blob: 09656595196223257d3404e9adfb144e2f3ca649 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Executing "initialize"
PASS Executing "createBuffer"
PASS Executing "createMediaElementSource"
PASS Executing "createMediaStreamSource"
PASS Executing "createScriptProcessor"
PASS Executing "createChannelSplitter"
PASS Executing "createChannelMerger"
PASS Executing "createPeriodicWave"
PASS Executing "createAnalyser"
PASS Executing "Init test nodes"
PASS Executing "connections"
PASS Executing "channel-stuff"
PASS Executing "audioparam"
PASS Executing "biquad"
PASS Executing "offline-audio-context"
PASS Executing "invalid-offline-audio-context-parameters"
PASS Executing "invalid-frame-length"
PASS Executing "waveshaper"
PASS Executing "audio-buffer-source"
PASS Executing "oscillator"
PASS Executing "convolver"
PASS Executing "panner"
PASS Executing "script-processor"
PASS Executing "misc"
PASS Audit report
PASS > [initialize] Initialize contexts for testing
PASS context = new AudioContext() did not throw an exception.
PASS otherContext = new AudioContext() did not throw an exception.
PASS < [initialize] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions)
PASS > [createBuffer]
PASS context.createBuffer(99, 1, context.sampleRate) threw NotSupportedError: "Number of channels cannot be more than max supported.".
PASS context.createBuffer(0, 1, context.sampleRate) threw NotSupportedError: "Number of channels cannot be 0.".
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.".
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 2999) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.".
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 384001) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.".
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 1e6) threw NotSupportedError: "Sample rate is not in the supported range.".
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 3000) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 192000) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 1, 384000) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createBuffer(1, 0, context.sampleRate) threw NotSupportedError: "Length must be at least 1.".
PASS context.createBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(100), true) threw TypeError: "Not enough arguments".
PASS < [createBuffer] All assertions passed. (total 11 assertions)
PASS > [createMediaElementSource]
PASS context.createMediaElementSource(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('mediaElement') to AudioContext.createMediaElementSource must be an instance of HTMLMediaElement".
PASS < [createMediaElementSource] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions)
PASS > [createMediaStreamSource]
PASS context.createMediaStreamSource(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('mediaStream') to AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource must be an instance of MediaStream".
PASS < [createMediaStreamSource] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions)
PASS > [createScriptProcessor]
PASS context.createScriptProcessor(1, 1, 1) threw IndexSizeError: "The index is not in the allowed range.".
PASS context.createScriptProcessor(4096, 100, 1) threw NotSupportedError: "The operation is not supported.".
PASS context.createScriptProcessor(4096, 1, 100) threw NotSupportedError: "The operation is not supported.".
PASS context.createScriptProcessor() did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createScriptProcessor(0) did not throw an exception.
PASS < [createScriptProcessor] All assertions passed. (total 5 assertions)
PASS > [createChannelSplitter]
PASS context.createChannelSplitter(0) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of outputs is not in the allowed range".
PASS context.createChannelSplitter(99) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of outputs is not in the allowed range".
PASS context.createChannelMerger(0) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of inputs is not in the allowed range.".
PASS < [createChannelSplitter] All assertions passed. (total 3 assertions)
PASS > [createChannelMerger]
PASS context.createChannelMerger(99) threw IndexSizeError: "Number of inputs is not in the allowed range.".
PASS < [createChannelMerger] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions)
PASS > [createPeriodicWave]
PASS context.createPeriodicWave(null, null) threw TypeError: "Value is not a sequence".
PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(10), null) threw TypeError: "Value is not a sequence".
PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(4100), new Float32Array(4100)) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(8192), new Float32Array(8192)) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(10000), new Float32Array(10000)) did not throw an exception.
PASS context.createPeriodicWave(new Float32Array(10), new Float32Array(7)) threw IndexSizeError: "real and imag have different lengths".
