| |
| PASS Executing "initialize" |
| PASS Executing "createBuffer" |
| PASS Executing "createMediaElementSource" |
| PASS Executing "createMediaStreamSource" |
| PASS Executing "createScriptProcessor" |
| PASS Executing "createChannelSplitter" |
| PASS Executing "createChannelMerger" |
| PASS Executing "createPeriodicWave" |
| PASS Executing "createAnalyser" |
| PASS Executing "Init test nodes" |
| PASS Executing "connections" |
| PASS Executing "channel-stuff" |
| PASS Executing "audioparam" |
| PASS Executing "biquad" |
| PASS Executing "offline-audio-context" |
| PASS Executing "invalid-offline-audio-context-parameters" |
| PASS Executing "invalid-frame-length" |
| PASS Executing "waveshaper" |
| PASS Executing "audio-buffer-source" |
| PASS Executing "oscillator" |
| PASS Executing "convolver" |
| PASS Executing "panner" |
| PASS Executing "script-processor" |
| PASS Executing "misc" |
| PASS Audit report |
| PASS > [initialize] Initialize contexts for testing |
| PASS context = new AudioContext() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS otherContext = new AudioContext() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [initialize] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions) |
| PASS > [createBuffer] |
| PASS context.createBuffer(99, 1, context.sampleRate) threw NotSupportedError: "Number of channels cannot be more than max supported.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(0, 1, context.sampleRate) threw NotSupportedError: "Number of channels cannot be 0.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 2999) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 384001) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1e6) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 3000) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 192000) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 384000) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createBuffer(1, 0, context.sampleRate) threw NotSupportedError: "Length must be at least 1.". |
| PASS context.createBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(100), true) threw TypeError: "Not enough arguments". |
| PASS < [createBuffer] All assertions passed. (total 11 assertions) |
| PASS > [createMediaElementSource] |
| PASS context.createMediaElementSource(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('mediaElement') to AudioContext.createMediaElementSource must be an instance of HTMLMediaElement". |
| PASS < [createMediaElementSource] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [createMediaStreamSource] |
| PASS context.createMediaStreamSource(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('mediaStream') to AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource must be an instance of MediaStream". |
| PASS < [createMediaStreamSource] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [createScriptProcessor] |
| PASS context.createScriptProcessor(1, 1, 1) threw IndexSizeError: "The index is not in the allowed range.". |
| PASS context.createScriptProcessor(4096, 100, 1) threw NotSupportedError: "The operation is not supported.". |
| PASS context.createScriptProcessor(4096, 1, 100) threw NotSupportedError: "The operation is not supported.". |
| PASS context.createScriptProcessor() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createScriptProcessor(0) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [createScriptProcessor] All assertions passed. (total 5 assertions) |
| PASS > [createChannelSplitter] |
| PASS context.createChannelSplitter(0) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of outputs is not in the allowed range". |
| PASS context.createChannelSplitter(99) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of outputs is not in the allowed range". |
| PASS context.createChannelMerger(0) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of inputs is not in the allowed range.". |
| PASS < [createChannelSplitter] All assertions passed. (total 3 assertions) |
| PASS > [createChannelMerger] |
| PASS context.createChannelMerger(99) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of inputs is not in the allowed range.". |
| PASS < [createChannelMerger] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [createPeriodicWave] |
| PASS context.createPeriodicWave(null, null) threw TypeError: "Value is not a sequence". |
| PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(10), null) threw TypeError: "Value is not a sequence". |
| PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(4100), new Float32Array(4100)) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(8192), new Float32Array(8192)) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(10000), new Float32Array(10000)) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(7)) threw IndexSizeError: "real and imag have different lengths". |
| PASS < [createPeriodicWave] All assertions passed. (total 6 assertions) |
| PASS > [createAnalyser] |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 42 threw IndexSizeError: "fftSize must be power of 2 in the range 32 to 32768.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize is not equal to 42. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 16 threw IndexSizeError: "fftSize must be power of 2 in the range 32 to 32768.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize is not equal to 16. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 32768 did not throw an exception. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 65536 threw IndexSizeError: "fftSize must be power of 2 in the range 32 to 32768.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize is not equal to 65536. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels = -10 threw IndexSizeError: "minDecibels must be less than maxDecibels.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels is not equal to -10. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels = -150 threw IndexSizeError: "maxDecibels must be greater than minDecibels.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels is not equal to -150. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels = -30 threw IndexSizeError: "minDecibels must be less than maxDecibels.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels is not equal to -30. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels = -100 threw IndexSizeError: "maxDecibels must be greater than minDecibels.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels is not equal to -100. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant = -0.1 threw IndexSizeError: "Smoothing time constant needs to be between 0 and 1.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant is not equal to -0.1. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant = 1.5 threw IndexSizeError: "Smoothing time constant needs to be between 0 and 1.". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant is not equal to 1.5. |
