTable_autogen.h:
// Autogenerated member variables of TSymbolTable.
namespace sh
class TSymbolTableBase
TSymbolTableBase() = default;
}} // namespace sh
# By having the variables defined in a cpp file we ensure that there's just one instance of each of the declared variables.
template_symboltable_cpp = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {variable_data_source_name} and
// {function_data_source_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// SymbolTable_autogen.cpp:
// Compile-time initialized built-ins.
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "compiler/translator/tree_util/BuiltIn_autogen.h"
#include "compiler/translator/ImmutableString.h"
#include "compiler/translator/StaticType.h"
#include "compiler/translator/Symbol.h"
#include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h"
namespace sh
// Since some of the BuiltInId declarations are used outside of constexpr expressions, we need to
// have these definitions without an initializer. C++17 should eventually remove the need for this.
const int TSymbolTable::kLastBuiltInId = {last_builtin_id};
namespace BuiltInName
constexpr const ImmutableString _empty("");
}} // namespace BuiltInName
// TODO(oetuaho): Would be nice to make this a class instead of a namespace so that we could friend
// this from TVariable. Now symbol constructors taking an id have to be public even though they're
// not supposed to be accessible from outside of here.
namespace BuiltInVariable
}} // namespace BuiltInVariable
namespace BuiltInParameters
}} // namespace BuiltInParameters
namespace UnmangledBuiltIns
}} // namespace UnmangledBuiltIns
// TODO(oetuaho): Would be nice to make this a class instead of a namespace so that we could friend
// this from TFunction. Now symbol constructors taking an id have to be public even though they're
// not supposed to be accessible from outside of here.
namespace BuiltInFunction
}} // namespace BuiltInFunction
void TSymbolTable::initializeBuiltInVariables(sh::GLenum shaderType,
ShShaderSpec spec,
const ShBuiltInResources &resources)
const TSourceLoc zeroSourceLoc = {{0, 0, 0, 0}};
const TSymbol *TSymbolTable::findBuiltIn(const ImmutableString &name,
int shaderVersion) const
if (name.length() > {max_mangled_name_length})
return nullptr;
uint32_t nameHash = name.mangledNameHash();
if ((nameHash >> 31) != 0)
// The name contains [ or {{.
return nullptr;
const UnmangledBuiltIn *TSymbolTable::getUnmangledBuiltInForShaderVersion(const ImmutableString &name, int shaderVersion)
if (name.length() > {max_unmangled_name_length})
return nullptr;
uint32_t nameHash = name.mangledNameHash();
}} // namespace sh
template_parsecontext_header = """// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT.
// Generated by {script_name} using data from {variable_data_source_name} and
// {function_data_source_name}.
// Copyright {copyright_year} The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ParseContext_autogen.h:
// Helpers for built-in related checks.
namespace sh
namespace BuiltInGroup
}} // namespace BuiltInGroup
}} // namespace sh
parsed_variables = None
basic_types_enumeration = [
id_counter = 0
def set_working_dir():
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
def get_basic_mangled_name(basic):
index = basic_types_enumeration.index(basic)
if index < 26:
return chr(ord('A') + index)
return chr(ord('a') + index - 26)
def get_shader_version_condition_for_level(level):
if level == 'ESSL3_1_BUILTINS':
return 'shaderVersion >= 310'
elif level == 'ESSL3_BUILTINS':
return 'shaderVersion >= 300'
elif level == 'ESSL1_BUILTINS':
return 'shaderVersion == 100'
elif level == 'COMMON_BUILTINS':
return ''
raise Exception('Unsupported symbol table level')
class GroupedList:
""""Class for storing a list of objects grouped by symbol table level and condition."""
def __init__(self):
self.objs = OrderedDict()
self.max_name_length = 0
# We need to add all the levels here instead of lazily since they must be in a specific order.
for l in levels:
self.objs[l] = OrderedDict()
def add_obj(self, level, condition, name, obj):
if (level not in levels):
raise Exception('Unexpected level: ' + str(level))
if condition not in self.objs[level]:
self.objs[level][condition] = OrderedDict()
self.objs[level][condition][name] = obj
if len(name) > self.max_name_length:
self.max_name_length = len(name)
def has_key(self, level, condition, name):
if (level not in levels):
raise Exception('Unexpected level: ' + str(level))
if condition not in self.objs[level]:
return False
return (name in self.objs[level][condition])
def get(self, level, condition, name):
if self.has_key(level, condition, name):
return self.objs[level][condition][name]
return None
def get_max_name_length(self):
return self.max_name_length
def get_switch_code(self, script_generated_hash_tests):
code = []
for level in levels:
if len(self.objs[level]) == 0:
level_condition = get_shader_version_condition_for_level(level)
if level_condition != '':
code.append('if ({condition})\n {{'.format(condition = level_condition))
for condition, objs in self.objs[level].iteritems():
if len(objs) > 0:
if condition != 'NO_CONDITION':
condition_header = ' if ({condition})\n {{'.format(condition = condition)
code.append(condition_header.replace('shaderType', 'mShaderType'))
switch = {}
for name, obj in objs.iteritems():
name_hash = mangledNameHash(name, script_generated_hash_tests)
if name_hash not in switch:
switch[name_hash] = []
code.append('switch(nameHash) {')
for name_hash, obj in sorted(switch.iteritems()):
code.append('case 0x' + ('%08x' % name_hash) + 'u:\n{')
code += obj
if condition != 'NO_CONDITION':
if level_condition != '':
code.append('return nullptr;')
return '\n'.join(code)
class TType:
def __init__(self, glsl_header_type):
if isinstance(glsl_header_type, basestring): = self.parse_type(glsl_header_type)
else: = glsl_header_type
def normalize(self):
