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<script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script>
function test()
let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("Protocol.BackendInvocationReturnValues");
let dummyCallback = () => {};
// Test behavior for promise-based callbacks.
name: "ResolveCommandPromiseOnSuccess",
description: "Backend command's returned promise should be resolved if the command is successful.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let returnValue = RuntimeAgent.evaluate("42");
InspectorTest.expectThat(returnValue instanceof Promise, "A backend command should return a Promise when invoked without a callback.");
// If a promise wasn't returned, we can't test the rest so just die.
if (!(returnValue instanceof Promise))
returnValue.then(function resolved(result) {
InspectorTest.log("PASS: A successful command invocation's promise should be resolved.");
}, function rejected(result) {
InspectorTest.log("FAIL: A successful command invocation's promise should be resolved.");
name: "RejectCommandPromiseWithInvalidArguments",
description: "Backend command's returned promise should be rejected if the command has invalid arguments.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let result = RuntimeAgent.evaluate(42);
InspectorTest.expectThat(result instanceof Promise, "A backend command should return a Promise when invoked without a callback.");
// If a promise wasn't returned, we can't test the rest so just die.
if (!(result instanceof Promise))
result.then(function resolved(result) {
InspectorTest.log("FAIL: An invalid command invocation's promise should be rejected.");
}, function rejected(result) {
InspectorTest.log("PASS: An invalid command invocation's promise should be rejected.");
name: "RejectCommandPromiseWithMissingArguments",
description: "Backend command's returned promise should be rejected if the command lacks required arguments.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let result = RuntimeAgent.evaluate();
InspectorTest.expectThat(result instanceof Promise, "A backend command should return a Promise when invoked without a callback.");
// If a promise wasn't returned, we can't test the rest so just die.
if (!(result instanceof Promise))
result.then(function resolved(result) {
InspectorTest.log("FAIL: An invalid command invocation's promise should be rejected.");
}, function rejected(result) {
InspectorTest.log("PASS: An invalid command invocation's promise should be rejected.");
name: "RejectCommandPromiseWithExtraArgumentThatIsNotCallback",
description: "Backend command's returned promise should be rejected if the command has an extra argument that is not a callback.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let result = RuntimeAgent.enable(1);
InspectorTest.expectThat(result instanceof Promise, "A backend command should return a Promise when invoked without a callback.");
// If a promise wasn't returned, we can't test the rest so just die.
if (!(result instanceof Promise))
result.then(function resolved(result) {
InspectorTest.log("FAIL: An invalid command invocation's promise should be rejected.");
}, function rejected(result) {
InspectorTest.log("PASS: An invalid command invocation's promise should be rejected.");
// Test behavior for function-based callbacks.
name: "ReturnNothingIfCallback",
description: "Backend commands should not return anything if a callback is supplied.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let returnValue = RuntimeAgent.evaluate("41", dummyCallback);
InspectorTest.expectThat(returnValue === undefined, "A backend command should not have a return value when invoked with a callback.");
name: "InvokeCallbackWithResultOnSuccess",
description: "Backend command callback should be invoked with a result if the command is successful.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let initialState = 1;
let returnValue = RuntimeAgent.evaluate("42", function(error, result) {
InspectorTest.expectThat(error === null, "A successful command should invoke the callback with a 'null' first parameter.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(arguments.length > 1, "A successful command should invoke the callback with one or more result parameters.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(returnValue === undefined, "A backend command should not return anything when invoked with a callback.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(initialState === 1, "A backend command should always invoke its callback asynchronously.");
name: "InvokeCallbackWithErrorForInvalidArguments",
description: "Backend command callback should be invoked with an error if the command has invalid arguments.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let initialState = 1;
let returnValue = RuntimeAgent.evaluate(42, function callback(error) {
InspectorTest.expectThat(typeof error === "string", "A failed command should invoke the callback with a string error message as its first parameter.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(arguments.length === 1, "A failed command should invoke the callback with only an error parameter.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(returnValue === undefined, "A backend command should not return anything when invoked with a callback.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(initialState === 1, "A backend command should always invoke its callback asynchronously.");
name: "InvokeCallbackWithErrorForMissingArguments",
description: "Backend command callback should be invoked with an error if the command lacks required arguments.",
test(resolve, reject) {
let initialState = 1;
let returnValue = RuntimeAgent.evaluate(function callback(error) {
InspectorTest.expectThat(typeof error === "string", "A failed command should invoke the callback with a string error message as its first parameter.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(arguments.length === 1, "A failed command should invoke the callback with only an error parameter.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(returnValue === undefined, "A backend command should not return anything when invoked with a callback.");
InspectorTest.expectThat(initialState === 1, "A backend command should always invoke its callback asynchronously.");
<body onload="runTest()">
<p>Testing the inspector backend's return values when invoking a protocol command in various ways.</p>