blob: 7c5ad0827ead85b3b06d992730443d8a21a3811d [file] [log] [blame]
<csstest def="Namespaced attribute selectors" module="W3C Selectors" modulename="css3-modsel" number="173b" rev="1.0" date="20-september-2002" xmlns="">
<author>Ian Hickson</author>
tests, tests * { display: block; color: red; }
testA[*|attribute] { color: green; }
testB[*|attribute="pass"] { color: green; }
testC[*|attribute~="pass"] { color: green; }
testD[*|attribute^="pass"] { color: green; }
testE[*|attribute*="pass"] { color: green; }
testF[*|attribute$="pass"] { color: green; }
testG[*|attribute|="pass"] { color: green; }
<tests xmlns="" xmlns:test="">
<testA attribute="pass">This should be green.</testa>
<testB attribute="pass">This should be green.</testb>
<testC attribute="pass">This should be green.</testc>
<testD attribute="pass">This should be green.</testd>
<testE attribute="pass">This should be green.</teste>
<testF attribute="pass">This should be green.</testf>
<testG attribute="pass">This should be green.</testg>