PASS < [createPeriodicWave] All assertions passed. (total 6 assertions)
PASS > [createAnalyser]
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 42 threw IndexSizeError: "fftSize must be power of 2 in the range 32 to 32768.".
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize is not equal to 42.
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 16 threw IndexSizeError: "fftSize must be power of 2 in the range 32 to 32768.".
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize is not equal to 16.
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 32768 did not throw an exception.
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize = 65536 threw IndexSizeError: "fftSize must be power of 2 in the range 32 to 32768.".
PASS AnalyserNode.fftSize is not equal to 65536.
PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels = -10 threw IndexSizeError: "minDecibels must be less than maxDecibels.".
PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels is not equal to -10.
PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels = -150 threw IndexSizeError: "maxDecibels must be greater than minDecibels.".
PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels is not equal to -150.
PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels = -30 threw IndexSizeError: "minDecibels must be less than maxDecibels.".
PASS AnalyserNode.minDecibels is not equal to -30.
PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels = -100 threw IndexSizeError: "maxDecibels must be greater than minDecibels.".
PASS AnalyserNode.maxDecibels is not equal to -100.
PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant = -0.1 threw IndexSizeError: "Smoothing time constant needs to be between 0 and 1.".
PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant is not equal to -0.1.
PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant = 1.5 threw IndexSizeError: "Smoothing time constant needs to be between 0 and 1.".
PASS AnalyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant is not equal to 1.5.
PASS AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getFloatFrequencyData must be an instance of Float32Array".
PASS AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getByteFrequencyData must be an instance of Uint8Array".
PASS AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getFloatTimeDomainData must be an instance of Float32Array".
PASS AnalyserNode.getByteTimeDomainData(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('array') to AnalyserNode.getByteTimeDomainData must be an instance of Uint8Array".
PASS AudioBuffer.getChannelData(2) threw IndexSizeError: "Index must be less than number of channels.".
PASS < [createAnalyser] All assertions passed. (total 24 assertions)
PASS > [Init test nodes] Create test nodes for the following tests
PASS node = context.createGain() did not throw an exception.
PASS node2 = context.createGain() did not throw an exception.
PASS < [Init test nodes] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions)
PASS > [connections] AudioNode connections
PASS node.connect(null, 0, 0) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('destination') to AudioNode.connect must be an instance of AudioNode".
PASS node.connect(context.destination, 100, 0) threw IndexSizeError: "Output index exceeds number of outputs".
PASS node.connect(context.destination, 0, 100) threw IndexSizeError: "Input index exceeds number of inputs".
PASS node.connect(node2.gain, 100) threw IndexSizeError: "Output index exceeds number of outputs".
PASS node.disconnect(99) threw IndexSizeError: "output index is out of bounds".
PASS node.connect(otherContext.destination) threw SyntaxError: "Source and destination nodes belong to different audio contexts".
PASS < [connections] All assertions passed. (total 6 assertions)
PASS > [channel-stuff] channelCount, channelCountMode, channelInterpretation
PASS GainNode.channelCount = 99 threw IndexSizeError: "Channel count exceeds maximum limit".
PASS GainNode.channelCount is not equal to 99.
PASS node.channelCountMode = "fancy" did not throw an exception.
PASS node.channelCountMode is equal to max.
PASS node.channelInterpretation = mode did not throw an exception.
PASS node.channelInterpretation is equal to speakers.
PASS context.destination.channelCount = 99 threw IndexSizeError: [error message omitted].
PASS < [channel-stuff] All assertions passed. (total 7 assertions)
PASS > [audioparam]
PASS param.setValueCurveAtTime(null, 0, 0) threw TypeError: "Value is not a sequence".
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(-1, 0.1) did not throw an exception.
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(0, 0.1) threw RangeError: "value cannot be 0".
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(1e-100, 0.1) threw RangeError: "value cannot be 0".