# Note that this will set primarySize and secondarySize also on genTypes. In that case they
# are overridden when the specific types are generated.
if 'primarySize' not in
if ('secondarySize' in
raise Exception('Unexpected secondarySize on type that does not have primarySize set')['primarySize'] = 1
if 'secondarySize' not in['secondarySize'] = 1
if 'precision' not in['precision'] = 'Undefined'
if 'qualifier' not in['qualifier'] = 'Global'
def get_statictype_string(self):
template_type = 'StaticType::Get<Ebt{basic}, Ebp{precision}, Evq{qualifier}, {primarySize}, {secondarySize}>()'
return template_type.format(**
def get_dynamic_type_string(self):
template_type = 'new TType(Ebt{basic}, Ebp{precision}, Evq{qualifier}, {primarySize}, {secondarySize})'
return template_type.format(**
def get_mangled_name(self):
mangled_name = ''
size_key = (['secondarySize'] - 1) * 4 +['primarySize'] - 1
if size_key < 10:
mangled_name += chr(ord('0') + size_key)
mangled_name += chr(ord('A') + size_key - 10)
mangled_name += get_basic_mangled_name(['basic'])
return mangled_name
def get_human_readable_name(self):
name =['basic']
name += str(['primarySize'])
if['secondarySize'] > 1:
name += 'x' + str(['secondarySize'])
return name
def is_vector(self):
return['primarySize'] > 1 and['secondarySize'] == 1
def is_matrix(self):
return['secondarySize'] > 1
def get_object_size(self):
return['primarySize'] *['secondarySize']
def specific_sampler_or_image_type(self, basic_type_prefix):
if 'genType' in
type = {}
if 'basic' not in
type['basic'] = {'': 'Float', 'I': 'Int', 'U': 'UInt'}[basic_type_prefix]
type['primarySize'] =['primarySize']
type['basic'] = basic_type_prefix +['basic']
type['primarySize'] = 1
type['precision'] = 'Undefined'
return TType(type)
return self
def specific_type(self, vec_size):
type = {}
if 'genType' in
type['basic'] =['basic']
type['precision'] =['precision']
type['qualifier'] =['qualifier']
type['primarySize'] = vec_size
type['secondarySize'] = 1
return TType(type)
return self
def parse_type(self, glsl_header_type):
if glsl_header_type.startswith('out '):
type_obj = self.parse_type(glsl_header_type[4:])
type_obj['qualifier'] = 'Out'
return type_obj
if glsl_header_type.startswith('inout '):
type_obj = self.parse_type(glsl_header_type[6:])
type_obj['qualifier'] = 'InOut'
return type_obj
basic_type_map = {
'float': 'Float',
'int': 'Int',
'uint': 'UInt',
'bool': 'Bool',
'void': 'Void',
'atomic_uint': 'AtomicCounter',
'yuvCscStandardEXT': 'YuvCscStandardEXT'
if glsl_header_type in basic_type_map:
return {'basic': basic_type_map[glsl_header_type]}
type_obj = {}
basic_type_prefix_map = {'': 'Float', 'i': 'Int', 'u': 'UInt', 'b': 'Bool', 'v': 'Void'}
vec_re = re.compile(r'^([iub]?)vec([234]?)$')
vec_match = vec_re.match(glsl_header_type)
if vec_match:
type_obj['basic'] = basic_type_prefix_map[]
if == '':
# Type like "ivec" that represents either ivec2, ivec3 or ivec4
type_obj['genType'] = 'vec'
# vec with specific size
type_obj['primarySize'] = int(
return type_obj
mat_re = re.compile(r'^mat([234])(x([234]))?$')
mat_match = mat_re.match(glsl_header_type)
if mat_match:
type_obj['basic'] = 'Float'
if len(glsl_header_type) == 4:
mat_size = int(
type_obj['primarySize'] = mat_size
type_obj['secondarySize'] = mat_size
type_obj['primarySize'] = int(
type_obj['secondarySize'] = int(
return type_obj
gen_re = re.compile(r'^gen([IUB]?)Type$')
gen_match = gen_re.match(glsl_header_type)
if gen_match:
type_obj['basic'] = basic_type_prefix_map[]
type_obj['genType'] = 'yes'
return type_obj
if glsl_header_type.startswith('sampler'):
type_obj['basic'] = glsl_header_type[0].upper() + glsl_header_type[1:]
return type_obj
if glsl_header_type.startswith('gsampler') or glsl_header_type.startswith('gimage'):
type_obj['basic'] = glsl_header_type[1].upper() + glsl_header_type[2:]
type_obj['genType'] = 'sampler_or_image'
return type_obj
if glsl_header_type == 'gvec4':
return {'primarySize': 4, 'genType': 'sampler_or_image'}
if glsl_header_type == 'gvec3':
return {'primarySize': 3, 'genType': 'sampler_or_image'}
raise Exception('Unrecognized type: ' + str(glsl_header_type))
def get_parsed_functions(functions_txt_filename):
def parse_function_parameters(parameters):
if parameters == '':
return []
parametersOut = []
parameters = parameters.split(', ')
for parameter in parameters:
return parametersOut
lines = []
with open(functions_txt_filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
lines = [line.strip() for line in lines if line.strip() != '' and not line.strip().startswith('//')]
fun_re = re.compile(r'^(\w+) (\w+)\((.*)\);$')
parsed_functions = OrderedDict()
group_stack = []
default_metadata = {}
for line in lines:
fun_match = fun_re.match(line)
if line.startswith('GROUP BEGIN '):
group_rest = line[12:].strip()
group_parts = group_rest.split(' ', 1)
current_group = {
'functions': [],
'name': group_parts[0],
'subgroups': {}
if len(group_parts) > 1:
group_metadata = json.loads(group_parts[1])
elif line.startswith('GROUP END '):
group_end_name = line[10:].strip()
current_group = group_stack[-1]
if current_group['name'] != group_end_name:
raise Exception('GROUP END: Unexpected function group name "' + group_end_name + '" was expecting "' + current_group['name'] + '"')
is_top_level_group = (len(group_stack) == 0)
if is_top_level_group:
parsed_functions[current_group['name']] = current_group
default_metadata = {}
super_group = group_stack[-1]
super_group['subgroups'][current_group['name']] = current_group
elif line.startswith('DEFAULT METADATA'):
line_rest = line[16:].strip()
default_metadata = json.loads(line_rest)
elif fun_match:
return_type =
name =
parameters =
function_props = {
'name': name,
'returnType': TType(return_type),
'parameters': parse_function_parameters(parameters)
raise Exception('Unexpected function input line: ' + line)
return parsed_functions
fnvPrime = 16777619
def hash32(str):
fnvOffsetBasis = 0x811c9dc5
hash = fnvOffsetBasis
for c in str:
hash = hash ^ ord(c)
hash = (hash * fnvPrime) & 0xffffffff
return hash
def mangledNameHash(str, script_generated_hash_tests, save_test = True):
hash = hash32(str)
index = 0
max_six_bit_value = (1 << 6) - 1
paren_location = max_six_bit_value
has_array_or_block_param_bit = 0
for c in str:
if c == '(':
paren_location = index
elif c == '{' or c == '[':
has_array_or_block_param_bit = 1
index += 1
hash = ((hash >> 13) ^ (hash & 0x1fff)) | (index << 19) | (paren_location << 25) | (has_array_or_block_param_bit << 31)
if save_test:
sanity_check = ' ASSERT_EQ(0x{hash}u, ImmutableString("{str}").mangledNameHash());'.format(hash = ('%08x' % hash), str = str)
script_generated_hash_tests.update({sanity_check: None})
return hash
def get_suffix(props):
if 'suffix' in props:
return props['suffix']
return ''
def get_extension(props):
if 'extension' in props:
return props['extension']
return 'UNDEFINED'
def get_op(name, function_props):
if 'op' not in function_props:
raise Exception('function op not defined')
if function_props['op'] == 'auto':
return name[0].upper() + name[1:]
return function_props['op']
def get_known_to_not_have_side_effects(function_props):
if 'op' in function_props and function_props['op'] != 'CallBuiltInFunction':
if 'hasSideEffects' in function_props:
return 'false'
for param in get_parameters(function_props):
if 'qualifier' in and (['qualifier'] == 'Out' or['qualifier'] == 'InOut'):
return 'false'
return 'true'
return 'false'
def get_parameters(function_props):
if 'parameters' in function_props:
return function_props['parameters']
return []
def get_function_mangled_name(function_name, parameters):
mangled_name = function_name + '('
for param in parameters:
mangled_name += param.get_mangled_name()
return mangled_name
def get_function_human_readable_name(function_name, parameters):
name = function_name
for param in parameters:
name += '_' + param.get_human_readable_name()
return name
def gen_parameters_variant_ids(str_len, ttype_mangled_name_variants):
# Note that this doesn't generate variants with array parameters or struct / interface block parameters. They are assumed to have been filtered out separately.
if str_len % 2 != 0:
raise Exception('Expecting parameters mangled name length to be divisible by two')
num_variants = pow(len(ttype_mangled_name_variants), str_len / 2)
return xrange(num_variants)
def get_parameters_mangled_name_variant(variant_id, paren_location, total_length, ttype_mangled_name_variants):
str_len = total_length - paren_location - 1
if str_len % 2 != 0:
raise Exception('Expecting parameters mangled name length to be divisible by two')
variant = ''
while (len(variant)) < str_len:
parameter_index = len(variant) / 2
parameter_variant_index = variant_id
for i in xrange(parameter_index):
parameter_variant_index = parameter_variant_index / len(ttype_mangled_name_variants)
parameter_variant_index = parameter_variant_index % len(ttype_mangled_name_variants)
variant += ttype_mangled_name_variants[parameter_variant_index]
return variant
# Calculate the mangled name hash of a common prefix string that's been pre-hashed with hash32()
# plus a variant of the parameters. This is faster than constructing the whole string and then
# calculating the hash for that.
def get_mangled_name_variant_hash(prefix_hash32, variant_id, paren_location, total_length,
num_type_variants, ttype_mangled_name_variants):
hash = prefix_hash32
parameter_count = (total_length - paren_location) >> 1
parameter_variant_id_base = variant_id
for parameter_index in xrange(parameter_count):
parameter_variant_index = parameter_variant_id_base % num_type_variants
param_str = ttype_mangled_name_variants[parameter_variant_index]
hash = hash ^ ord(param_str[0])
hash = (hash * fnvPrime) & 0xffffffff
hash = hash ^ ord(param_str[1])
hash = (hash * fnvPrime) & 0xffffffff
parameter_variant_id_base = parameter_variant_id_base / num_type_variants
return ((hash >> 13) ^ (hash & 0x1fff)) | (total_length << 19) | (paren_location << 25)
def mangled_name_hash_can_collide_with_different_parameters(function_variant_props, num_type_variants,
ttype_mangled_name_variants, script_generated_hash_tests):
# We exhaustively search through all possible lists of parameters and see if any other mangled
# name has the same hash.
mangled_name = function_variant_props['mangled_name']
mangled_name_len = len(mangled_name)
hash = mangledNameHash(mangled_name, script_generated_hash_tests)
mangled_name_prefix = function_variant_props['name'] + '('
paren_location = len(mangled_name_prefix) - 1
prefix_hash32 = hash32(mangled_name_prefix)
parameters_mangled_name_len = len(mangled_name) - len(mangled_name_prefix)
parameters_mangled_name = mangled_name[len(mangled_name_prefix):]
if (parameters_mangled_name_len > 6):
# This increases the complexity of searching for hash collisions considerably, so rather than doing it we just conservatively assume that a hash collision may be possible.
return True
for variant_id in gen_parameters_variant_ids(parameters_mangled_name_len, ttype_mangled_name_variants):
variant_hash = get_mangled_name_variant_hash(prefix_hash32, variant_id, paren_location, mangled_name_len,
num_type_variants, ttype_mangled_name_variants)
manged_name_variant = get_parameters_mangled_name_variant(variant_id, paren_location, mangled_name_len,
if variant_hash == hash and manged_name_variant != parameters_mangled_name:
return True
return False
def get_unique_identifier_name(function_name, parameters):
unique_name = function_name + '_'
for param in parameters:
unique_name += param.get_mangled_name()
return unique_name
def get_variable_name_to_store_parameter(param):
unique_name = 'pt'
if 'qualifier' in
if['qualifier'] == 'Out':
unique_name += '_o_'
if['qualifier'] == 'InOut':
unique_name += '_io_'
unique_name += param.get_mangled_name()
return unique_name
def get_variable_name_to_store_parameters(parameters):
if len(parameters) == 0:
return 'empty'
unique_name = 'p'
for param in parameters:
if 'qualifier' in
if['qualifier'] == 'Out':
unique_name += '_o_'
if['qualifier'] == 'InOut':
unique_name += '_io_'
unique_name += param.get_mangled_name()
return unique_name
def define_constexpr_variable(template_args, variable_declarations):
template_variable_declaration = 'constexpr const TVariable kVar_{name_with_suffix}(BuiltInId::{name_with_suffix}, BuiltInName::{name}, SymbolType::BuiltIn, TExtension::{extension}, {type});'
def gen_function_variants(function_name, function_props):
function_variants = []
parameters = get_parameters(function_props)
function_is_gen_type = False
gen_type = set()
for param in parameters:
if 'genType' in
if['genType'] not in ['sampler_or_image', 'vec', 'yes']:
raise Exception('Unexpected value of genType "' + str(['genType']) + '" should be "sampler_or_image", "vec", or "yes"')
if len(gen_type) > 1:
raise Exception('Unexpected multiple values of genType set on the same function: ' + str(list(gen_type)))
if len(gen_type) == 0:
return function_variants
# If we have a gsampler_or_image then we're generating variants for float, int and uint
# samplers.
if 'sampler_or_image' in gen_type:
types = ['', 'I', 'U']
for type in types:
variant_props = function_props.copy()
variant_parameters = []
for param in parameters:
variant_props['parameters'] = variant_parameters
variant_props['returnType'] = function_props['returnType'].specific_sampler_or_image_type(type)
return function_variants
# If we have a normal gentype then we're generating variants for different sizes of vectors.
sizes = range(1, 5)
if 'vec' in gen_type:
sizes = range(2, 5)
for size in sizes:
variant_props = function_props.copy()
variant_parameters = []
for param in parameters:
variant_props['parameters'] = variant_parameters
variant_props['returnType'] = function_props['returnType'].specific_type(size)
return function_variants
def process_single_function_group(condition, group_name, group, num_type_variants, parameter_declarations, ttype_mangled_name_variants,
name_declarations, unmangled_function_if_statements, unmangled_builtin_declarations, defined_function_variants,
builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, defined_parameter_names, variable_declarations, function_declarations,
script_generated_hash_tests, get_builtin_if_statements):
global id_counter
if 'functions' not in group:
for function_props in group['functions']:
function_name = function_props['name']
level = function_props['level']
extension = get_extension(function_props)
template_args = {
'name': function_name,
'name_with_suffix': function_name + get_suffix(function_props),
'level': level,
'extension': extension,
'op': get_op(function_name, function_props),
'known_to_not_have_side_effects': get_known_to_not_have_side_effects(function_props)
function_variants = gen_function_variants(function_name, function_props)
template_name_declaration = 'constexpr const ImmutableString {name_with_suffix}("{name}");'
name_declaration = template_name_declaration.format(**template_args)
if not name_declaration in name_declarations:
template_unmangled_if = """if (name == BuiltInName::{name_with_suffix})
return &UnmangledBuiltIns::{extension};
unmangled_if = template_unmangled_if.format(**template_args)
unmangled_builtin_no_condition = unmangled_function_if_statements.get(level, 'NO_CONDITION', function_name)
if unmangled_builtin_no_condition != None and unmangled_builtin_no_condition['extension'] == 'UNDEFINED':
# We already have this unmangled name without a condition nor extension on the same level. No need to add a duplicate with a condition.
