blob: cbd16fd84baf86260eb7c92e0753d9874cfe4a3a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Card1">
<![CDATA[ <p> default mode is "wrap" for the first p element ]]>
<p> Test for mode attribute of p element in WML </p>
<![CDATA[ <p> it will use the mode of previous paragraph element]]>
Here you can learn various mobile technologies like WAP / WAP 2.0, WML, WMLScript, XHTML MP, WCSS / WAP CSS, UAProf and SMS through our free tutorials, articles and examples. This web site can help web programmers who wish to extend their knowledge to the wireless world.
<![CDATA[ <p mode="nowrap">]]>
<p mode="nowrap">
Here you can learn various mobile technologies like WAP / WAP 2.0, WML, WMLScript, XHTML MP, WCSS / WAP CSS, UAProf and SMS through our free tutorials, articles and examples. This web site can help web programmers who wish to extend their knowledge to the wireless world.