| This test ensures border shorthand property initializes longhand properties such as border-top-style and border-right-color. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS div.setAttribute('style', 'border: 1px');div.style.borderTopStyle is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderTopStyle is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderRightStyle is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderBottomStyle is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderLeftStyle is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderTopColor is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderRightColor is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderBottomColor is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderLeftColor is 'initial' |
| PASS div.setAttribute('style', 'border: solid');div.style.borderTopWidth is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderRightWidth is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderBottomWidth is 'initial' |
| PASS div.style.borderLeftWidth is 'initial' |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |