blob: 88c22d13e29df9385596c5d28bb99863ee123fc4 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
const auditTestString = (function() {
return {
level: "pass",
__test: WebInspectorAudit.__test,
async function wrapTest(audit, expected, {getResultCallback} = {}) {
let [result] = await WI.auditManager.start([audit]);
if (getResultCallback)
result = getResultCallback(result);
InspectorTest.assert(result.didPass, "The test should pass.");
InspectorTest.assert(!, "There should be no errors.");
InspectorTest.expectEqual(, expected, `The setup function should have set __test to ${expected}.`);
let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("AuditManager.prototype.start");
name: "AuditManager.prototype.start.SyncSetup",
description: "Check that the setup of an audit is actually run.",
async test() {
const setup = (function() {
WebInspectorAudit.__test = 42;
let audit = new WI.AuditTestCase("AuditManager.prototype.start.SyncSetup", auditTestString, {setup});
await wrapTest(audit, 42);
name: "AuditManager.prototype.start.AsyncSetup",
description: "Check that the setup of an audit can be asynchronous.",
async test() {
const setup = (async function() {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 10);
WebInspectorAudit.__test = 42;
let audit = new WI.AuditTestCase("AuditManager.prototype.start.AsyncSetup", auditTestString, {setup});
await wrapTest(audit, 42);
name: "AuditManager.prototype.start.SubLevelSetup",
description: "Check that the setup of a non-top-level audit is not run.",
async test() {
const setup = (function() {
WebInspectorAudit.__test = 42;
let audit = new WI.AuditTestGroup("AuditManager.prototype.start.SubLevelSetup.Group", [
new WI.AuditTestCase("AuditManager.prototype.start.SubLevelSetup.Test", auditTestString, {setup}),
await wrapTest(audit, undefined, {
getResultCallback(result) {
return result.results[0];
name: "AuditManager.prototype.start.OverriddenSetup",
description: "Check that only the setup of top-level audits is run.",
async test() {
const setupA = (function() {
if (!WebInspectorAudit.__test)
WebInspectorAudit.__test = "";
WebInspectorAudit.__test += "A";
const setupB = (function() {
if (!WebInspectorAudit.__test)
WebInspectorAudit.__test = "";
WebInspectorAudit.__test += "B";
let audit = new WI.AuditTestGroup("AuditManager.prototype.start.OverriddenLevelSetup.Group", [
new WI.AuditTestCase("AuditManager.prototype.start.OverriddenLevelSetup.Test", auditTestString, {setup: setupA}),
], {setup: setupB});
await wrapTest(audit, "B", {
getResultCallback(result) {
return result.results[0];
name: "AuditManager.prototype.start.MultipleTopLevel",
description: "Test that a new WebInspectorAudit object is created for each setup call.",
async test() {
const setupA = (function() {
if (!WebInspectorAudit.__test)
WebInspectorAudit.__test = "";
WebInspectorAudit.__test += "A";
let auditA = new WI.AuditTestCase("AuditManager.prototype.start.MultipleTopLevel.A", auditTestString, {setup: setupA});
await wrapTest(auditA, "A");
const setupB = (function() {
if (!WebInspectorAudit.__test)
WebInspectorAudit.__test = "";
WebInspectorAudit.__test += "B";
let auditB = new WI.AuditTestCase("AuditManager.prototype.start.MultipleTopLevel.B", auditTestString, {setup: setupB});
await wrapTest(auditB, "B");
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Tests for the AuditManager.prototype.start functionality.</p>