blob: 357271212eb749ffde15cb73a069960204acd071 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Anders Carlsson <>
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Samuel Weinig <>
# Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2009 Cameron McCormack <>
# Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# aint with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
package CodeGeneratorCPP;
# Global Variables
my $module = "";
my $outputDir = "";
my @headerContentHeader = ();
my @headerContent = ();
my %headerForwardDeclarations = ();
my @implContentHeader = ();
my @implContent = ();
my %implIncludes = ();
# Constants
my $exceptionInit = "WebCore::ExceptionCode ec = 0;";
my $exceptionRaiseOnError = "webDOMRaiseError(static_cast<WebDOMExceptionCode>(ec));";
# Default License Templates
my $headerLicenseTemplate = << "EOF";
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig <sam.weinig\>
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2010. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
my $implementationLicenseTemplate = << "EOF";
* This file is part of the WebKit open source project.
* This file has been generated by DO NOT MODIFY!
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Default constructor
sub new
my $object = shift;
my $reference = { };
$codeGenerator = shift;
$outputDir = shift;
shift; # $outputHeadersDir
shift; # $useLayerOnTop
shift; # $preprocessor
shift; # $writeDependencies
bless($reference, $object);
return $reference;
sub finish
my $object = shift;
# Params: 'domClass' struct
sub GenerateInterface
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $defines = shift;
my $name = $dataNode->name;
my $className = GetClassName($name);
my $parentClassName = "WebDOM" . GetParentImplClassName($dataNode);
# Start actual generation.
# Write changes.
$object->WriteData("WebDOM" . $name);
# Params: 'idlDocument' struct
sub GenerateModule
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
$module = $dataNode->module;
sub GetClassName
my $name = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
# special cases
return "WebDOMString" if $codeGenerator->IsStringType($name) or $name eq "SerializedScriptValue";
return "WebDOMObject" if $name eq "DOMObject";
return "bool" if $name eq "boolean";
return $name if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($name);
return "WebDOMCustomVoidCallback" if $name eq "VoidCallback";
return "WebDOM$name";
sub GetImplClassName
return $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
sub GetParentImplClassName
my $dataNode = shift;
if (@{$dataNode->parents} eq 0) {
return "EventTarget" if $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"EventTarget"};
return "Object";
return $codeGenerator->StripModule($dataNode->parents(0));
sub GetParent
my $dataNode = shift;
my $numParents = @{$dataNode->parents};
my $parent = "";
if ($numParents eq 0) {
$parent = "WebDOMObject";
$parent = "WebDOMEventTarget" if $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"EventTarget"};
} elsif ($numParents eq 1) {
my $parentName = $codeGenerator->StripModule($dataNode->parents(0));
$parent = "WebDOM" . $parentName;
} else {
my @parents = @{$dataNode->parents};
my $firstParent = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift(@parents));
$parent = "WebDOM" . $firstParent;
return $parent;
sub ShouldSkipTypeInImplementation
my $typeInfo = shift;
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Custom"}
and !$typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"NoCPPCustom"};
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomArgumentHandling"}
or $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetter"}
or $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"NeedsUserGestureCheck"}
or $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CPPCustom"};
# FIXME: We don't generate bindings for SVG related interfaces yet
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->name =~ /getSVGDocument/;
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->name =~ /Constructor/;
return 0;
sub ShouldSkipTypeInHeader
my $typeInfo = shift;
# FIXME: We currently ignore any attribute/function needing custom code
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomArgumentHandling"}
or $typeInfo->signature->extendedAttributes->{"CustomGetter"};
# FIXME: We don't generate bindings for SVG related interfaces yet
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->name =~ /getSVGDocument/;
return 1 if $typeInfo->signature->name =~ /Constructor/;
return 0;
sub GetCPPType
my $type = shift;
my $useConstReference = shift;
my $name = GetClassName($type);
return "int" if $type eq "long";
return "unsigned" if $name eq "unsigned long";
return "unsigned short" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "double" if $name eq "Date";
