blob: 72b3f64c1fb42da67eebba4466187b69c5d80564 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::FlagType;
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
=head1 NAME
Bugzilla::FlagType - A module to deal with Bugzilla flag types.
=head1 SYNOPSIS provides an interface to flag types as stored in Bugzilla.
See below for more information.
=head1 NOTES
=item *
Use of private functions/variables outside this module may lead to
unexpected results after an upgrade. Please avoid using private
functions in other files/modules. Private functions are functions
whose names start with _ or are specifically noted as being private.
use Bugzilla::Constants;
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use Bugzilla::Group;
use Email::Address;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use parent qw(Bugzilla::Object);
#### Initialization ####
use constant DB_TABLE => 'flagtypes';
use constant LIST_ORDER => 'sortkey, name';
use constant DB_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant UPDATE_COLUMNS => qw(
use constant VALIDATORS => {
name => \&_check_name,
description => \&_check_description,
cc_list => \&_check_cc_list,
target_type => \&_check_target_type,
sortkey => \&_check_sortkey,
is_active => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
is_requestable => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
is_requesteeble => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
is_multiplicable => \&Bugzilla::Object::check_boolean,
grant_group => \&_check_group,
request_group => \&_check_group,
use constant UPDATE_VALIDATORS => {
grant_group_id => \&_check_group,
request_group_id => \&_check_group,
sub create {
my $class = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $params = $class->run_create_validators(@_);
# In the DB, only the first character of the target type is stored.
$params->{target_type} = substr($params->{target_type}, 0, 1);
# Extract everything which is not a valid column name.
$params->{grant_group_id} = delete $params->{grant_group};
$params->{request_group_id} = delete $params->{request_group};
my $inclusions = delete $params->{inclusions};
my $exclusions = delete $params->{exclusions};
my $flagtype = $class->insert_create_data($params);
$flagtype->set_clusions({ inclusions => $inclusions,
exclusions => $exclusions });
return $flagtype;
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $flag_id = $self->id;
my $changes = $self->SUPER::update(@_);
# Update the flaginclusions and flagexclusions tables.
foreach my $category ('inclusions', 'exclusions') {
next unless delete $self->{"_update_$category"};
$dbh->do("DELETE FROM flag$category WHERE type_id = ?", undef, $flag_id);
my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO flag$category
(type_id, product_id, component_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
foreach my $prod_comp (values %{$self->{$category}}) {
my ($prod_id, $comp_id) = split(':', $prod_comp);
$prod_id ||= undef;
$comp_id ||= undef;
$sth->execute($flag_id, $prod_id, $comp_id);
$changes->{$category} = [0, 1];
# Clear existing flags for bugs/attachments in categories no longer on
# the list of inclusions or that have been added to the list of exclusions.
my $flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT
FROM flags
ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
LEFT JOIN flaginclusions AS i
ON (flags.type_id = i.type_id
AND (bugs.product_id = i.product_id
OR i.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = i.component_id
OR i.component_id IS NULL))
WHERE flags.type_id = ?
AND i.type_id IS NULL',
undef, $self->id);
$flag_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT DISTINCT
FROM flags
ON flags.bug_id = bugs.bug_id
INNER JOIN flagexclusions AS e
ON flags.type_id = e.type_id
WHERE flags.type_id = ?
AND (bugs.product_id = e.product_id
OR e.product_id IS NULL)
AND (bugs.component_id = e.component_id
OR e.component_id IS NULL)',
undef, $self->id);
# Silently remove requestees from flags which are no longer
# specifically requestable.
if (!$self->is_requesteeble) {
my $ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref(
'SELECT id FROM flags WHERE type_id = ? AND requestee_id IS NOT NULL',
undef, $self->id);
if (@$ids) {
$dbh->do('UPDATE flags SET requestee_id = NULL WHERE ' . $dbh->sql_in('id', $ids));
foreach my $id (@$ids) {
Bugzilla->memcached->clear({ table => 'flags', id => $id });
return $changes;
#### Accessors ######
=head2 METHODS
=item C<id>
Returns the ID of the flagtype.
=item C<name>
Returns the name of the flagtype.
=item C<description>
Returns the description of the flagtype.
=item C<cc_list>
Returns the concatenated CC list for the flagtype, as a single string.
=item C<target_type>
Returns whether the flagtype applies to bugs or attachments.
=item C<is_active>
Returns whether the flagtype is active or disabled. Flags being
in a disabled flagtype are not deleted. It only prevents you from
adding new flags to it.
=item C<is_requestable>
Returns whether you can request for the given flagtype
(i.e. whether the '?' flag is available or not).
