blob: 5055d16613e09f0bd733dd848d6a40fe78200186 [file] [log] [blame]
Testing TestHarness.expect* family of functions.
== Running test suite: InspectorTest.ExpectFunctions.Sync
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectThat
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectThat(true)
PASS: expectThat(1)
PASS: expectThat("abc")
PASS: expectThat({})
PASS: expectThat([])
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectThat(false)
Expected: truthy
Actual: false
FAIL: expectThat(0)
Expected: truthy
Actual: 0
FAIL: expectThat("")
Expected: truthy
Actual: ""
FAIL: expectThat(null)
Expected: truthy
Actual: null
FAIL: expectThat(undefined)
Expected: truthy
Actual: undefined
FAIL: expectThat(NaN)
Expected: truthy
Actual: NaN
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectFalse
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectFalse(false)
PASS: expectFalse(0)
PASS: expectFalse("")
PASS: expectFalse(null)
PASS: expectFalse(undefined)
PASS: expectFalse(NaN)
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectFalse(true)
Expected: falsey
Actual: true
FAIL: expectFalse(1)
Expected: falsey
Actual: 1
FAIL: expectFalse("abc")
Expected: falsey
Actual: "abc"
FAIL: expectFalse({})
Expected: falsey
Actual: {}
FAIL: expectFalse([])
Expected: falsey
Actual: []
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectNull
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectNull(null)
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectNull(true)
Expected: null
Actual: true
FAIL: expectNull(false)
Expected: null
Actual: false
FAIL: expectNull(1)
Expected: null
Actual: 1
FAIL: expectNull("")
Expected: null
Actual: ""
FAIL: expectNull(undefined)
Expected: null
Actual: undefined
FAIL: expectNull({})
Expected: null
Actual: {}
FAIL: expectNull([])
Expected: null
Actual: []
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectNotNull
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectNotNull(true)
PASS: expectNotNull(false)
PASS: expectNotNull(1)
PASS: expectNotNull("")
PASS: expectNotNull(undefined)
PASS: expectNotNull({})
PASS: expectNotNull([])
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectNotNull(null)
Expected: not null
Actual: null
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectEqual
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectEqual(true, true)
PASS: expectEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2})
PASS: expectEqual(CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1, CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1)
PASS: expectEqual(1.23, 1.23)
PASS: expectEqual("abc", "abc")
PASS: expectEqual(null, null)
PASS: expectEqual(undefined, undefined)
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectEqual(true, false)
Expected: false
Actual: true
FAIL: expectEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2})
Expected: {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":2}
FAIL: expectEqual(CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1, CSSRule instance #2)
Expected: CSSRule instance #2
Actual: CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1
FAIL: expectEqual(1.23, 4.56)
Expected: 4.56
Actual: 1.23
FAIL: expectEqual("abc", "def")
Expected: "def"
Actual: "abc"
FAIL: expectEqual(null, undefined)
Expected: undefined
Actual: null
FAIL: expectEqual(NaN, NaN)
Expected: NaN
Actual: NaN
FAIL: expectEqual({}, {})
Expected: {}
Actual: {}
FAIL: expectEqual([], [])
Expected: []
Actual: []
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectNotEqual
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectNotEqual(true, false)
PASS: expectNotEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2})
PASS: expectNotEqual(CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1, CSSRule instance #2)
PASS: expectNotEqual(1.23, 4.56)
PASS: expectNotEqual("abc", "def")
PASS: expectNotEqual(null, undefined)
PASS: expectNotEqual(NaN, NaN)
PASS: expectNotEqual({}, {})
PASS: expectNotEqual([], [])
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectNotEqual(true, true)
Expected: not true
Actual: true
FAIL: expectNotEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2})
Expected: not {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":2}
FAIL: expectNotEqual(CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1, CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1)
Expected: not CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1
Actual: CSSStyleDeclaration instance #1
FAIL: expectNotEqual(1.23, 1.23)
Expected: not 1.23
Actual: 1.23