elif (not unmangled_function_if_statements.has_key(level, condition, function_name)) or extension == 'UNDEFINED':
# We don't have this unmangled builtin recorded yet or we might replace an unmangled builtin from an extension with one from core.
unmangled_function_if_statements.add_obj(level, condition, function_name, {'hash_matched_code': unmangled_if, 'extension': extension})
unmangled_builtin_declarations.add('constexpr const UnmangledBuiltIn {extension}(TExtension::{extension});'.format(**template_args))
for function_props in function_variants:
template_args['id'] = id_counter
parameters = get_parameters(function_props)
template_args['unique_name'] = get_unique_identifier_name(template_args['name_with_suffix'], parameters)
if template_args['unique_name'] in defined_function_variants:
template_args['param_count'] = len(parameters)
template_args['return_type'] = function_props['returnType'].get_statictype_string()
template_args['mangled_name'] = get_function_mangled_name(function_name, parameters)
template_args['human_readable_name'] = get_function_human_readable_name(template_args['name_with_suffix'], parameters)
template_args['mangled_name_length'] = len(template_args['mangled_name'])
template_builtin_id_declaration = ' static constexpr const TSymbolUniqueId {human_readable_name} = TSymbolUniqueId({id});'
template_builtin_id_definition = 'constexpr const TSymbolUniqueId BuiltInId::{human_readable_name};'
parameters_list = []
for param in parameters:
unique_param_name = get_variable_name_to_store_parameter(param)
param_template_args = {
'name': '_empty',
'name_with_suffix': unique_param_name,
'type': param.get_statictype_string(),
'extension': 'UNDEFINED'
if unique_param_name not in defined_parameter_names:
id_counter += 1
param_template_args['id'] = id_counter
template_builtin_id_declaration = ' static constexpr const TSymbolUniqueId {name_with_suffix} = TSymbolUniqueId({id});'
define_constexpr_variable(param_template_args, variable_declarations)
template_args['parameters_var_name'] = get_variable_name_to_store_parameters(parameters)
if len(parameters) > 0:
template_args['parameters_list'] = ', '.join(parameters_list)
template_parameter_list_declaration = 'constexpr const TVariable *{parameters_var_name}[{param_count}] = {{ {parameters_list} }};'
parameter_declarations[template_args['parameters_var_name']] = template_parameter_list_declaration.format(**template_args)
template_parameter_list_declaration = 'constexpr const TVariable **{parameters_var_name} = nullptr;'
parameter_declarations[template_args['parameters_var_name']] = template_parameter_list_declaration.format(**template_args)
template_function_declaration = 'constexpr const TFunction kFunction_{unique_name}(BuiltInId::{human_readable_name}, BuiltInName::{name_with_suffix}, TExtension::{extension}, BuiltInParameters::{parameters_var_name}, {param_count}, {return_type}, EOp{op}, {known_to_not_have_side_effects});'
# If we can make sure that there's no other mangled name with the same length, function
# name and hash, then we can only check the mangled name length and the function name
# instead of checking the whole mangled name.
template_mangled_if = ''
if mangled_name_hash_can_collide_with_different_parameters(template_args, num_type_variants,
ttype_mangled_name_variants, script_generated_hash_tests):
template_mangled_name_declaration = 'constexpr const ImmutableString {unique_name}("{mangled_name}");'
template_mangled_if = """if (name == BuiltInName::{unique_name})
return &BuiltInFunction::kFunction_{unique_name};
template_mangled_if = """if (name.beginsWith(BuiltInName::{name_with_suffix}))
ASSERT(name.length() == {mangled_name_length});
return &BuiltInFunction::kFunction_{unique_name};
mangled_if = template_mangled_if.format(**template_args)
get_builtin_if_statements.add_obj(level, condition, template_args['mangled_name'], {'hash_matched_code': mangled_if})
id_counter += 1
def process_function_group(group_name, group, num_type_variants, parameter_declarations, ttype_mangled_name_variants,
name_declarations, unmangled_function_if_statements, unmangled_builtin_declarations,
defined_function_variants, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, defined_parameter_names,
variable_declarations, function_declarations, script_generated_hash_tests, get_builtin_if_statements,
global id_counter
first_id = id_counter
condition = 'NO_CONDITION'
if 'condition' in group:
condition = group['condition']
process_single_function_group(condition, group_name, group, num_type_variants, parameter_declarations,
ttype_mangled_name_variants, name_declarations, unmangled_function_if_statements, unmangled_builtin_declarations,
defined_function_variants, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, defined_parameter_names,
variable_declarations, function_declarations, script_generated_hash_tests, get_builtin_if_statements)
if 'subgroups' in group:
for subgroup_name, subgroup in group['subgroups'].iteritems():
process_function_group(group_name + subgroup_name, subgroup, num_type_variants, parameter_declarations,
ttype_mangled_name_variants, name_declarations, unmangled_function_if_statements,
unmangled_builtin_declarations, defined_function_variants, builtin_id_declarations,
builtin_id_definitions, defined_parameter_names, variable_declarations, function_declarations,
script_generated_hash_tests, get_builtin_if_statements, is_in_group_definitions)
if 'queryFunction' in group:
template_args = {
'first_id': first_id,
'last_id': id_counter - 1,
'group_name': group_name
template_is_in_group_definition = """bool is{group_name}(const TFunction *func)
int id = func->uniqueId().get();
return id >= {first_id} && id <= {last_id};
def prune_parameters_arrays(parameter_declarations, function_declarations):
