blob: c27198bba51c77050bf3c918ea401306b4a8681c [file] [log] [blame]
PASS: instantiating SyncTestSuite requires name argument.
PASS: instantiating SyncTestSuite requires string name argument.
PASS: instantiating SyncTestSuite requires non-whitespace name argument.
PASS: instantiating SyncTestSuite requires test harness argument.
PASS: should not be able to add empty test case.
PASS: should not be able to add non-object test case.
PASS: test case should require string name.
PASS: test case should require non-whitespace name.
PASS: test case should require test function.
PASS: should not be able to specify non-Function `setup` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify non-Function `setup` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify non-Function `setup` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify non-Function `teardown` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify non-Function `teardown` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify non-Function `teardown` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify async `test` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify async `setup` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to specify async `teardown` parameter.
PASS: should not be able to run empty test suite.
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.RunTwiceSuite
-- Running test case: DummyTest0
PASS: Return value of runTwiceSuite.runTestCases() should be true when all tests pass.
PASS: should not be able to run a test suite twice.
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.SequentialExecution
-- Running test case: DummyTest1
-- Running test case: DummyTest2
-- Running test case: DummyTest3
-- Running test case: FailingTest4
!! EXCEPTION: [object Object]
Stack Trace: (suppressed)
PASS: Return value of sequentialExecutionSuite.runTestCases() should be false when a test case fails.
PASS: sequentialExecutionSuite should have executed four tests.
PASS: sequentialExecutionSuite should have passed three tests.
PASS: sequentialExecutionSuite should have failed 1 test.
PASS: sequentialExecutionSuite should have skipped zero tests.
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.AbortOnFailure
-- Running test case: PassingTest5
-- Running test case: FailingTest6
PASS: Return value of abortOnFailureSuite.runTestCases() should be false when a test case fails.
PASS: abortOnFailureSuite should have executed two tests.
PASS: abortOnFailureSuite should have passed one test.
PASS: abortOnFailureSuite should have failed one test.
PASS: abortOnFailureSuite should have skipped one test.
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.SetupAndTeardown
-- Running test setup.
-- Running test case: TestWithSetupAndTeardown
PASS: Test should see side effects of running setup() action.
-- Running test teardown.
PASS: Teardown should see side effects of running setup() action.
-- Running test case: TestRunningAfterTeardown
PASS: Test should see side effects of previous test's teardown() action.
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.SetupException
-- Running test setup.
Stack Trace: (suppressed)
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.SetupFailure
-- Running test setup.
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.TeardownException
-- Running test case: TestWithExceptionDuringTeardown
-- Running test teardown.
Stack Trace: (suppressed)
== Running test suite: SyncTestSuite.TeardownFailure
-- Running test case: TestWithExceptionDuringTeardown
-- Running test teardown.