| Verify that we do not invalidate more than needed to satisfy :indeterminate |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS elementsNeedingStyleRecalc() is [] |
| PASS elementsWithIndeterminateStyle() is ["radio1", "radio2", "radio3", "radio4", "radio5", "radio6", "radio7", "radio8", "radio9", "radio10"] |
| PASS checkedElements() is [] |
| PASS elementsNeedingStyleRecalc() is ["radio1", "radio2", "radio3", "radio4", "radio5"] |
| PASS elementsWithIndeterminateStyle() is ["radio6", "radio7", "radio8", "radio9", "radio10"] |
| PASS checkedElements() is ["radio3"] |
| PASS elementsNeedingStyleRecalc() is ["radio6", "radio7", "radio8", "radio9", "radio10"] |
| PASS elementsWithIndeterminateStyle() is [] |
| PASS checkedElements() is ["radio3", "radio8"] |
| PASS elementsNeedingStyleRecalc() is ["radio3", "radio4"] |
| PASS elementsWithIndeterminateStyle() is [] |
| PASS checkedElements() is ["radio4", "radio8"] |
| PASS elementsNeedingStyleRecalc() is ["radio8", "radio9"] |
| PASS elementsWithIndeterminateStyle() is [] |
| PASS checkedElements() is ["radio4", "radio9"] |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |