blob: 88bdfcfc2867335ca53c30f5637b38b3d12c64ca [file] [log] [blame]
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'use strict';
// Tests for the construction of initial offers according to
// draft-ietf-rtcweb-jsep-24 section 5.2.1
promise_test(async t => {
const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
const offer = await generateVideoReceiveOnlyOffer(pc);
let offer_lines = offer.sdp.split('\r\n');
// The first 3 lines are dictated by JSEP.
assert_equals(offer_lines[0], "v=0");
assert_equals(offer_lines[1].slice(0, 2), "o=");
// JSEP says that the address part SHOULD be a meaningless address
// "such as" IN IP4 We do strict matching here in order
// to detect if anyone ever uses something different.
assert_regexp_match(offer_lines[1], /^o=- \d+ \d+ IN IP4$/);
const fields = RegExp(/^o=- (\d+) (\d+)/).exec(offer_lines[1]);
// Per RFC 3264, the sess-id should be representable in an uint64
// Note: JSEP -24 has this wrong - see bug:
assert_less_than(Number(fields[1]), 2**64);
// Per RFC 3264, the version should be less than 2^62 to avoid overflow
assert_less_than(Number(fields[2]), 2**62);
// Note: using - in s=- is a SHOULD in JSEP, not a MUST.
assert_equals(offer_lines[2], "s=-");
// After this, the order is not dictated by JSEP.
// TODO: Check lines subsequent to the s= line.
}, 'Offer conforms to basic SDP requirements');