blob: 8df2d3052320bbfebc8184b3f426405b398dc632 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>dialog element: centered alignment</title>
<link rel="author" title="Domenic Denicola" href="">
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"use strict";
// Be sure to sync with centering-iframe.html
const DIALOG_WIDTH = 20;
const DIALOG_HEIGHT = 10;
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "", "", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "top", 100 / 2 - DIALOG_HEIGHT / 2);
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "", "", "wide viewport", 100, 40, "top", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_HEIGHT / 2);
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "", "", "square viewport", 100, 100, "top", 100 / 2 - DIALOG_HEIGHT / 2);
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "", "", "dialog and viewport match", DIALOG_WIDTH, DIALOG_HEIGHT, "top", 0);
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "", "", "dialog bigger than viewport", 100, DIALOG_HEIGHT / 2, "top", 0);
testDialogCentering("vertical-rl", "", "", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "left", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_WIDTH / 2);
testDialogCentering("vertical-lr", "", "", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "right", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_WIDTH / 2);
testDialogCentering("vertical-lr", "", "", "dialog bigger than viewport", DIALOG_WIDTH / 2, 100, "right", 0);
testDialogCentering("vertical-rl", "", "horizontal-tb", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "left", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_WIDTH / 2);
testDialogCentering("vertical-lr", "", "horizontal-tb", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "right", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_WIDTH / 2);
testDialogCentering("vertical-lr", "", "horizontal-tb", "dialog bigger than viewport", DIALOG_WIDTH / 2, 100, "right", 0);
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl", "", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "right", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_WIDTH / 2);
testDialogCentering("vertical-rl", "horizontal-tb", "", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "top", 100 / 2 - DIALOG_HEIGHT / 2);
testDialogCentering("horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl", "horizontal-tb", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "right", 40 / 2 - DIALOG_WIDTH / 2);
testDialogCentering("vertical-rl", "horizontal-tb", "vertical-rl", "tall viewport", 40, 100, "top", 100 / 2 - DIALOG_HEIGHT / 2);
function testDialogCentering(writingMode, containerWritingMode, dialogWritingMode, label, iframeWidth, iframeHeight, property, numericValue) {
async_test(t => {
const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
iframe.src = `centering-iframe.sub.html?html-writing-mode=${writingMode}&container-writing-mode=${containerWritingMode}&dialog-writing-mode=${dialogWritingMode}`;
iframe.width = iframeWidth;
iframe.height = iframeHeight;
iframe.onload = t.step_func_done(() => {
const dialog = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector("dialog");
assert_equals(iframe.contentWindow.getComputedStyle(dialog)[property], numericValue + "px");
}, writingMode + (containerWritingMode ? ` (container ${containerWritingMode})` : "") +
(dialogWritingMode ? ` (dialog ${dialogWritingMode})` : "") + `: ${label}`);