| <script src="../../LayoutTests/editing/editing.js"></script> |
| typeCharacterCommand('t'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('h'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('e'); |
| typeCharacterCommand(' '); |
| typeCharacterCommand('m'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('e'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('s'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('a'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('e'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('g'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('e'); |
| typeCharacterCommand('e'); |
| typeCharacterCommand(' '); |
| execMoveSelectionBackwardByCharacterCommand(); |
| <title>Select From Multiple Guesses Test</title> |
| <div><p>This test verifies that multiple guesses on mispelled word is working correctly</p> |
| <p>After seeing the panel with multiple candidates, use down arrow key to select the first candidate, and then use left and/or right arrow key to select the desired candidate, and then use return key to confirm. You can also use this test to test that pressing ESC key will dismiss the panel.</p> |
| <p style="color:green">Note, this test can fail due to user specific spell checking data. To fix this, remove all files in ~/Library/Spelling, then kill AppleSpell.service process.</p> |
| <div contenteditable id="root" class="editing"> |