FAIL: expectNotEqual("abc", "abc")
Expected: not "abc"
Actual: "abc"
FAIL: expectNotEqual(null, null)
Expected: not null
Actual: null
FAIL: expectNotEqual(undefined, undefined)
Expected: not undefined
Actual: undefined
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectShallowEqual
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectShallowEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2})
PASS: expectShallowEqual({}, {})
PASS: expectShallowEqual([1,2], [1,2])
PASS: expectShallowEqual([{"a":1},{"a":2}], [{"a":1},{"a":2}])
PASS: expectShallowEqual([{}], [{}])
PASS: expectShallowEqual([], [])
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectShallowEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":3,"b":4})
Expected: {"a":3,"b":4}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":2}
FAIL: expectShallowEqual({}, [])
Expected: []
Actual: {}
FAIL: expectShallowEqual([1,2], [3,4])
Expected: [3,4]
Actual: [1,2]
FAIL: expectShallowEqual([{"a":1},{"a":2}], [{"a":3},{"a":4}])
Expected: [{"a":3},{"a":4}]
Actual: [{"a":1},{"a":2}]
FAIL: expectShallowEqual([{"a":1},{"a":2}], [{"b":1},{"b":2}])
Expected: [{"b":1},{"b":2}]
Actual: [{"a":1},{"a":2}]
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectNotShallowEqual
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectNotShallowEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":3,"b":4})
PASS: expectNotShallowEqual({}, [])
PASS: expectNotShallowEqual([1,2], [3,4])
PASS: expectNotShallowEqual([{"a":1},{"a":2}], [{"a":3},{"a":4}])
PASS: expectNotShallowEqual([{"a":1},{"a":2}], [{"b":1},{"b":2}])
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectNotShallowEqual({"a":1,"b":2}, {"a":1,"b":2})
Expected: not {"a":1,"b":2}
Actual: {"a":1,"b":2}
FAIL: expectNotShallowEqual({}, {})
Expected: not {}
Actual: {}
FAIL: expectNotShallowEqual([1,2], [1,2])
Expected: not [1,2]
Actual: [1,2]
FAIL: expectNotShallowEqual([{"a":1},{"a":2}], [{"a":1},{"a":2}])
Expected: not [{"a":1},{"a":2}]
Actual: [{"a":1},{"a":2}]
FAIL: expectNotShallowEqual([{}], [{}])
Expected: not [{}]
Actual: [{}]
FAIL: expectNotShallowEqual([], [])
Expected: not []
Actual: []
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectEqualWithAccuracy
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectEqualWithAccuracy(0, 0, 0)
PASS: expectEqualWithAccuracy(0, 0, 1)
PASS: expectEqualWithAccuracy(0, 1, 1)
PASS: expectEqualWithAccuracy(1, 0, 1)
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectEqualWithAccuracy(0, 2, 1)
Expected: 2 +/- 1
Actual: 0
FAIL: expectEqualWithAccuracy(2, 0, 1)
Expected: 0 +/- 1
Actual: 2
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectLessThan
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectLessThan(0, 1)
PASS: expectLessThan("abc", "def")
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectLessThan(0, 0)
Expected: less than 0
Actual: 0
FAIL: expectLessThan(1, 0)
Expected: less than 0
Actual: 1
FAIL: expectLessThan("abc", "abc")
Expected: less than "abc"
Actual: "abc"
FAIL: expectLessThan("def", "abc")
Expected: less than "abc"
Actual: "def"
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectLessThanOrEqual
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectLessThanOrEqual(0, 1)
PASS: expectLessThanOrEqual(0, 0)
PASS: expectLessThanOrEqual("abc", "def")
PASS: expectLessThanOrEqual("abc", "abc")
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectLessThanOrEqual(1, 0)
Expected: less than or equal to 0
Actual: 1
FAIL: expectLessThanOrEqual("def", "abc")
Expected: less than or equal to "abc"
Actual: "def"
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectGreaterThan
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectGreaterThan(1, 0)
PASS: expectGreaterThan("def", "abc")
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectGreaterThan(0, 0)
Expected: greater than 0
Actual: 0
FAIL: expectGreaterThan(0, 1)
Expected: greater than 1
Actual: 0
FAIL: expectGreaterThan("abc", "abc")
Expected: greater than "abc"
Actual: "abc"
FAIL: expectGreaterThan("abc", "def")
Expected: greater than "def"
Actual: "abc"
-- Running test case: InspectorTest.expectGreaterThanOrEqual
Expected to PASS
PASS: expectGreaterThanOrEqual(1, 0)
PASS: expectGreaterThanOrEqual(0, 0)
PASS: expectGreaterThanOrEqual("def", "abc")
PASS: expectGreaterThanOrEqual("abc", "abc")
Expected to FAIL
FAIL: expectGreaterThanOrEqual(0, 1)
Expected: greater than or equal to 1
Actual: 0
FAIL: expectGreaterThanOrEqual("abc", "def")
Expected: greater than or equal to "def"
Actual: "abc"