| Test RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription called with an RTCSessionDescription of type 'offer' |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| *** Create (remote) offer with audio (remoteOffer1) |
| *** Done, start testing with remoteOffer1 |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'stable' |
| PASS pc.remoteDescription is null |
| PASS pc.pendingRemoteDescription is null |
| PASS pc.currentRemoteDescription is null |
| |
| *** 'track' event must fire before setRemoteDescription promise is fulfilled |
| *** Check track event properties |
| PASS pc.getReceivers().includes(trackEvent.receiver) is true |
| PASS pc.getTransceivers().includes(trackEvent.transceiver) is true |
| *** Remote track should be muted initially |
| PASS trackEvent.track.muted is true |
| *** Remote track properties should match track added at remote side (remotePc) |
| PASS trackEvent.track.kind is remotePcAudioTrack.kind |
| PASS trackEvent.track.id is remotePcAudioTrack.id |
| PASS trackEvent.track.label is 'remote audio' |
| *** Check local and remote transceivers |
| PASS trackEvent.transceiver.mid is remotePcAudioTransceiver.mid |
| |
| PASS remoteOffer1 set as remote description |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer' |
| PASS pc.remoteDescription is remoteOffer1 |
| PASS pc.pendingRemoteDescription is remoteOffer1 |
| PASS pc.currentRemoteDescription is null |
| |
| PASS remoteOffer1 set as remote description (again) |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer' |
| |
| *** Try setting local descriptions with bad types for the current state |
| PASS promise pc.setRemoteDescription({type:'answer', sdp:remoteOffer1.sdp}); rejected with InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): Description type incompatible with current signaling state |
| PASS promise pc.setRemoteDescription({type:'pranswer', sdp:remoteOffer1.sdp}); rejected with InvalidStateError (DOM Exception 11): Description type incompatible with current signaling state |
| |
| *** Create (remote) offer with video (remoteOffer2) |
| *** Done, start testing with remoteOffer2 |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer' |
| |
| *** 'track' event must fire before setRemoteDescription promise is fulfilled |
| *** Check track event properties |
| PASS pc.getReceivers().includes(trackEvent.receiver) is true |
| PASS pc.getTransceivers().includes(trackEvent.transceiver) is true |
| *** Remote track should be muted initially |
| PASS trackEvent.track.muted is true |
| *** Remote track properties should match track added at remote side (remotePc) |
| PASS trackEvent.track.kind is remotePcVideoTrack.kind |
| PASS trackEvent.track.id is remotePcVideoTrack.id |
| PASS trackEvent.track.label is 'remote video' |
| *** Check local and remote transceivers |
| PASS trackEvent.transceiver.mid is remotePcVideoTransceiver.mid |
| |
| PASS remoteOffer2 set as remote description |
| PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer' |
| PASS pc.remoteDescription is remoteOffer2 |
| PASS pc.pendingRemoteDescription is remoteOffer2 |
| PASS pc.currentRemoteDescription is null |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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