blob: b6ee2fe6268a393847422dca681b02c7f8a52ef5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS innerHTML 0
PASS innerHTML 1 <a></a>
PASS innerHTML 2 <a b="c"></a>
PASS innerHTML 3 <a b="c"></a>
PASS innerHTML 4 <a b="&amp;"></a>
PASS innerHTML 5 <a b="&nbsp;"></a>
PASS innerHTML 6 <a b="&quot;"></a>
PASS innerHTML 7 <a b="<"></a>
PASS innerHTML 8 <a b=">"></a>
FAIL innerHTML 9 <a href="javascript:&quot;<>&quot;"></a> assert_equals: expected "<a href=\"javascript:&quot;<>&quot;\"></a>" but got "<a href='javascript:\"<>\"'></a>"
PASS innerHTML 10 <svg xlink:href="a"></svg>
PASS innerHTML 11 <svg xmlns:svg="test"></svg>
PASS innerHTML 12 a
PASS innerHTML 13 &amp;
PASS innerHTML 14 &nbsp;
PASS innerHTML 15 &lt;
PASS innerHTML 16 &gt;
PASS innerHTML 17 "
PASS innerHTML 18 <style><&></style>
PASS innerHTML 19 <script type="test"><&></script>
PASS innerHTML 20 <&>
PASS innerHTML 21 <xmp><&></xmp>
FAIL innerHTML 22 <iframe><&></iframe> assert_equals: expected "<iframe><&></iframe>" but got "<iframe>&lt;&amp;&gt;</iframe>"
FAIL innerHTML 23 <noembed><&></noembed> assert_equals: expected "<noembed><&></noembed>" but got "<noembed>&lt;&amp;&gt;</noembed>"
FAIL innerHTML 24 <noframes><&></noframes> assert_equals: expected "<noframes><&></noframes>" but got "<noframes>&lt;&amp;&gt;</noframes>"
FAIL innerHTML 25 <noscript><&></noscript> assert_equals: expected "<noscript><&></noscript>" but got "<noscript>&lt;&amp;&gt;</noscript>"
PASS innerHTML 26 <!--data-->
PASS innerHTML 27 <a><b><c></c></b><d>e</d><f><g>h</g></f></a>
PASS innerHTML 28
PASS outerHTML 0 <span></span>
PASS outerHTML 1 <span><a></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 2 <span><a b="c"></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 3 <span><a b="c"></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 4 <span><a b="&amp;"></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 5 <span><a b="&nbsp;"></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 6 <span><a b="&quot;"></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 7 <span><a b="<"></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 8 <span><a b=">"></a></span>
FAIL outerHTML 9 <span><a href="javascript:&quot;<>&quot;"></a></span> assert_equals: expected "<span><a href=\"javascript:&quot;<>&quot;\"></a></span>" but got "<span><a href='javascript:\"<>\"'></a></span>"
PASS outerHTML 10 <span><svg xlink:href="a"></svg></span>
PASS outerHTML 11 <span><svg xmlns:svg="test"></svg></span>
PASS outerHTML 12 <span>a</span>
PASS outerHTML 13 <span>&amp;</span>
PASS outerHTML 14 <span>&nbsp;</span>
PASS outerHTML 15 <span>&lt;</span>
PASS outerHTML 16 <span>&gt;</span>
PASS outerHTML 17 <span>"</span>
PASS outerHTML 18 <span><style><&></style></span>
PASS outerHTML 19 <span><script type="test"><&></script></span>
PASS outerHTML 20 <script type="test"><&></script>
PASS outerHTML 21 <span><xmp><&></xmp></span>
FAIL outerHTML 22 <span><iframe><&></iframe></span> assert_equals: expected "<span><iframe><&></iframe></span>" but got "<span><iframe>&lt;&amp;&gt;</iframe></span>"
FAIL outerHTML 23 <span><noembed><&></noembed></span> assert_equals: expected "<span><noembed><&></noembed></span>" but got "<span><noembed>&lt;&amp;&gt;</noembed></span>"
FAIL outerHTML 24 <span><noframes><&></noframes></span> assert_equals: expected "<span><noframes><&></noframes></span>" but got "<span><noframes>&lt;&amp;&gt;</noframes></span>"
FAIL outerHTML 25 <span><noscript><&></noscript></span> assert_equals: expected "<span><noscript><&></noscript></span>" but got "<span><noscript>&lt;&amp;&gt;</noscript></span>"
PASS outerHTML 26 <span><!--data--></span>
PASS outerHTML 27 <span><a><b><c></c></b><d>e</d><f><g>h</g></f></a></span>
PASS outerHTML 28 <span b="c"></span>
PASS innerHTML Attribute in the XML namespace
PASS innerHTML Attribute in the XML namespace with the prefix not set to xml:
PASS innerHTML Non-'xmlns' attribute in the xmlns namespace
PASS innerHTML 'xmlns' attribute in the xmlns namespace
PASS innerHTML Attribute in non-standard namespace
PASS innerHTML <span> starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML Attribute in the XML namespace
PASS outerHTML Attribute in the XML namespace with the prefix not set to xml:
PASS outerHTML Non-'xmlns' attribute in the xmlns namespace
PASS outerHTML 'xmlns' attribute in the xmlns namespace
PASS outerHTML Attribute in non-standard namespace
PASS outerHTML <span> starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <pre> context starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <textarea> context starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <listing> context starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <pre> context not starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <textarea> context not starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <listing> context not starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <pre> non-context starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <textarea> non-context starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <listing> non-context starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <pre> non-context not starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <textarea> non-context not starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML <listing> non-context not starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <pre> context starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <textarea> context starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <listing> context starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <pre> context not starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <textarea> context not starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <listing> context not starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <pre> non-context starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <textarea> non-context starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <listing> non-context starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <pre> non-context not starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <textarea> non-context not starting with U+000A
PASS outerHTML <listing> non-context not starting with U+000A
PASS innerHTML Void context node area
PASS innerHTML Void context node base
PASS innerHTML Void context node basefont
PASS innerHTML Void context node bgsound
PASS innerHTML Void context node br
PASS innerHTML Void context node col
PASS innerHTML Void context node embed
PASS innerHTML Void context node frame
PASS innerHTML Void context node hr
PASS innerHTML Void context node img
PASS innerHTML Void context node input
PASS innerHTML Void context node keygen
PASS innerHTML Void context node link
PASS innerHTML Void context node meta
PASS innerHTML Void context node param
PASS innerHTML Void context node source
PASS innerHTML Void context node track
PASS innerHTML Void context node wbr
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings area
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings base
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings basefont
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings bgsound