# We can share parameters arrays between functions in case one array is a subarray of another.
parameter_variable_name_replacements = {}
used_param_variable_names = set()
for param_variable_name, param_declaration in sorted(parameter_declarations.iteritems(), key=lambda item: -len(item[0])):
replaced = False
for used in used_param_variable_names:
if used.startswith(param_variable_name):
parameter_variable_name_replacements[param_variable_name] = used
replaced = True
if not replaced:
for i in xrange(len(function_declarations)):
for replaced, replacement in parameter_variable_name_replacements.iteritems():
function_declarations[i] = function_declarations[i].replace('BuiltInParameters::' + replaced + ',', 'BuiltInParameters::' + replacement + ',')
return [value for key, value in parameter_declarations.iteritems() if key in used_param_variable_names]
def process_single_variable_group(condition, group_name, group, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, name_declarations,
init_member_variables, get_variable_declarations, get_builtin_if_statements, declare_member_variables, variable_declarations,
get_variable_definitions, variable_name_count):
global id_counter
if 'variables' not in group:
for variable_name, props in group['variables'].iteritems():
level = props['level']
template_args = {
'id': id_counter,
'name': variable_name,
'name_with_suffix': variable_name + get_suffix(props),
'level': props['level'],
'extension': get_extension(props),
'class': 'TVariable'
template_builtin_id_declaration = ' static constexpr const TSymbolUniqueId {name_with_suffix} = TSymbolUniqueId({id});'
template_builtin_id_definition = 'constexpr const TSymbolUniqueId BuiltInId::{name_with_suffix};'
template_name_declaration = 'constexpr const ImmutableString {name}("{name}");'
is_member = True
template_init_variable = ''
if 'type' in props:
if props['type']['basic'] != 'Bool' and 'precision' not in props['type']:
raise Exception('Missing precision for variable ' + variable_name)
template_args['type'] = TType(props['type']).get_statictype_string()
if 'fields' in props:
# Handle struct and interface block definitions.
template_args['class'] = props['class']
template_args['fields'] = 'fields_{name_with_suffix}'.format(**template_args)
init_member_variables.append(' TFieldList *{fields} = new TFieldList();'.format(**template_args))
for field_name, field_type in props['fields'].iteritems():
template_args['field_name'] = field_name
template_args['field_type'] = TType(field_type).get_dynamic_type_string()
template_name_declaration = 'constexpr const ImmutableString {field_name}("{field_name}");'
template_add_field = ' {fields}->push_back(new TField({field_type}, BuiltInName::{field_name}, zeroSourceLoc, SymbolType::BuiltIn));'
template_init_temp_variable = ' {class} *{name_with_suffix} = new {class}(BuiltInId::{name_with_suffix}, BuiltInName::{name}, TExtension::{extension}, {fields});'
if 'private' in props and props['private']:
is_member = False
template_init_variable = ' mVar_{name_with_suffix} = {name_with_suffix};'
elif 'initDynamicType' in props:
# Handle variables whose type can't be expressed as TStaticType
# (type is a struct or has variable array size for example).
template_args['type_name'] = 'type_{name_with_suffix}'.format(**template_args)
template_args['type'] = template_args['type_name']
template_args['initDynamicType'] = props['initDynamicType'].format(**template_args)
template_init_variable = """ {initDynamicType}
mVar_{name_with_suffix} = new TVariable(BuiltInId::{name_with_suffix}, BuiltInName::{name}, SymbolType::BuiltIn, TExtension::{extension}, {type});"""
elif 'value' in props:
# Handle variables with constant value, such as gl_MaxDrawBuffers.
if props['value'] != 'resources':
raise Exception('Unrecognized value source in variable properties: ' + str(props['value']))
resources_key = variable_name[3:]
if 'valueKey' in props:
resources_key = props['valueKey']
template_args['value'] = 'resources.' + resources_key
template_args['object_size'] = TType(props['type']).get_object_size()
template_init_variable = """ mVar_{name_with_suffix} = new TVariable(BuiltInId::{name_with_suffix}, BuiltInName::{name}, SymbolType::BuiltIn, TExtension::{extension}, {type});
TConstantUnion *unionArray = new TConstantUnion[{object_size}];
if template_args['object_size'] > 1:
template_init_variable = """ mVar_{name_with_suffix} = new TVariable(BuiltInId::{name_with_suffix}, BuiltInName::{name}, SymbolType::BuiltIn, TExtension::{extension}, {type});
TConstantUnion *unionArray = new TConstantUnion[{object_size}];
for (size_t index = 0u; index < {object_size}; ++index)