=item C<is_requesteeble>
Returns whether you can ask someone specifically or not.
=item C<is_multiplicable>
Returns whether you can have more than one flag for the given
flagtype in a given bug/attachment.
=item C<sortkey>
Returns the sortkey of the flagtype.
sub id { return $_[0]->{'id'}; }
sub name { return $_[0]->{'name'}; }
sub description { return $_[0]->{'description'}; }
sub cc_list { return $_[0]->{'cc_list'}; }
sub target_type { return $_[0]->{'target_type'} eq 'b' ? 'bug' : 'attachment'; }
sub is_active { return $_[0]->{'is_active'}; }
sub is_requestable { return $_[0]->{'is_requestable'}; }
sub is_requesteeble { return $_[0]->{'is_requesteeble'}; }
sub is_multiplicable { return $_[0]->{'is_multiplicable'}; }
sub sortkey { return $_[0]->{'sortkey'}; }
sub request_group_id { return $_[0]->{'request_group_id'}; }
sub grant_group_id { return $_[0]->{'grant_group_id'}; }
# Validators
sub _check_name {
my ($invocant, $name) = @_;
$name = trim($name);
($name && $name !~ /[\s,]/ && length($name) <= 50)
|| ThrowUserError('flag_type_name_invalid', { name => $name });
return $name;
sub _check_description {
my ($invocant, $desc) = @_;
$desc = trim($desc);
$desc || ThrowUserError('flag_type_description_invalid');
return $desc;
sub _check_cc_list {
my ($invocant, $cc_list) = @_;
length($cc_list) <= 200
|| ThrowUserError('flag_type_cc_list_invalid', { cc_list => $cc_list });
my @addresses = split(/[,\s]+/, $cc_list);
my $addr_spec = $Email::Address::addr_spec;
# We do not call check_email_syntax() because these addresses do not
# require to match 'emailregexp' and do not depend on 'emailsuffix'.
foreach my $address (@addresses) {
($address !~ /\P{ASCII}/ && $address =~ /^$addr_spec$/)
|| ThrowUserError('illegal_email_address',
{addr => $address, default => 1});
return $cc_list;
sub _check_target_type {
my ($invocant, $target_type) = @_;
($target_type eq 'bug' || $target_type eq 'attachment')
|| ThrowCodeError('flag_type_target_type_invalid', { target_type => $target_type });
return $target_type;
sub _check_sortkey {
my ($invocant, $sortkey) = @_;
(detaint_natural($sortkey) && $sortkey <= MAX_SMALLINT)
|| ThrowUserError('flag_type_sortkey_invalid', { sortkey => $sortkey });
return $sortkey;
sub _check_group {
my ($invocant, $group) = @_;
return unless $group;
$group = Bugzilla::Group->check($group);
return $group->id;
#### Methods ####
sub set_name { $_[0]->set('name', $_[1]); }
sub set_description { $_[0]->set('description', $_[1]); }
sub set_cc_list { $_[0]->set('cc_list', $_[1]); }
sub set_sortkey { $_[0]->set('sortkey', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_active { $_[0]->set('is_active', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_requestable { $_[0]->set('is_requestable', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_specifically_requestable { $_[0]->set('is_requesteeble', $_[1]); }
sub set_is_multiplicable { $_[0]->set('is_multiplicable', $_[1]); }
sub set_grant_group { $_[0]->set('grant_group_id', $_[1]); }
sub set_request_group { $_[0]->set('request_group_id', $_[1]); }
sub set_clusions {
my ($self, $list) = @_;
my $user = Bugzilla->user;
my %products;
my $params = {};
# If the user has editcomponents privs, then we only need to make sure
# that the product exists.
if ($user->in_group('editcomponents')) {
$params->{allow_inaccessible} = 1;
foreach my $category (keys %$list) {
my %clusions;
my %clusions_as_hash;
foreach my $prod_comp (@{$list->{$category} || []}) {
my ($prod_id, $comp_id) = split(':', $prod_comp);
my $prod_name = '__Any__';
my $comp_name = '__Any__';
# Does the product exist?
if ($prod_id) {
|| ThrowCodeError('param_must_be_numeric',
{ function => 'Bugzilla::FlagType::set_clusions' });
if (!$products{$prod_id}) {
$params->{id} = $prod_id;
$products{$prod_id} = Bugzilla::Product->check($params);
$prod_name = $products{$prod_id}->name;