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings br
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings col
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings embed
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings frame
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings hr
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings img
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings input
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings keygen
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings link
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings meta
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings param
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings source
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings track
PASS innerHTML void as first child with following siblings wbr
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings area
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings base
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings basefont
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings bgsound
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings br
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings col
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings embed
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings frame
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings hr
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings img
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings input
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings keygen
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings link
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings meta
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings param
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings source
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings track
PASS innerHTML void as second child with following siblings wbr
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings area
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings base
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings basefont
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings bgsound
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings br
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings col
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings embed
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings frame
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings hr
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings img
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings input
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings keygen
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings link
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings meta
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings param
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings source
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings track
PASS innerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings wbr
PASS outerHTML Void context node area
PASS outerHTML Void context node base
PASS outerHTML Void context node basefont
PASS outerHTML Void context node bgsound
PASS outerHTML Void context node br
PASS outerHTML Void context node col
PASS outerHTML Void context node embed
PASS outerHTML Void context node frame
PASS outerHTML Void context node hr
PASS outerHTML Void context node img
PASS outerHTML Void context node input
PASS outerHTML Void context node keygen
PASS outerHTML Void context node link
PASS outerHTML Void context node meta
PASS outerHTML Void context node param
PASS outerHTML Void context node source
PASS outerHTML Void context node track
PASS outerHTML Void context node wbr
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings area
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings base
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings basefont
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings bgsound
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings br
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings col
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings embed
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings frame
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings hr
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings img
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings input
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings keygen
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings link
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings meta
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings param
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings source
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings track
PASS outerHTML void as first child with following siblings wbr
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings area
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings base
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings basefont
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings bgsound
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings br
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings col
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings embed
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings frame
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings hr
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings img
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings input
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings keygen
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings link
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings meta
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings param
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings source
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings track
PASS outerHTML void as second child with following siblings wbr
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings area
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings base
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings basefont
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings bgsound
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings br
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings col
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings embed
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings frame
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings hr
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings img
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings input
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings keygen
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings link
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings meta
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings param
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings source
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings track
PASS outerHTML void as last child with preceding siblings wbr