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(Math.pow(2, -149), 0.1) did not throw an exception.
PASS node.gain.exponentialRampToValueAtTime(Math.pow(2, -150), 0.1) threw RangeError: "value cannot be 0".
PASS < [audioparam] All assertions passed. (total 6 assertions)
PASS > [biquad]
PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1)) did not throw an exception.
PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(null, new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1)) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('frequencyHz') to BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse must be an instance of Float32Array".
PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), null, new Float32Array(1)) threw TypeError: "Argument 2 ('magResponse') to BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse must be an instance of Float32Array".
PASS node.getFrequencyResponse(new Float32Array(1), new Float32Array(1), null) threw TypeError: "Argument 3 ('phaseResponse') to BiquadFilterNode.getFrequencyResponse must be an instance of Float32Array".
PASS < [biquad] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions)
PASS > [offline-audio-context] supports 32 channels
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(32, 100, context.sampleRate) did not throw an exception.
PASS < [offline-audio-context] All assertions passed. (total 1 assertions)
PASS > [invalid-offline-audio-context-parameters] errors for invalid channel counts
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(0, 100, context.sampleRate) threw SyntaxError: "Number of channels is not in range".
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(99, 100, context.sampleRate) threw SyntaxError: "Number of channels is not in range".
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1) threw SyntaxError: "sampleRate is not in range".
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 100, 1e6) threw SyntaxError: "sampleRate is not in range".
PASS new OfflineAudioContext(1, 0, 44100) threw SyntaxError: "length cannot be 0".
PASS < [invalid-offline-audio-context-parameters] All assertions passed. (total 5 assertions)
PASS > [invalid-frame-length]
PASS testContext = new OfflineAudioContext(1, -88200000000000, 44100) did not throw an exception.
PASS testContext.startRendering() rejected correctly with InvalidStateError: Failed to create audio buffer.
PASS < [invalid-frame-length] All assertions passed. (total 2 assertions)
PASS > [waveshaper]
PASS node.oversample = "9x" did not throw an exception.
PASS node.oversample is equal to none.
PASS node.curve = {} threw TypeError: "The WaveShaperNode.curve attribute must be an instance of Float32Array".
PASS node.curve = new Float32Array(1) threw InvalidStateError: "Length of curve array cannot be less than 2".
PASS node.curve is equal to null.
PASS node.curve = new Float32Array(2) did not throw an exception.
PASS node.curve = null did not throw an exception.
PASS < [waveshaper] All assertions passed. (total 7 assertions)
PASS > [audio-buffer-source] AudioBufferSource start/stop
PASS source = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception.
PASS source.buffer = context.createBuffer(1, 10, context.sampleRate) threw InvalidStateError: "The buffer was already set".
PASS source.start(-1) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive".
PASS source.start(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, -Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, -1) threw RangeError: "offset value should be positive".
PASS source.start(1, -Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "offset value should be positive".
PASS source.start(1, 1, Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, 1, -Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, 1, NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.start(1, 1, -1) threw RangeError: "duration value should be positive".
PASS source.start(1, 1, -Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "duration value should be positive".
PASS source.start() did not throw an exception.
PASS source.stop(-Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive".
PASS source.stop(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.stop(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.stop(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source.stop() did not throw an exception.
PASS source2 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source2.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception.
PASS source2.start(0, 0) did not throw an exception.
PASS source3 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source3.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception.
PASS source3.start(0, -1/Infinity) did not throw an exception.
PASS source4 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source4.start() did not throw an exception.
PASS source5 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source5.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception.
PASS source5.stop() threw InvalidStateError: "cannot call stop without calling start first.".
PASS source6 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source6.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception.
PASS source6.start() did not throw an exception.
PASS source6.start() threw InvalidStateError: "Cannot call start more than once.".
PASS source7 = context.createBufferSource() did not throw an exception.
PASS source7.buffer = buffer did not throw an exception.
PASS source7.start() did not throw an exception.
