blob: a702f739423efbb0121c4932a1c78d89f27f4b29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010, 2012-2013, 2015-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved. (
* Copyright (C) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
* Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "Timer.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/FastMalloc.h>
#include <wtf/HashSet.h>
#include <wtf/ListHashSet.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
namespace WebCore {
class CSSStyleSheet;
class Document;
class Element;
class Node;
class ProcessingInstruction;
class StyleResolver;
class StyleSheet;
class StyleSheetContents;
class StyleSheetList;
class ShadowRoot;
class TreeScope;
namespace Style {
// This is used to identify style scopes that can affect an element.
// Scopes are in tree-of-trees order. Styles from earlier scopes win over later ones (modulo !important).
enum class ScopeOrdinal : int {
ContainingHost = -1, // ::part rules and author-exposed UA pseudo classes from the host tree scope.
Element = 0, // Normal rules in the same tree where the element is.
FirstSlot = 1, // ::slotted rules in the parent's shadow tree. Values greater than FirstSlot indicate subsequent slots in the chain.
Shadow = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), // :host rules in element's own shadow tree.
class Scope {
explicit Scope(Document&);
explicit Scope(ShadowRoot&);
const Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet>>& activeStyleSheets() const { return m_activeStyleSheets; }
const Vector<RefPtr<StyleSheet>>& styleSheetsForStyleSheetList();
const Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet>> activeStyleSheetsForInspector();
void addStyleSheetCandidateNode(Node&, bool createdByParser);
void removeStyleSheetCandidateNode(Node&);
String preferredStylesheetSetName() const { return m_preferredStylesheetSetName; }
void setPreferredStylesheetSetName(const String&);
void addPendingSheet(const Element&);
void removePendingSheet(const Element&);
void addPendingSheet(const ProcessingInstruction&);
void removePendingSheet(const ProcessingInstruction&);
bool hasPendingSheets() const;
bool hasPendingSheetsBeforeBody() const;
bool hasPendingSheetsInBody() const;
bool hasPendingSheet(const Element&) const;
bool hasPendingSheetInBody(const Element&) const;
bool hasPendingSheet(const ProcessingInstruction&) const;
bool usesStyleBasedEditability() { return m_usesStyleBasedEditability; }
bool activeStyleSheetsContains(const CSSStyleSheet*) const;
void evaluateMediaQueriesForViewportChange();
void evaluateMediaQueriesForAccessibilitySettingsChange();
void evaluateMediaQueriesForAppearanceChange();
// This is called when some stylesheet becomes newly enabled or disabled.
void didChangeActiveStyleSheetCandidates();
// This is called when contents of a stylesheet is mutated.
void didChangeStyleSheetContents();
// This is called when the environment where we intrepret the stylesheets changes (for example switching to printing).
// The change is assumed to potentially affect all author and user stylesheets including shadow roots.
WEBCORE_EXPORT void didChangeStyleSheetEnvironment();
bool hasPendingUpdate() const { return m_pendingUpdate || m_hasDescendantWithPendingUpdate; }
void flushPendingUpdate();
Vector<Ref<ProcessingInstruction>> collectXSLTransforms();
StyleResolver& resolver();
StyleResolver* resolverIfExists();
void clearResolver();
void releaseMemory();
const Document& document() const { return m_document; }
static Scope& forNode(Node&);
static Scope* forOrdinal(Element&, ScopeOrdinal);
bool shouldUseSharedUserAgentShadowTreeStyleResolver() const;
void didRemovePendingStylesheet();
enum class UpdateType { ActiveSet, ContentsOrInterpretation };
void updateActiveStyleSheets(UpdateType);
void scheduleUpdate(UpdateType);
template <typename TestFunction> void evaluateMediaQueries(TestFunction&&);
WEBCORE_EXPORT void flushPendingSelfUpdate();
WEBCORE_EXPORT void flushPendingDescendantUpdates();
void collectActiveStyleSheets(Vector<RefPtr<StyleSheet>>&);
enum StyleResolverUpdateType {
StyleResolverUpdateType analyzeStyleSheetChange(const Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet>>& newStylesheets, bool& requiresFullStyleRecalc);
void updateStyleResolver(Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet>>&, StyleResolverUpdateType);
void pendingUpdateTimerFired();
void clearPendingUpdate();
Document& m_document;
ShadowRoot* m_shadowRoot { nullptr };
std::unique_ptr<StyleResolver> m_resolver;
Vector<RefPtr<StyleSheet>> m_styleSheetsForStyleSheetList;
Vector<RefPtr<CSSStyleSheet>> m_activeStyleSheets;
Timer m_pendingUpdateTimer;
mutable std::unique_ptr<HashSet<const CSSStyleSheet*>> m_weakCopyOfActiveStyleSheetListForFastLookup;
// Track the currently loading top-level stylesheets needed for rendering.
// Sheets loaded using the @import directive are not included in this count.
// We use this count of pending sheets to detect when we can begin attaching
// elements and when it is safe to execute scripts.
HashSet<const ProcessingInstruction*> m_processingInstructionsWithPendingSheets;
HashSet<const Element*> m_elementsInHeadWithPendingSheets;
HashSet<const Element*> m_elementsInBodyWithPendingSheets;
Optional<UpdateType> m_pendingUpdate;
bool m_hasDescendantWithPendingUpdate { false };
ListHashSet<Node*> m_styleSheetCandidateNodes;
String m_preferredStylesheetSetName;
bool m_usesStyleBasedEditability { false };
bool m_isUpdatingStyleResolver { false };
inline bool Scope::hasPendingSheets() const
return hasPendingSheetsBeforeBody() || !m_elementsInBodyWithPendingSheets.isEmpty();
inline bool Scope::hasPendingSheetsBeforeBody() const
return !m_elementsInHeadWithPendingSheets.isEmpty() || !m_processingInstructionsWithPendingSheets.isEmpty();
inline bool Scope::hasPendingSheetsInBody() const
return !m_elementsInBodyWithPendingSheets.isEmpty();
inline void Scope::flushPendingUpdate()
if (m_hasDescendantWithPendingUpdate)
if (m_pendingUpdate)
inline ScopeOrdinal& operator++(ScopeOrdinal& ordinal)
ASSERT(ordinal < ScopeOrdinal::Shadow);
return ordinal = static_cast<ScopeOrdinal>(static_cast<int>(ordinal) + 1);