| PASS AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData must be an instance of Float32Array". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData must be an instance of Uint8Array". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData must be an instance of Float32Array". |
| PASS AnalyserNode.getByteTimeDomainData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getByteTimeDomainData must be an instance of Uint8Array". |
| PASS AudioBuffer.getChannelData(2) threw IndexSizeError: "Index must be less than number of channels.". |
| PASS < [createAnalyser] All assertions passed. (total 24 assertions) |
| PASS > [Init test nodes] Create test nodes for the following tests |
| PASS node = context.createGain() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node2 = context.createGain() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [Init test nodes] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions) |
| PASS > [connections] AudioNode connections |
| PASS node.connect(null, 0, 0) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('destination') to AudioNode.connect must be an instance of AudioNode". |
| PASS node.connect(context.destination, 100, 0) threw IndexSizeError: "Output index exceeds number of outputs". |
| PASS node.connect(context.destination, 0, 100) threw IndexSizeError: "Input index exceeds number of inputs". |
| PASS node.connect(node2.gain, 100) threw IndexSizeError: "Output index exceeds number of outputs". |
| PASS node.disconnect(99) threw IndexSizeError: "output index is out of bounds". |
| PASS node.connect(otherContext.destination) threw SyntaxError: "Source and destination nodes belong to different audio contexts". |
| PASS < [connections] All assertions passed. (total 6 assertions) |
| PASS > [channel-stuff] channelCount, channelCountMode, channelInterpretation |
| PASS GainNode.channelCount = 99 threw IndexSizeError: "Channel count exceeds maximum limit". |
| PASS GainNode.channelCount is not equal to 99. |
| PASS node.channelCountMode = "fancy" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.channelCountMode is equal to max. |
| PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.channelInterpretation is equal to speakers. |
| PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw IndexSizeError: [error message omitted]. |
| PASS < [channel-stuff] All assertions passed. (total 7 assertions) |
| PASS > [audioparam] |
| PASS param.setValueCurveAtTime(null, 0, 0) threw TypeError: "Value is not a sequence". |
| PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(-1, 0.1) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0, 0.1) threw RangeError: "value cannot be 0". |
| PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(1e-100, 0.1) threw RangeError: "value cannot be 0". |
| PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(Math.pow(2, -149), 0.1) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(Math.pow(2, -150), 0.1) threw RangeError: "value cannot be 0". |
| PASS < [audioparam] All assertions passed. (total 6 assertions) |
| PASS > [biquad] |
| PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1)) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(null, new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1)) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('frequencyHz') to BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse must be an instance of Float32Array". |
| PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), null, new Float32Array(1)) threw TypeError: "Argument 2 ('magResponse') to BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse must be an instance of Float32Array". |
| PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), null) threw TypeError: "Argument 3 ('phaseResponse') to BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse must be an instance of Float32Array". |
| PASS < [biquad] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions) |
| PASS > [offline-audio-context] supports 32 channels |
| PASS new OfflineAudioContext(32, 100, context.sampleRate) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [offline-audio-context] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions) |
| PASS > [invalid-offline-audio-context-parameters] errors for invalid channel counts |
| PASS new OfflineAudioContext(0, 100, context.sampleRate) threw SyntaxError: "Number of channels is not in range". |
| PASS new OfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw SyntaxError: "Number of channels is not in range". |
| PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw SyntaxError: "sampleRate is not in range". |
| PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw SyntaxError: "sampleRate is not in range". |
| PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 0, 44100) threw SyntaxError: "length cannot be 0". |
| PASS < [invalid-offline-audio-context-parameters] All assertions passed. (total 5 assertions) |
| PASS > [invalid-frame-length] |
| PASS testContext = new OfflineAudioContext(1, -88200000000000, 44100) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS testContext.startRendering() rejected correctly with InvalidStateError: Failed to create audio buffer. |
| PASS < [invalid-frame-length] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions) |
| PASS > [waveshaper] |
| PASS node.oversample = "9x" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.oversample is equal to none. |
| PASS node.curve = {} threw TypeError: "The WaveShaperNode.curve attribute must be an instance of Float32Array". |
| PASS node.curve = new Float32Array(1) threw InvalidStateError: "Length of curve array cannot be less than 2". |
| PASS node.curve is equal to null. |
| PASS node.curve = new Float32Array(2) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS node.curve = null did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [waveshaper] All assertions passed. (total 7 assertions) |
| PASS > [audio-buffer-source] AudioBufferSource start/stop |
| PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source.buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 10, context.sampleRate) threw InvalidStateError: "The buffer was already set". |
| PASS source.start(-1) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive". |
| PASS source.start(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, -Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, -1) threw RangeError: "offset value should be positive". |
| PASS source.start(1, -Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "offset value should be positive". |