# Does the component belong to this product?
if ($comp_id) {
|| ThrowCodeError('param_must_be_numeric',
{ function => 'Bugzilla::FlagType::set_clusions' });
my ($component) = grep { $_->id == $comp_id } @{$products{$prod_id}->components}
or ThrowUserError('product_unknown_component',
{ product => $prod_name, comp_id => $comp_id });
$comp_name = $component->name;
else {
$comp_id = 0;
else {
$prod_id = 0;
$comp_id = 0;
$clusions{"$prod_name:$comp_name"} = "$prod_id:$comp_id";
$clusions_as_hash{$prod_id}->{$comp_id} = 1;
# Check the user has the editcomponent permission on products that are changing
if (! $user->in_group('editcomponents')) {
my $current_clusions = $self->$category;
my ($removed, $added)
= diff_arrays([ values %$current_clusions ], [ values %clusions ]);
my @changed_product_ids
= uniq map { substr($_, 0, index($_, ':')) } @$removed, @$added;
foreach my $product_id (@changed_product_ids) {
$user->in_group('editcomponents', $product_id)
|| ThrowUserError('product_access_denied',
{ name => $products{$product_id}->name });
# Set the changes
$self->{$category} = \%clusions;
$self->{"${category}_as_hash"} = \%clusions_as_hash;
$self->{"_update_$category"} = 1;
=item C<grant_list>
Returns a reference to an array of users who have permission to grant this flag type.
The arrays are populated with hashrefs containing the login, identity and visibility of users.
=item C<grant_group>
Returns the group (as a Bugzilla::Group object) in which a user
must be in order to grant or deny a request.
=item C<request_group>
Returns the group (as a Bugzilla::Group object) in which a user
must be in order to request or clear a flag.
=item C<flag_count>
Returns the number of flags belonging to the flagtype.
=item C<inclusions>
Return a hash of product/component IDs and names
explicitly associated with the flagtype.
=item C<exclusions>
Return a hash of product/component IDs and names
explicitly excluded from the flagtype.
sub grant_list {
my $self = shift;
require Bugzilla::User;
my @custusers;
my @allusers = @{Bugzilla->user->get_userlist};
foreach my $user (@allusers) {
my $user_obj = new Bugzilla::User({name => $user->{login}});
push(@custusers, $user) if $user_obj->can_set_flag($self);
return \@custusers;
sub grant_group {
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{'grant_group'} && $self->{'grant_group_id'}) {
$self->{'grant_group'} = new Bugzilla::Group($self->{'grant_group_id'});
return $self->{'grant_group'};
sub request_group {
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{'request_group'} && $self->{'request_group_id'}) {
$self->{'request_group'} = new Bugzilla::Group($self->{'request_group_id'});
return $self->{'request_group'};
sub flag_count {
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{'flag_count'}) {
$self->{'flag_count'} =
Bugzilla->dbh->selectrow_array('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM flags
WHERE type_id = ?', undef, $self->{'id'});
return $self->{'flag_count'};
sub inclusions {
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{inclusions}) {
($self->{inclusions}, $self->{inclusions_as_hash}) = get_clusions($self->id, 'in');
return $self->{inclusions};
sub inclusions_as_hash {
my $self = shift;
$self->inclusions unless defined $self->{inclusions_as_hash};
return $self->{inclusions_as_hash};
sub exclusions {
my $self = shift;
if (!defined $self->{exclusions}) {
($self->{exclusions}, $self->{exclusions_as_hash}) = get_clusions($self->id, 'ex');
return $self->{exclusions};
sub exclusions_as_hash {
my $self = shift;
$self->exclusions unless defined $self->{exclusions_as_hash};
return $self->{exclusions_as_hash};
# Public Functions
=item C<get_clusions($id, $type)>
Return a hash of product/component IDs and names
associated with the flagtype:
$clusions{'product_name:component_name'} = "product_ID:component_ID"
sub get_clusions {
my ($id, $type) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $list =
FROM flagtypes
INNER JOIN flag${type}clusions
ON flag${type}clusions.type_id =
LEFT JOIN products
ON flag${type}clusions.product_id =
LEFT JOIN components
ON flag${type}clusions.component_id =
WHERE = ?",
undef, $id);
my (%clusions, %clusions_as_hash);
foreach my $data (@$list) {
my ($product_id, $product_name, $component_id, $component_name) = @$data;
$product_id ||= 0;
$product_name ||= "__Any__";
$component_id ||= 0;
$component_name ||= "__Any__";
$clusions{"$product_name:$component_name"} = "$product_id:$component_id";
$clusions_as_hash{$product_id}->{$component_id} = 1;
return (\%clusions, \%clusions_as_hash);
=item C<match($criteria)>
Queries the database for flag types matching the given criteria
and returns a list of matching flagtype objects.
