blob: 24917e66be016bf6e892f9ed81be9f145af0395b [file] [log] [blame]
Plugin Name: Hyperlight
Plugin URI:
Description: Static, CSS-based syntax highlighter for a variety of languages.
Author: Jonathan Davis
Version: 1.0
$hyperlight_codes = array();
$hyperlight_replace_token = uniqid('hyperlight', true) . ':';
$hyperlight_code_index = 0;
// Wire plugin into WordPress
add_filter('the_content', 'hyperlight_before_filter', 7);
add_filter('the_content', 'hyperlight_after_filter', 99);
add_filter('get_comment_text', 'hyperlight_before_filter', 7);
add_filter('get_comment_text', 'hyperlight_after_filter', 99);
add_filter('post_text', 'hyperlight_before_filter', 7);
add_filter('post_text', 'hyperlight_after_filter', 99);
// Replace code blocks which specify a `class` argument with a replace token. The
// token is a key in a dictionary and will be replaced by the after-filter with
// the corresponding highlighted source code.
// TODO Activate similar mechanism for <code>!
function hyperlight_before_filter( $content ) {
return preg_replace_callback(
'#<code class="(.+?)">(.+?)</code>#is',
// Replace the hyperlight replace tokens with the corresponding highlighted
// source code.
function hyperlight_after_filter($content) {
global $hyperlight_replace_token;
return preg_replace_callback(
function hyperlight_highlight_block($match) {
global $hyperlight_codes, $hyperlight_replace_token, $hyperlight_code_index;
list(, $lang, $code) = $match;
$code = html_entity_decode( $code, ENT_QUOTES );
if ( ! isset($lang) )
return $match[0]; // No language given: don't highlight.
// Auto-detect implicit PHP code
if ('php' == $lang && !preg_match('/(<\?php|\?>)/',$code))
$lang = 'iphp';
$hyperlight = new Hyperlight($lang);
$code = $hyperlight->render($code);
// $code = htmlspecialchars_decode($code, ENT_NOQUOTES);
$index = "$hyperlight_replace_token$hyperlight_code_index";
$hyperlight_codes[ $index ] = '<code class="' . esc_attr($lang) . '">' . $code . '</code>';
return $index;
function hyperlight_insert_block($match) {
global $hyperlight_codes;
return $hyperlight_codes[ $match[0] ];