blob: 82a171a34afccb1ae8a42178a84932d710dc9403 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>This test ensures WebKit does not execute the default event handler of keydown when the user presses TAB key while IME composition is taking place.<br>
To test manually, type "kyo" using Japanese hiragana keyboard in the first text field, and press TAB key.<br>
WebKit should not move the focus to the second text field.</p>
<div id="container">
<label>First text field:<input id="first" type="text"></label><br>
<label>Second text field:<input id="second" type="text" onfocus="log('FAIL: the second text field got focused')"></label><br>
<pre id="result"></pre>
const first = document.getElementById('first');
function runTest() {
first.selectionStart = 0;
first.selectionEnd = 0;
textInputController.setInputMethodHandler(function (event) {
if (event.characters[0] == '\t') {
textInputController.setMarkedText("\u4eca\u65e5", 0, 2);
return true;
return false;
textInputController.setMarkedText("kyo", 0, 3);
if (document.activeElement != first)
return log('FAIL: the focus did not remain in the fisrt text field');
document.getElementById('container').style.display = 'none';
function log(text) {
document.getElementById('result').textContent += text + '\n';
if (window.testRunner) {