if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type)) {
if ($useConstReference) {
return "const $name&";
return $name;
return $name if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or $type eq "DOMTimeStamp";
return "const $name&" if $useConstReference;
return $name;
sub ConversionNeeded
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
return !$codeGenerator->IsNonPointerType($type) && !$codeGenerator->IsStringType($type);
sub GetCPPTypeGetter
my $argName = shift;
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
return $argName if $codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($type) or $codeGenerator->IsStringType($type);
return "static_cast<WebCore::Range::CompareHow>($argName)" if $type eq "CompareHow";
return "WebCore::SerializedScriptValue::create(WTF::String($argName))" if $type eq "SerializedScriptValue";
return "toWebCore($argName)";
sub AddForwardDeclarationsForType
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
my $public = shift;
return if $codeGenerator->IsNonPointerType($type) or $codeGenerator->IsStringType($type);
my $class = GetClassName($type);
$headerForwardDeclarations{$class} = 1 if $public;
sub AddIncludesForType
my $type = $codeGenerator->StripModule(shift);
return if $codeGenerator->IsNonPointerType($type);
return if $type =~ /Constructor/;
if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($type)) {
$implIncludes{"wtf/text/AtomicString.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"KURL.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"WebDOMString.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "DOMObject") {
$implIncludes{"WebDOMObject.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "EventListener") {
$implIncludes{"WebNativeEventListener.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
$implIncludes{"SerializedScriptValue.h"} = 1;
if ($type eq "VoidCallback") {
$implIncludes{"WebDOMCustomVoidCallback.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"Node.h"} = 1 if $type eq "NodeList";
$implIncludes{"CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h"} = 1 if $type eq "CSSStyleDeclaration";
# Default, include the same named file (the implementation) and the same name prefixed with "WebDOM".
$implIncludes{"$type.h"} = 1 unless $type eq "DOMObject";
$implIncludes{"WebDOM$type.h"} = 1;
sub GenerateConditionalStringFromAttributeValue
my $conditional = shift;
if ($conditional =~ /&/) {
return "ENABLE(" . join(") && ENABLE(", split(/&/, $conditional)) . ")";
} elsif ($conditional =~ /\|/) {
return "ENABLE(" . join(") || ENABLE(", split(/\|/, $conditional)) . ")";
} else {
return "ENABLE(" . $conditional . ")";
sub GenerateConditionalString
my $node = shift;
my $conditional = $node->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"};
if ($conditional) {
return GenerateConditionalStringFromAttributeValue($conditional);
} else {
return "";
sub GenerateHeader
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $className = GetClassName($interfaceName);
my $implClassName = GetImplClassName($interfaceName);
my $implClassNameWithNamespace = "WebCore::" . $implClassName;
my $parentName = "";
$parentName = GetParent($dataNode);
my $numConstants = @{$dataNode->constants};
my $numAttributes = @{$dataNode->attributes};
my $numFunctions = @{$dataNode->functions};
# - Add default header template
@headerContentHeader = split("\r", $headerLicenseTemplate);
push(@headerContentHeader, "\n#ifndef $className" . "_h");
push(@headerContentHeader, "\n#define $className" . "_h\n\n");
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($dataNode);
push(@headerContentHeader, "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n") if $conditionalString;
my %headerIncludes = ();
$headerIncludes{"WebDOMString.h"} = 1;
$headerIncludes{"$parentName.h"} = 1;
foreach my $include (sort keys(%headerIncludes)) {
push(@headerContentHeader, "#include <$include>\n");
push(@headerContent, "class $className");
push(@headerContent, " : public $parentName") if $parentName;
push(@headerContent, " {\n");
push(@headerContent, "public:\n");
# Constructor
push(@headerContent, " $className();\n");
push(@headerContent, " explicit $className($implClassNameWithNamespace*);\n");
# Copy constructor and assignment operator on classes which have the d-ptr
if ($parentName eq "WebDOMObject") {
push(@headerContent, " $className(const $className&);\n");
push(@headerContent, " ${className}& operator=(const $className&);\n");
# Destructor
if ($parentName eq "WebDOMObject") {
push(@headerContent, " virtual ~$className();\n");
} else {
push(@headerContent, " virtual ~$className() { }\n");
push(@headerContent, "\n");
$headerForwardDeclarations{$implClassNameWithNamespace} = 1;
# - Add constants.
if ($numConstants > 0) {
my @headerConstants = ();
# FIXME: we need a way to include multiple enums.
foreach my $constant (@{$dataNode->constants}) {
my $constantName = $constant->name;
my $constantValue = $constant->value;
my $output = "WEBDOM_" . $constantName . " = " . $constantValue;
push(@headerConstants, " " . $output);
my $combinedConstants = join(",\n", @headerConstants);
push(@headerContent, " ");
push(@headerContent, "enum {\n");
push(@headerContent, $combinedConstants);
push(@headerContent, "\n ");
push(@headerContent, "};\n\n");
my @headerAttributes = ();
# - Add attribute getters/setters.
if ($numAttributes > 0) {
foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) {
next if ShouldSkipTypeInHeader($attribute);
my $attributeConditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute->signature);
my $attributeName = $attribute->signature->name;
my $attributeType = GetCPPType($attribute->signature->type, 0);
my $attributeIsReadonly = ($attribute->type =~ /^readonly/);
my $property = "";
$property .= "#if ${attributeConditionalString}\n" if $attributeConditionalString;
$property .= " " . $attributeType . ($attributeType =~ /\*$/ ? "" : " ") . $attributeName . "() const";
my $availabilityMacro = "";
my $declarationSuffix = ";\n";
AddForwardDeclarationsForType($attribute->signature->type, 1);
$attributeType = GetCPPType($attribute->signature->type, 1);
my $setterName = "set" . ucfirst($attributeName);
$property .= $declarationSuffix;
push(@headerAttributes, $property);
if (!$attributeIsReadonly and !$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Replaceable"}) {
$property = " void $setterName($attributeType)";
$property .= $declarationSuffix;
push(@headerAttributes, $property);
push(@headerAttributes, "#endif\n") if $attributeConditionalString;
push(@headerContent, @headerAttributes) if @headerAttributes > 0;
my @headerFunctions = ();
my @deprecatedHeaderFunctions = ();
my @interfaceFunctions = ();
# - Add functions.
if ($numFunctions > 0) {
foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
next if ShouldSkipTypeInHeader($function);
my $functionName = $function->signature->name;
my $returnType = GetCPPType($function->signature->type, 0);
my $numberOfParameters = @{$function->parameters};
my %typesToForwardDeclare = ($function->signature->type => 1);
my $parameterIndex = 0;
my $functionSig = "$returnType $functionName(";
my $methodName = $functionName;
foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) {
my $paramName = $param->name;
my $paramType = GetCPPType($param->type, 1);
$typesToForwardDeclare{$param->type} = 1;
$functionSig .= ", " if $parameterIndex >= 1;
$functionSig .= "$paramType $paramName";
$functionSig .= ")";
if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PureInterface"}) {
push(@interfaceFunctions, " virtual " . $functionSig . " = 0;\n");
my $functionDeclaration = $functionSig;
$functionDeclaration .= ";\n";
foreach my $type (keys %typesToForwardDeclare) {
# add any forward declarations to the public header if a deprecated version will be generated
AddForwardDeclarationsForType($type, 1);
push(@headerFunctions, " ");
push(@headerFunctions, $functionDeclaration);
if (@headerFunctions > 0) {
push(@headerContent, "\n") if @headerAttributes > 0;
push(@headerContent, @headerFunctions);
push(@headerContent, "\n");
push(@headerContent, " $implClassNameWithNamespace* impl() const;\n");
if ($parentName eq "WebDOMObject") {
push(@headerContent, "\nprotected:\n");
push(@headerContent, " struct ${className}Private;\n");
push(@headerContent, " ${className}Private* m_impl;\n");
push(@headerContent, "};\n\n");
# for PureInterface classes also add the interface that the client code needs to
# implement
if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PureInterface"}) {
push(@headerContent, "class WebUser$interfaceName {\n");
push(@headerContent, "public:\n");
push(@headerContent, " virtual void ref() = 0;\n");
push(@headerContent, " virtual void deref() = 0;\n\n");
push(@headerContent, @interfaceFunctions);
push(@headerContent, "\nprotected:\n");
push(@headerContent, " virtual ~WebUser$interfaceName() {}\n");
push(@headerContent, "};\n\n");
push(@headerContent, "WebCore::$implClassName* toWebCore(const $className&);\n");
push(@headerContent, "$className toWebKit(WebCore::$implClassName*);\n");
if ($dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PureInterface"}) {
push(@headerContent, "$className toWebKit(WebUser$interfaceName*);\n");
push(@headerContent, "\n#endif\n");
push(@headerContent, "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n") if $conditionalString;
sub AddEarlyReturnStatement
my $returnType = shift;
if (!defined($returnType) or $returnType eq "void") {
$returnType = "";
} elsif ($codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($returnType)) {
$returnType = " 0";