# Handle variables that can be stored as constexpr TVariable like
# gl_Position, gl_FragColor etc.
define_constexpr_variable(template_args, variable_declarations)
is_member = False
template_get_variable_declaration = 'const TVariable *{name_with_suffix}();'
template_get_variable_definition = """const TVariable *{name_with_suffix}()
return &kVar_{name_with_suffix};
if level != 'GLSL_BUILTINS':
template_name_if = """if (name == BuiltInName::{name})
return &BuiltInVariable::kVar_{name_with_suffix};
name_if = template_name_if.format(**template_args)
get_builtin_if_statements.add_obj(level, condition, template_args['name'], {'hash_matched_code': name_if})
if is_member:
get_condition = condition
init_conditionally = (condition != 'NO_CONDITION' and variable_name_count[variable_name] == 1)
if init_conditionally:
# Instead of having the condition if statement at lookup, it's cheaper to have it at initialization time.
init_member_variables.append(' if ({condition})\n {{'.format(condition = condition))
template_args['condition_comment'] = '\n // Only initialized if {condition}'.format(condition = condition)
get_condition = 'NO_CONDITION'
template_args['condition_comment'] = ''
if init_conditionally:
init_member_variables.append(' }')
template_declare_member_variable = '{class} *mVar_{name_with_suffix} = nullptr;'
if level != 'GLSL_BUILTINS':
template_name_if = """if (name == BuiltInName::{name})
return mVar_{name_with_suffix};
name_if = template_name_if.format(**template_args)
get_builtin_if_statements.add_obj(level, get_condition, variable_name, {'hash_matched_code': name_if})
id_counter += 1
def count_variable_names(group, variable_name_count):
if 'variables' in group:
for name in group['variables'].iterkeys():
if name not in variable_name_count:
variable_name_count[name] = 1
variable_name_count[name] += 1
if 'subgroups' in group:
for subgroup_name, subgroup in group['subgroups'].iteritems():
count_variable_names(subgroup, variable_name_count)
def process_variable_group(parent_condition, group_name, group, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, name_declarations,
init_member_variables, get_variable_declarations, get_builtin_if_statements, declare_member_variables, variable_declarations,
get_variable_definitions, variable_name_count):
global id_counter
condition = 'NO_CONDITION'
if 'condition' in group:
condition = group['condition']
if parent_condition != 'NO_CONDITION':
if condition == 'NO_CONDITION':
condition = parent_condition
condition = '({cond1}) && ({cond2})'.format(cond1 = parent_condition, cond2 = condition)
process_single_variable_group(condition, group_name, group, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, name_declarations,
init_member_variables, get_variable_declarations, get_builtin_if_statements, declare_member_variables, variable_declarations,
get_variable_definitions, variable_name_count)
if 'subgroups' in group:
for subgroup_name, subgroup in group['subgroups'].iteritems():
process_variable_group(condition, subgroup_name, subgroup, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, name_declarations,
init_member_variables, get_variable_declarations, get_builtin_if_statements, declare_member_variables, variable_declarations,
get_variable_definitions, variable_name_count)
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--dump-intermediate-json', help='Dump parsed function data as a JSON file builtin_functions.json', action="store_true")
parser.add_argument('auto_script_command', nargs='?', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
test_filename = '../../tests/compiler_tests/ImmutableString_test_autogen.cpp'
variables_json_filename = 'builtin_variables.json'
functions_txt_filename = 'builtin_function_declarations.txt'
hash_filename = 'builtin_symbols_hash_autogen.txt'
# auto_script parameters.
if args.auto_script_command != '':
inputs = [
outputs = [
if args.auto_script_command == 'inputs':
print ','.join(inputs)
elif args.auto_script_command == 'outputs':
print ','.join(outputs)
print('Invalid script parameters')
return 1
return 0
all_inputs = [os.path.abspath(__file__), variables_json_filename, functions_txt_filename]
# This script takes a while to run since it searches for hash collisions of mangled names. To avoid
# running it unnecessarily, we first check if we've already ran it with the same inputs.
m = hashlib.md5()
for input_path in all_inputs:
with open(input_path, 'rU') as input_file:
input_hash = m.hexdigest()
if os.path.exists(hash_filename):
with open(hash_filename) as hash_file:
if input_hash ==
print "Canceling ESSL static builtins code generator - generated hash matches inputs."
