blob: 6b3f9fe5c3872466a53db0d1f364fc002173e3b5 [file] [log] [blame]
Left sticky Right sticky Left % sticky Right % sticky Left and Right Left and Right %
(Frame scrolling node
(scroll position 800 0)
(scrollable area size 800 585)
(contents size 2008 585)
(requested scroll position 800 0)
(requested scroll position represents programmatic scroll 1)
(scrollable area parameters
(horizontal scroll elasticity 2)
(vertical scroll elasticity 2)
(horizontal scrollbar mode 0)
(vertical scrollbar mode 0)
(has enabled horizontal scrollbar 1))
(layout viewport at (800,0) size 800x585)
(min layout viewport origin (0,0))
(max layout viewport origin (1208,0))
(behavior for fixed 0)
(children 6
(Sticky node
(anchor edges: AnchorEdgeLeft )
(left offset 20.00)
(containing block rect at (612,25) size 792x442)
(sticky box rect at (812,25) size 300x60)
(constraining rect at (800,0) size 800x585)
(sticky offset at last layout width=8 height=0)
(layer position at last layout (820,25))
(Sticky node
(anchor edges: AnchorEdgeRight )
(right offset 20.00)
(containing block rect at (612,25) size 792x442)
(sticky box rect at (812,93) size 300x60)
(constraining rect at (800,0) size 800x585)
(sticky offset at last layout width=0 height=0)
(layer position at last layout (812,93))
(Sticky node
(anchor edges: AnchorEdgeLeft )
(left offset 160.00)
(containing block rect at (612,25) size 792x442)
(sticky box rect at (812,161) size 300x60)
(constraining rect at (800,0) size 800x585)
(sticky offset at last layout width=148 height=0)
(layer position at last layout (960,161))
(Sticky node
(anchor edges: AnchorEdgeRight )
(right offset 160.00)
(containing block rect at (612,25) size 792x442)
(sticky box rect at (812,229) size 300x60)
(constraining rect at (800,0) size 800x585)
(sticky offset at last layout width=0 height=0)
(layer position at last layout (812,229))
(Sticky node
(anchor edges: AnchorEdgeLeft AnchorEdgeRight )
(left offset 20.00)
(right offset 20.00)
(containing block rect at (612,25) size 792x442)
(sticky box rect at (812,297) size 300x60)
(constraining rect at (800,0) size 800x585)
(sticky offset at last layout width=8 height=0)
(layer position at last layout (820,297))
(Sticky node
(anchor edges: AnchorEdgeLeft AnchorEdgeRight )
(left offset 160.00)
(right offset 160.00)
(containing block rect at (612,25) size 792x442)
(sticky box rect at (812,365) size 300x60)
(constraining rect at (800,0) size 800x585)
(sticky offset at last layout width=148 height=0)
(layer position at last layout (960,365))