} elsif ($returnType eq "bool") {
$returnType = " false";
} else {
$returnType = " $returnType()";
# TODO: We could set exceptions here, if we want that
my $statement = " if (!impl())\n";
$statement .= " return$returnType;\n\n";
return $statement;
sub AddReturnStatement
my $typeInfo = shift;
my $returnValue = shift;
# Used to invoke KURLs "const String&" operator
if ($codeGenerator->IsStringType($typeInfo->signature->type)) {
return " return static_cast<const WTF::String&>($returnValue);\n";
return " return $returnValue;\n";
sub GenerateImplementation
my $object = shift;
my $dataNode = shift;
my @ancestorInterfaceNames = ();
if (@{$dataNode->parents} > 1) {
$codeGenerator->AddMethodsConstantsAndAttributesFromParentClasses($dataNode, \@ancestorInterfaceNames);
my $interfaceName = $dataNode->name;
my $className = GetClassName($interfaceName);
my $implClassName = GetImplClassName($interfaceName);
my $parentImplClassName = GetParentImplClassName($dataNode);
my $implClassNameWithNamespace = "WebCore::" . $implClassName;
my $baseClass = "WebDOM$parentImplClassName";
my $conditional = $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"Conditional"};
my $numAttributes = @{$dataNode->attributes};
my $numFunctions = @{$dataNode->functions};
# - Add default header template.
@implContentHeader = split("\r", $implementationLicenseTemplate);
push(@implContentHeader, "\n#include \"config.h\"\n");
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($dataNode);
push(@implContentHeader, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n\n") if $conditionalString;
push(@implContentHeader, "#include \"$className.h\"\n\n");
$implIncludes{"WebExceptionHandler.h"} = 1;
$implIncludes{"$implClassName.h"} = 1;
@implContent = ();
push(@implContent, "#include <wtf/GetPtr.h>\n");
push(@implContent, "#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>\n\n");
# Private datastructure, encapsulating WebCore types
if ($baseClass eq "WebDOMObject") {
push(@implContent, "struct ${className}::${className}Private {\n");
push(@implContent, " ${className}Private($implClassNameWithNamespace* object = 0)\n");
push(@implContent, " : impl(object)\n");
push(@implContent, " {\n");
push(@implContent, " }\n\n");
push(@implContent, " RefPtr<$implClassNameWithNamespace> impl;\n");
push(@implContent, "};\n\n");
# Constructor
push(@implContent, "${className}::$className()\n");
push(@implContent, " : ${baseClass}()\n");
push(@implContent, " , m_impl(0)\n") if ($baseClass eq "WebDOMObject");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "${className}::$className($implClassNameWithNamespace* impl)\n");
if ($baseClass eq "WebDOMObject") {
push(@implContent, " : ${baseClass}()\n");
push(@implContent, " , m_impl(new ${className}Private(impl))\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "${className}::${className}(const ${className}& copy)\n");
push(@implContent, " : ${baseClass}()\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " m_impl = copy.impl() ? new ${className}Private(copy.impl()) : 0;\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "${className}& ${className}::operator\=(const ${className}& copy)\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " delete m_impl;\n");
push(@implContent, " m_impl = copy.impl() ? new ${className}Private(copy.impl()) : 0;\n");
push(@implContent, " return *this;\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "$implClassNameWithNamespace* ${className}::impl() const\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " return m_impl ? m_impl->impl.get() : 0;\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
# Destructor
push(@implContent, "${className}::~$className()\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " delete m_impl;\n");
push(@implContent, " m_impl = 0;\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
} else {
push(@implContent, " : ${baseClass}(impl)\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "$implClassNameWithNamespace* ${className}::impl() const\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " return static_cast<$implClassNameWithNamespace*>(${baseClass}::impl());\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
# START implementation
%attributeNames = ();
# - Attributes
if ($numAttributes > 0) {
foreach my $attribute (@{$dataNode->attributes}) {
next if ShouldSkipTypeInImplementation($attribute);
my $idlType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($attribute->signature->type);
my $attributeName = $attribute->signature->name;
my $attributeType = GetCPPType($attribute->signature->type, 0);
my $attributeIsReadonly = ($attribute->type =~ /^readonly/);
$attributeNames{$attributeName} = 1;
my $getterSig = "$attributeType $className\:\:$attributeName() const\n";
my $hasGetterException = @{$attribute->getterExceptions};