| PASS source.start(1, 1, Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, 1, -Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, 1, NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.start(1, 1, -1) threw RangeError: "duration value should be positive". |
| PASS source.start(1, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "duration value should be positive". |
| PASS source.start() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source.stop(-Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive". |
| PASS source.stop(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.stop(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.stop(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source.stop() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source2 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source2.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source2.start(0, 0) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source3 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source3.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source3.start(0, -1/Infinity) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source4 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source4.start() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source5 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source5.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source5.stop() threw InvalidStateError: "cannot call stop without calling start first.". |
| PASS source6 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source6.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source6.start() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source6.start() threw InvalidStateError: "Cannot call start more than once.". |
| PASS source7 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source7.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source7.start() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source7.stop() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [audio-buffer-source] All assertions passed. (total 42 assertions) |
| PASS > [oscillator] start/stop |
| PASS source8 = context.createOscillator() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source8.start(-Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive". |
| PASS source8.start(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source8.start(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source8.start(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source8.start() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS source8.stop(-Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive". |
| PASS source8.stop(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source8.stop(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source8.stop(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite". |
| PASS source8.stop() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS osc = context.createOscillator() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS osc.stop() threw InvalidStateError: "cannot call stop without calling start first.". |
| PASS osc1 = context.createOscillator() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS osc1.start() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS osc1.stop() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS osc.setPeriodicWave(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('wave') to OscillatorNode.setPeriodicWave must be an instance of PeriodicWave". |
| PASS < [oscillator] All assertions passed. (total 17 assertions) |
| PASS > [convolver] |
| PASS oc = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 44100, 44100) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS conv = oc.createConvolver() did not throw an exception. |
| PASS conv.buffer = {} threw TypeError: "The ConvolverNode.buffer attribute must be an instance of AudioBuffer". |
| PASS conv.buffer = oc.createBuffer(1, 100, 22050) threw NotSupportedError: "The operation is not supported.". |
| PASS conv.buffer is equal to null. |
| PASS < [convolver] All assertions passed. (total 5 assertions) |
| PASS > [panner] |
| PASS panner.channelCount = 1 did not throw an exception. |
| PASS panner.channelCount = 2 did not throw an exception. |
| PASS PannerNode.channelCount = 0 threw NotSupportedError: "Channel count cannot be 0". |
| PASS PannerNode.channelCount is not equal to 0. |
| PASS PannerNode.channelCount = 3 threw NotSupportedError: "PannerNode's channelCount cannot be greater than 2". |
| PASS PannerNode.channelCount is not equal to 3. |
| PASS PannerNode.channelCountMode = max threw NotSupportedError: "PannerNode's channelCountMode cannot be max". |
| PASS PannerNode.channelCountMode is not equal to max. |
| PASS panner.channelCountMode = "explicit" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS panner.channelCountMode = "clamped-max" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS panner.channelCountMode = "junk" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [panner] All assertions passed. (total 11 assertions) |
| PASS > [script-processor] |
| PASS script = context.createScriptProcessor(256, 3) did not throw an exception. |
| PASS script.channelCount is equal to 3. |
| PASS script.channelCountMode is equal to explicit. |
| PASS script.channelCount = 3 did not throw an exception. |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount = 1 threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCount cannot be changed". |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount is not equal to 1. |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount = 7 threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCount cannot be changed". |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount is not equal to 7. |
| PASS script.channelCountMode = "explicit" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode = max threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCountMode cannot be changed from 'explicit'". |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode is not equal to max. |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode = clamped-max threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCountMode cannot be changed from 'explicit'". |
| PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode is not equal to clamped-max. |
| PASS script.channelCountMode = "junk" did not throw an exception. |
| PASS < [script-processor] All assertions passed. (total 14 assertions) |
| PASS > [misc] Miscellaneous tests |
| PASS osc.noteOn is equal to undefined. |
| PASS osc.noteOff is equal to undefined. |
| PASS source.noteOn is equal to undefined. |
| PASS source.noteOff is equal to undefined. |
| PASS < [misc] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions) |
| PASS # AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 24 tasks ran successfully. |
| |