blob: d0e22122028db2cd7db52453c8ef8b6f60061f87 [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::Attachment::PatchReader;
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
use IO::Select;
use IPC::Open3;
use Symbol 'gensym';
use Bugzilla::Error;
use Bugzilla::Attachment;
use Bugzilla::Util;
use constant PERLIO_IS_ENABLED => $Config{useperlio};
sub process_diff {
my ($attachment, $format) = @_;
my $dbh = Bugzilla->dbh;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $lc = Bugzilla->localconfig;
my $vars = {};
require PatchReader::Raw;
my $reader = new PatchReader::Raw;
if ($format eq 'raw') {
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw;
$reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw());
# Actually print out the patch.
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/plain');
$reader->iterate_string('Attachment ' . $attachment->id, $attachment->data);
else {
my @other_patches = ();
if ($lc->{interdiffbin} && $lc->{diffpath}) {
# Get the list of attachments that the user can view in this bug.
my @attachments =
# Extract patches only.
@attachments = grep {$_->ispatch == 1} @attachments;
# We want them sorted from newer to older.
@attachments = sort { $b->id <=> $a->id } @attachments;
# Ignore the current patch, but select the one right before it
# chronologically.
my $select_next_patch = 0;
foreach my $attach (@attachments) {
if ($attach->id == $attachment->id) {
$select_next_patch = 1;
else {
push(@other_patches, { 'id' => $attach->id,
'desc' => $attach->description,
'selected' => $select_next_patch });
$select_next_patch = 0;
$vars->{'bugid'} = $attachment->bug_id;
$vars->{'attachid'} = $attachment->id;
$vars->{'description'} = $attachment->description;
$vars->{'other_patches'} = \@other_patches;
setup_template_patch_reader($reader, $vars);
# The patch is going to be displayed in a HTML page and if the utf8
# param is enabled, we have to encode attachment data as utf8.
if (Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}) {
$attachment->data; # Populate ->{data}
$reader->iterate_string('Attachment ' . $attachment->id, $attachment->data);
sub process_interdiff {
my ($old_attachment, $new_attachment, $format) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $lc = Bugzilla->localconfig;
my $vars = {};
require PatchReader::Raw;
# Encode attachment data as utf8 if it's going to be displayed in a HTML
# page using the UTF-8 encoding.
if ($format ne 'raw' && Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}) {
$old_attachment->data; # Populate ->{data}
$new_attachment->data; # Populate ->{data}
# Get old patch data.
my ($old_filename, $old_file_list) = get_unified_diff($old_attachment, $format);
# Get new patch data.
my ($new_filename, $new_file_list) = get_unified_diff($new_attachment, $format);
my $warning = warn_if_interdiff_might_fail($old_file_list, $new_file_list);
# Send through interdiff, send output directly to template.
# Must hack path so that interdiff will work.
local $ENV{'PATH'} = $lc->{diffpath};
# Open the interdiff pipe, reading from both STDOUT and STDERR
# To avoid deadlocks, we have to read the entire output from all handles
my ($stdout, $stderr) = ('', '');
my ($pid, $interdiff_stdout, $interdiff_stderr, $use_select);
if ($ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
require Apache2::RequestUtil;
require Apache2::SubProcess;
my $request = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
(undef, $interdiff_stdout, $interdiff_stderr) = $request->spawn_proc_prog(
$lc->{interdiffbin}, [$old_filename, $new_filename]
$use_select = !PERLIO_IS_ENABLED;
} else {
$interdiff_stderr = gensym;
$pid = open3(gensym, $interdiff_stdout, $interdiff_stderr,
$lc->{interdiffbin}, $old_filename, $new_filename);
$use_select = 1;
if ($format ne 'raw' && Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}) {
binmode $interdiff_stdout, ':utf8';
binmode $interdiff_stderr, ':utf8';
} else {
binmode $interdiff_stdout;
binmode $interdiff_stderr;
if ($use_select) {
my $select = IO::Select->new();
$select->add($interdiff_stdout, $interdiff_stderr);
while (my @handles = $select->can_read) {
foreach my $handle (@handles) {
my $line = <$handle>;
if (!defined $line) {
if ($handle == $interdiff_stdout) {
$stdout .= $line;
} else {
$stderr .= $line;
waitpid($pid, 0) if $pid;
} else {
local $/ = undef;
$stdout = <$interdiff_stdout>;
$stdout //= '';
$stderr = <$interdiff_stderr>;
$stderr //= '';
# Tidy up
unlink($old_filename) or warn "Could not unlink $old_filename: $!";
unlink($new_filename) or warn "Could not unlink $new_filename: $!";
