blob: b5bfc959df9168e49a29d2f85d3784c142a2eba8 [file] [log] [blame]
//@ skip if $architecture == "mips"
"use strict";
function assert(b) {
if (!b)
throw new Error;
function getIsLittleEndian() {
let ab = new ArrayBuffer(2);
let ta = new Int16Array(ab);
ta[0] = 0x0102;
let dv = new DataView(ab);
return dv.getInt16(0, true) === 0x0102;
let isLittleEndian = getIsLittleEndian();
function adjustForEndianessFloat32(value) {
if (isLittleEndian)
return value;
let ab = new ArrayBuffer(4);
let ta = new Float32Array(ab);
ta[0] = value;
let dv = new DataView(ab);
return dv.getFloat32(0, true);
function test() {
function storeLittleEndian(dv, index, value) {
dv.setFloat32(index, value, true);
function storeBigEndian(dv, index, value) {
dv.setFloat32(index, value, false);
function store(dv, index, value, littleEndian) {
dv.setFloat32(index, value, littleEndian);
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
let arr = new Float32Array(buffer);
let bits = new Uint32Array(buffer);
let dv = new DataView(buffer);
for (let i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
storeLittleEndian(dv, 0, adjustForEndianessFloat32(1.5));
assert(arr[0] === 1.5);
// The right way how to process this test is to uncomment the line below
// and comment out the line below it. But strangely it doesn't work. I
// opened for it.
//storeLittleEndian(dv, 0, adjustForEndianessFloat32(12912.124123215122));
store(dv, 0, 12912.124123215122, isLittleEndian);
assert(arr[0] === 12912.1240234375);
assert(bits[0] === 0x4649c07f);
storeLittleEndian(dv, 0, adjustForEndianessFloat32(NaN));
assert(bits[0] === 0x7FC00000);
storeLittleEndian(dv, 0, adjustForEndianessFloat32(2.3879393e-38));
assert(arr[0] === 2.387939260590663e-38);
assert(bits[0] === 0x01020304);
storeBigEndian(dv, 0, adjustForEndianessFloat32(2.3879393e-38));
assert(arr[0] === 1.539989614439558e-36);
assert(bits[0] === 0x04030201);