my $getterContentHead = "impl()->" . $codeGenerator->GetterExpressionPrefix(\%implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute);
my $getterContentTail = ")";
# Special cases
my @customGetterContent = ();
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertToString"}) {
$getterContentHead = "WTF::String::number(" . $getterContentHead;
$getterContentTail .= ")";
} elsif ($attribute->signature->type eq "SerializedScriptValue") {
$getterContentHead = "$getterContentHead";
$getterContentTail .= "->toString()";
} elsif (ConversionNeeded($attribute->signature->type)) {
$getterContentHead = "toWebKit(WTF::getPtr($getterContentHead";
$getterContentTail .= "))";
my $getterContent;
if ($hasGetterException) {
$getterContent = $getterContentHead . "ec" . $getterContentTail;
} else {
$getterContent = $getterContentHead . $getterContentTail;
my $attributeConditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($attribute->signature);
push(@implContent, "#if ${attributeConditionalString}\n") if $attributeConditionalString;
push(@implContent, $getterSig);
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, AddEarlyReturnStatement($attributeType));
push(@implContent, @customGetterContent);
if ($hasGetterException) {
# Differentiated between when the return type is a pointer and
# not for white space issue (ie. Foo *result vs. int result).
if ($attributeType =~ /\*$/) {
$getterContent = $attributeType . "result = " . $getterContent;
} else {
$getterContent = $attributeType . " result = " . $getterContent;
push(@implContent, " $exceptionInit\n");
push(@implContent, " $getterContent;\n");
push(@implContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n");
push(@implContent, AddReturnStatement($attribute, "result"));
} else {
push(@implContent, AddReturnStatement($attribute, $getterContent));
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
if (!$attributeIsReadonly and !$attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"Replaceable"}) {
# Exception handling
my $hasSetterException = @{$attribute->setterExceptions};
my $coreSetterName = "set" . $codeGenerator->WK_ucfirst($attributeName);
my $setterName = "set" . ucfirst($attributeName);
my $argName = "new" . ucfirst($attributeName);
my $arg = GetCPPTypeGetter($argName, $idlType);
# The definition of ConvertToString is flipped for the setter
if ($attribute->signature->extendedAttributes->{"ConvertToString"}) {
$arg = "WTF::String($arg).toInt()";
my $attributeType = GetCPPType($attribute->signature->type, 1);
push(@implContent, "void $className\:\:$setterName($attributeType $argName)\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, AddEarlyReturnStatement());
push(@implContent, " $exceptionInit\n") if $hasSetterException;
my $ec = $hasSetterException ? ", ec" : "";
my $setterExpressionPrefix = $codeGenerator->SetterExpressionPrefix(\%implIncludes, $interfaceName, $attribute);
push(@implContent, " impl()->$setterExpressionPrefix$arg$ec);\n");
push(@implContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n") if $hasSetterException;
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "#endif\n") if $attributeConditionalString;
# - Functions
if ($numFunctions > 0) {
foreach my $function (@{$dataNode->functions}) {
# Treat PureInterface as Custom as well, since the WebCore versions will take a script context as well
next if ShouldSkipTypeInImplementation($function) || $dataNode->extendedAttributes->{"PureInterface"};
my $functionName = $function->signature->name;
my $returnType = GetCPPType($function->signature->type, 0);
my $hasParameters = @{$function->parameters};
my $raisesExceptions = @{$function->raisesExceptions};
my @parameterNames = ();
my @needsAssert = ();
my %needsCustom = ();
my $parameterIndex = 0;
my $functionSig = "$returnType $className\:\:$functionName(";
foreach my $param (@{$function->parameters}) {
my $paramName = $param->name;
my $paramType = GetCPPType($param->type, 1);
# make a new parameter name if the original conflicts with a property name
$paramName = "in" . ucfirst($paramName) if $attributeNames{$paramName};
my $idlType = $codeGenerator->StripModule($param->type);
my $implGetter = GetCPPTypeGetter($paramName, $idlType);
push(@parameterNames, $implGetter);
$needsCustom{"NodeToReturn"} = $paramName if $param->extendedAttributes->{"Return"};
unless ($codeGenerator->IsPrimitiveType($idlType) or $codeGenerator->IsStringType($idlType)) {
push(@needsAssert, " ASSERT($paramName);\n");
$functionSig .= ", " if $parameterIndex >= 1;
$functionSig .= "$paramType $paramName";
$functionSig .= ")";
my @functionContent = ();
push(@parameterNames, "ec") if $raisesExceptions;
my $content = "impl()->" . $codeGenerator->WK_lcfirst($functionName) . "(" . join(", ", @parameterNames) . ")";