# Declarations of symbol unique ids
builtin_id_declarations = []
# Definitions of symbol unique ids needed for those ids used outside of constexpr expressions.
builtin_id_definitions = []
# Declarations of name string variables
name_declarations = set()
# Declarations of builtin TVariables
variable_declarations = []
# Declarations of builtin TFunctions
function_declarations = []
# Functions for querying the pointer to a specific TVariable.
get_variable_declarations = []
get_variable_definitions = []
# Code for defining TVariables stored as members of TSymbolTable.
declare_member_variables = []
init_member_variables = []
# Code for querying builtins.
get_builtin_if_statements = GroupedList()
# Declarations of UnmangledBuiltIn objects
unmangled_builtin_declarations = set()
# Code for querying builtin function unmangled names.
unmangled_function_if_statements = GroupedList()
# Code for testing that script-generated hashes match with runtime computed hashes.
script_generated_hash_tests = OrderedDict()
# Functions for testing whether a builtin belongs in group.
is_in_group_definitions = []
# Counts of variables with a certain name string:
variable_name_count = {}
# Declarations of parameter arrays for builtin TFunctions. Map from C++ variable name to the full
# declaration.
parameter_declarations = {}
ttype_mangled_name_variants = []
defined_function_variants = set()
defined_parameter_names = set()
parsed_functions = get_parsed_functions(functions_txt_filename)
if args.dump_intermediate_json:
with open('builtin_functions.json', 'w') as outfile:
def serialize_obj(obj):
if isinstance(obj, TType):
raise "Cannot serialize to JSON: " + str(obj)
json.dump(parsed_functions, outfile, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), default=serialize_obj)
with open(variables_json_filename) as f:
parsed_variables = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
for basic_type in basic_types_enumeration:
primary_sizes = [1]
secondary_sizes = [1]
if basic_type in ['Float', 'Int', 'UInt', 'Bool']:
primary_sizes = [1, 2, 3, 4]
if basic_type == 'Float':
secondary_sizes = [1, 2, 3, 4]
for primary_size in primary_sizes:
for secondary_size in secondary_sizes:
type = TType({'basic': basic_type, 'primarySize': primary_size, 'secondarySize': secondary_size})
num_type_variants = len(ttype_mangled_name_variants)
# Sanity check for get_mangled_name_variant_hash:
variant_hash = get_mangled_name_variant_hash(hash32("atan("), 3, 4, len("atan(0123"), num_type_variants,
mangled_name_hash = mangledNameHash("atan(" + get_parameters_mangled_name_variant(3, 4, len("atan(0123"),
ttype_mangled_name_variants), script_generated_hash_tests)
if variant_hash != mangled_name_hash:
raise Exception("get_mangled_name_variant_hash sanity check failed")
for group_name, group in parsed_functions.iteritems():
process_function_group(group_name, group, num_type_variants, parameter_declarations, ttype_mangled_name_variants,
name_declarations, unmangled_function_if_statements, unmangled_builtin_declarations,
defined_function_variants, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, defined_parameter_names,
variable_declarations, function_declarations, script_generated_hash_tests, get_builtin_if_statements,
parameter_declarations = prune_parameters_arrays(parameter_declarations, function_declarations)
for group_name, group in parsed_variables.iteritems():
count_variable_names(group, variable_name_count)
for group_name, group in parsed_variables.iteritems():
process_variable_group('NO_CONDITION', group_name, group, builtin_id_declarations, builtin_id_definitions, name_declarations,
init_member_variables, get_variable_declarations, get_builtin_if_statements, declare_member_variables, variable_declarations,
get_variable_definitions, variable_name_count)
output_strings = {
'script_name': os.path.basename(__file__),
'builtin_id_declarations': '\n'.join(builtin_id_declarations),
'builtin_id_definitions': '\n'.join(builtin_id_definitions),
'last_builtin_id': id_counter - 1,
'name_declarations': '\n'.join(sorted(list(name_declarations))),
'function_data_source_name': functions_txt_filename,
'function_declarations': '\n'.join(function_declarations),
'parameter_declarations': '\n'.join(sorted(parameter_declarations)),
'is_in_group_definitions': '\n'.join(is_in_group_definitions),
'variable_data_source_name': variables_json_filename,
'variable_declarations': '\n'.join(sorted(variable_declarations)),
'get_variable_declarations': '\n'.join(sorted(get_variable_declarations)),
'get_variable_definitions': '\n'.join(sorted(get_variable_definitions)),
'unmangled_builtin_declarations': '\n'.join(sorted(unmangled_builtin_declarations)),
'declare_member_variables': '\n'.join(declare_member_variables),
'init_member_variables': '\n'.join(init_member_variables),
'get_unmangled_builtin': unmangled_function_if_statements.get_switch_code(script_generated_hash_tests),
'get_builtin': get_builtin_if_statements.get_switch_code(script_generated_hash_tests),
'max_unmangled_name_length': unmangled_function_if_statements.get_max_name_length(),
'max_mangled_name_length': get_builtin_if_statements.get_max_name_length(),
'script_generated_hash_tests': '\n'.join(script_generated_hash_tests.iterkeys())
with open(test_filename, 'wt') as outfile_cpp:
output_cpp = template_immutablestringtest_cpp.format(**output_strings)
with open('tree_util/BuiltIn_autogen.h', 'wt') as outfile_header:
output_header = template_builtin_header.format(**output_strings)
with open('SymbolTable_autogen.cpp', 'wt') as outfile_cpp:
output_cpp = template_symboltable_cpp.format(**output_strings)
with open('ParseContext_autogen.h', 'wt') as outfile_header:
output_header = template_parsecontext_header.format(**output_strings)
with open('SymbolTable_autogen.h', 'wt') as outfile_h:
output_h = template_symboltable_h.format(**output_strings)
with open(hash_filename, 'wt') as hash_file:
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':