blob: 4ccfd1d7e026471895fbc5e14718ccc0c683bf71 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: CustomEvent received in main world
CONSOLE MESSAGE: detail was {"foo":5,"bar":"hello","targetWorld":"main"}
CONSOLE MESSAGE: CustomEvent received in isolated world
CONSOLE MESSAGE: detail was {"foo":5,"bar":"hello","targetWorld":"isolated"}
CONSOLE MESSAGE: MessageEvent received in main world
CONSOLE MESSAGE: data was {"foo":5,"bar":"hello","targetWorld":"main"}
CONSOLE MESSAGE: MessageEvent received in isolated world
CONSOLE MESSAGE: data was {"foo":5,"bar":"hello","targetWorld":"isolated"}
CONSOLE MESSAGE: PopStateEvent received in main world
CONSOLE MESSAGE: state was {"foo":5,"bar":"hello","targetWorld":"main"}
CONSOLE MESSAGE: PopStateEvent received in isolated world
CONSOLE MESSAGE: state was {"foo":5,"bar":"hello","targetWorld":"isolated"}
Tests that properties of various events are cloned between isolated worlds.