if ($returnType eq "void") {
# Special case 'void' return type.
if ($raisesExceptions) {
push(@functionContent, " $exceptionInit\n");
push(@functionContent, " $content;\n");
push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n");
} else {
push(@functionContent, " $content;\n");
} elsif (defined $needsCustom{"NodeToReturn"}) {
# TODO: This is important to enable, once we care about custom code!
# Special case the insertBefore, replaceChild, removeChild
# and appendChild functions from DOMNode
my $toReturn = $needsCustom{"NodeToReturn"};
if ($raisesExceptions) {
push(@functionContent, " $exceptionInit\n");
push(@functionContent, " if ($content)\n");
push(@functionContent, " return $toReturn;\n");
push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n");
push(@functionContent, " return $className();\n");
} else {
push(@functionContent, " if ($content)\n");
push(@functionContent, " return $toReturn;\n");
push(@functionContent, " return NULL;\n");
} else {
if (ConversionNeeded($function->signature->type)) {
$content = "toWebKit(WTF::getPtr($content))";
if ($raisesExceptions) {
# Differentiated between when the return type is a pointer and
# not for white space issue (ie. Foo *result vs. int result).
if ($returnType =~ /\*$/) {
$content = $returnType . "result = " . $content;
} else {
$content = $returnType . " result = " . $content;
push(@functionContent, " $exceptionInit\n");
push(@functionContent, " $content;\n");
push(@functionContent, " $exceptionRaiseOnError\n");
push(@functionContent, " return result;\n");
} else {
push(@functionContent, " return $content;\n");
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function->signature);
push(@implContent, "\n#if ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
push(@implContent, "$functionSig\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, AddEarlyReturnStatement($returnType));
push(@implContent, @functionContent);
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "#endif\n\n") if $conditionalString;
# Clear the hash
%needsCustom = ();
# END implementation
# Generate internal interfaces
push(@implContent, "WebCore::$implClassName* toWebCore(const $className& wrapper)\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " return wrapper.impl();\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n\n");
push(@implContent, "$className toWebKit(WebCore::$implClassName* value)\n");
push(@implContent, "{\n");
push(@implContent, " return $className(value);\n");
push(@implContent, "}\n");
# - End the ifdef conditional if necessary
push(@implContent, "\n#endif // ${conditionalString}\n") if $conditionalString;
# Internal helper
sub WriteData
my $object = shift;
my $name = shift;
# Open files for writing...
my $headerFileName = "$outputDir/" . $name . ".h";
my $implFileName = "$outputDir/" . $name . ".cpp";
# Remove old files.
# Write public header.
open(HEADER, ">$headerFileName") or die "Couldn't open file $headerFileName";
print HEADER @headerContentHeader;
print HEADER "\n";
foreach my $class (sort keys(%headerForwardDeclarations)) {
if ($class =~ /::/) {
my $namespacePart = $class;
$namespacePart =~ s/::.*//;
my $classPart = $class;
$classPart =~ s/${namespacePart}:://;
print HEADER "namespace $namespacePart {\nclass $classPart;\n};\n\n";
} else {
print HEADER "class $class;\n"
my $hasForwardDeclarations = keys(%headerForwardDeclarations);
print HEADER "\n" if $hasForwardDeclarations;
print HEADER @headerContent;
@headerContentHeader = ();
@headerContent = ();
%headerForwardDeclarations = ();
# Write implementation file.
open(IMPL, ">$implFileName") or die "Couldn't open file $implFileName";
print IMPL @implContentHeader;
foreach my $include (sort keys(%implIncludes)) {
# "className.h" is already included right after config.h, silence check-webkit-style
next if $include eq "$name.h";
print IMPL "#include \"$include\"\n";
print IMPL @implContent;
@implContentHeader = ();
@implContent = ();
%implIncludes = ();