PASS source7.stop() did not throw an exception.
PASS < [audio-buffer-source] All assertions passed. (total 42 assertions)
PASS > [oscillator] start/stop
PASS source8 = context.createOscillator() did not throw an exception.
PASS source8.start(-Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive".
PASS source8.start(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source8.start(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source8.start(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source8.start() did not throw an exception.
PASS source8.stop(-Number.MIN_VALUE) threw RangeError: "when value should be positive".
PASS source8.stop(Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source8.stop(-Infinity) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source8.stop(NaN) threw TypeError: "The provided value is non-finite".
PASS source8.stop() did not throw an exception.
PASS osc = context.createOscillator() did not throw an exception.
PASS osc.stop() threw InvalidStateError: "cannot call stop without calling start first.".
PASS osc1 = context.createOscillator() did not throw an exception.
PASS osc1.start() did not throw an exception.
PASS osc1.stop() did not throw an exception.
PASS osc.setPeriodicWave(null) threw TypeError: "Argument 1 ('wave') to OscillatorNode.setPeriodicWave must be an instance of PeriodicWave".
PASS < [oscillator] All assertions passed. (total 17 assertions)
PASS > [convolver]
PASS oc = new OfflineAudioContext(1, 44100, 44100) did not throw an exception.
PASS conv = oc.createConvolver() did not throw an exception.
PASS conv.buffer = {} threw TypeError: "The ConvolverNode.buffer attribute must be an instance of AudioBuffer".
PASS conv.buffer = oc.createBuffer(1, 100, 22050) threw NotSupportedError: "The operation is not supported.".
PASS conv.buffer is equal to null.
PASS < [convolver] All assertions passed. (total 5 assertions)
PASS > [panner]
PASS panner.channelCount = 1 did not throw an exception.
PASS panner.channelCount = 2 did not throw an exception.
PASS PannerNode.channelCount = 0 threw NotSupportedError: "Channel count cannot be 0".
PASS PannerNode.channelCount is not equal to 0.
PASS PannerNode.channelCount = 3 threw NotSupportedError: "PannerNode's channelCount cannot be greater than 2".
PASS PannerNode.channelCount is not equal to 3.
PASS PannerNode.channelCountMode = max threw NotSupportedError: "PannerNode's channelCountMode cannot be max".
PASS PannerNode.channelCountMode is not equal to max.
PASS panner.channelCountMode = "explicit" did not throw an exception.
PASS panner.channelCountMode = "clamped-max" did not throw an exception.
PASS panner.channelCountMode = "junk" did not throw an exception.
PASS < [panner] All assertions passed. (total 11 assertions)
PASS > [script-processor]
PASS script = context.createScriptProcessor(256, 3) did not throw an exception.
PASS script.channelCount is equal to 3.
PASS script.channelCountMode is equal to explicit.
PASS script.channelCount = 3 did not throw an exception.
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount = 1 threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCount cannot be changed".
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount is not equal to 1.
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount = 7 threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCount cannot be changed".
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCount is not equal to 7.
PASS script.channelCountMode = "explicit" did not throw an exception.
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode = max threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCountMode cannot be changed from 'explicit'".
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode is not equal to max.
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode = clamped-max threw NotSupportedError: "ScriptProcessorNode's channelCountMode cannot be changed from 'explicit'".
PASS ScriptProcessorNode.channelCountMode is not equal to clamped-max.
PASS script.channelCountMode = "junk" did not throw an exception.
PASS < [script-processor] All assertions passed. (total 14 assertions)
PASS > [misc] Miscellaneous tests
PASS osc.noteOn is equal to undefined.
PASS osc.noteOff is equal to undefined.
PASS source.noteOn is equal to undefined.
PASS source.noteOff is equal to undefined.
PASS < [misc] All assertions passed. (total 4 assertions)
PASS # AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 24 tasks ran successfully.