| This tests checks that all of the input values for stroke-width parse correctly. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS testComputedStyleInherited("stroke-width: 4px;") is "4px" |
| FAIL testComputedStyleInherited("stroke-width: 0.01em;") should be 0.01em. Was 0.1599999964237213px. |
| PASS testComputedStyleInherited("stroke-width: 10%;") is "10%" |
| PASS testComputedStyle(";") is "1px" |
| PASS test("stroke-width: 4px;") is "4px" |
| PASS test("stroke-width: 0.01em;") is "0.01em" |
| PASS test("stroke-width: 10%;") is "10%" |
| PASS test("stroke-width: 4;") is "4px" |
| PASS test("stroke-width: em;") is "" |
| PASS test("stroke-width: %;") is "" |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |