| Tests transitions of the shorthand properties padding, margin, outline, background, -webkit-border-radius. |
| PASS - "padding-top" property for "box" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 5 |
| PASS - "margin-top" property for "box" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 25 |
| PASS - "outline-color" property for "box" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 128,0,128 |
| PASS - "background-color" property for "box" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 128,128,255 |
| PASS - "-webkit-border-top-right-radius" property for "box" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 10 |
| PASS - "-webkit-transform-origin" property for "box" element at 0.5s saw something close to: 50,50 |