# Any output on STDERR means interdiff failed to full process the patches.
# Interdiff's error messages are generic and not useful to end users, so we
# show a generic failure message.
if ($stderr) {
$warning = 'interdiff3';
my $reader = new PatchReader::Raw;
if ($format eq 'raw') {
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw;
$reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw());
# Actually print out the patch.
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/plain');
else {
$vars->{'warning'} = $warning if $warning;
$vars->{'bugid'} = $new_attachment->bug_id;
$vars->{'oldid'} = $old_attachment->id;
$vars->{'old_desc'} = $old_attachment->description;
$vars->{'newid'} = $new_attachment->id;
$vars->{'new_desc'} = $new_attachment->description;
setup_template_patch_reader($reader, $vars);
$reader->iterate_string('interdiff #' . $old_attachment->id .
' #' . $new_attachment->id, $stdout);
# Internal routines
sub get_unified_diff {
my ($attachment, $format) = @_;
# Bring in the modules we need.
require PatchReader::Raw;
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw;
require PatchReader::PatchInfoGrabber;
require File::Temp;
|| ThrowCodeError('must_be_patch', { 'attach_id' => $attachment->id });
# Reads in the patch, converting to unified diff in a temp file.
my $reader = new PatchReader::Raw;
my $last_reader = $reader;
# Grabs the patch file info.
my $patch_info_grabber = new PatchReader::PatchInfoGrabber();
$last_reader = $patch_info_grabber;
# Prints out to temporary file.
my ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile();
if ($format ne 'raw' && Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}) {
# The HTML page will be displayed with the UTF-8 encoding.
binmode $fh, ':utf8';
my $raw_printer = new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::raw($fh);
$last_reader = $raw_printer;
# Iterate!
$reader->iterate_string($attachment->id, $attachment->data);
return ($filename, $patch_info_grabber->patch_info()->{files});
sub warn_if_interdiff_might_fail {
my ($old_file_list, $new_file_list) = @_;
# Verify that the list of files diffed is the same.
my @old_files = sort keys %{$old_file_list};
my @new_files = sort keys %{$new_file_list};
if (@old_files != @new_files
|| join(' ', @old_files) ne join(' ', @new_files))
return 'interdiff1';
# Verify that the revisions in the files are the same.
foreach my $file (keys %{$old_file_list}) {
if (exists $old_file_list->{$file}{old_revision}
&& exists $new_file_list->{$file}{old_revision}
&& $old_file_list->{$file}{old_revision} ne
return 'interdiff2';
return undef;
sub setup_template_patch_reader {
my ($last_reader, $vars) = @_;
my $cgi = Bugzilla->cgi;
my $template = Bugzilla->template;
require PatchReader::DiffPrinter::template;
# Define the vars for templates.
if (defined $cgi->param('headers')) {
$vars->{'headers'} = $cgi->param('headers');
else {
$vars->{'headers'} = 1;
$vars->{'collapsed'} = $cgi->param('collapsed');
# Print everything out.
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/html');
$last_reader->sends_data_to(new PatchReader::DiffPrinter::template($template,
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item get_unified_diff
=item process_diff
=item warn_if_interdiff_might_fail
=item setup_template_patch_reader
=item process_interdiff