sub match {
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Depending on the criteria, we may have to append additional tables.
my $tables = [DB_TABLE];
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria, $tables);
$tables = join(' ', @$tables);
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $flagtype_ids = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("SELECT id FROM $tables WHERE $criteria");
return Bugzilla::FlagType->new_from_list($flagtype_ids);
=item C<count($criteria)>
Returns the total number of flag types matching the given criteria.
sub count {
my ($criteria) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# Depending on the criteria, we may have to append additional tables.
my $tables = [DB_TABLE];
my @criteria = sqlify_criteria($criteria, $tables);
$tables = join(' ', @$tables);
$criteria = join(' AND ', @criteria);
my $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(
FROM $tables WHERE $criteria");
return $count;
# Private Functions
# Converts a hash of criteria into a list of SQL criteria.
# $criteria is a reference to the criteria (field => value),
# $tables is a reference to an array of tables being accessed
# by the query.
sub sqlify_criteria {
my ($criteria, $tables) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
# the generated list of SQL criteria; "1=1" is a clever way of making sure
# there's something in the list so calling code doesn't have to check list
# size before building a WHERE clause out of it
my @criteria = ("1=1");
if ($criteria->{name}) {
if (ref($criteria->{name}) eq 'ARRAY') {
my @names = map { $dbh->quote($_) } @{$criteria->{name}};
# Detaint data as we have quoted it.
foreach my $name (@names) {
push @criteria, $dbh->sql_in('', \@names);
else {
my $name = $dbh->quote($criteria->{name});
trick_taint($name); # Detaint data as we have quoted it.
push(@criteria, " = $name");
if ($criteria->{target_type}) {
# The target type is stored in the database as a one-character string
# ("a" for attachment and "b" for bug), but this function takes complete
# names ("attachment" and "bug") for clarity, so we must convert them.
my $target_type = $criteria->{target_type} eq 'bug'? 'b' : 'a';
push(@criteria, "flagtypes.target_type = '$target_type'");
if (exists($criteria->{is_active})) {
my $is_active = $criteria->{is_active} ? "1" : "0";
push(@criteria, "flagtypes.is_active = $is_active");
if ($criteria->{product_id}) {
my $product_id = $criteria->{product_id};
|| ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', { argument => 'product_id',
function => 'Bugzilla::FlagType::sqlify_criteria' });
# Add inclusions to the query, which simply involves joining the table
# by flag type ID and target product/component.
push(@$tables, "INNER JOIN flaginclusions AS i ON = i.type_id");
push(@criteria, "(i.product_id = $product_id OR i.product_id IS NULL)");
# Add exclusions to the query, which is more complicated. First of all,
# we do a LEFT JOIN so we don't miss flag types with no exclusions.
# Then, as with inclusions, we join on flag type ID and target product/
# component. However, since we want flag types that *aren't* on the
# exclusions list, we add a WHERE criteria to use only records with
# NULL exclusion type, i.e. without any exclusions.
my $join_clause = " = e.type_id ";
my $addl_join_clause = "";
if ($criteria->{component_id}) {
my $component_id = $criteria->{component_id};
|| ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', { argument => 'component_id',
function => 'Bugzilla::FlagType::sqlify_criteria' });
push(@criteria, "(i.component_id = $component_id OR i.component_id IS NULL)");
$join_clause .= "AND (e.component_id = $component_id OR e.component_id IS NULL) ";
else {
$addl_join_clause = "AND e.component_id IS NULL OR (i.component_id = e.component_id) ";
$join_clause .= "AND ((e.product_id = $product_id $addl_join_clause) OR e.product_id IS NULL)";
push(@$tables, "LEFT JOIN flagexclusions AS e ON ($join_clause)");
push(@criteria, "e.type_id IS NULL");
if ($criteria->{group}) {
my $gid = $criteria->{group};
|| ThrowCodeError('bad_arg', { argument => 'group',
function => 'Bugzilla::FlagType::sqlify_criteria' });
push(@criteria, "(flagtypes.grant_group_id = $gid " .
" OR flagtypes.request_group_id = $gid)");
return @criteria;
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item exclusions_as_hash
=item request_group_id
=item set_is_active
=item set_is_multiplicable
=item inclusions_as_hash
=item set_sortkey
=item grant_group_id
=item set_cc_list
=item set_request_group
=item set_name
=item set_is_specifically_requestable
=item set_grant_group
=item create
=item set_clusions
=item set_description
=item set_is_requestable
=item update