blob: 8e8fb08d8b4068854c9ff6c1f4feb278e2a461e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8801/css/cssom/stylesheet-same-origin.css
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8801/common/
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8801/css/cssom/stylesheet-same-origin.css
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8801/common/
Blocked access to external URL http://www1.localhost:8801/css/cssom/stylesheet-same-origin.css
FAIL Origin-clean check in cross-origin CSSOM Stylesheets assert_throws_dom: stylesheet.cssRules should throw SecurityError. function "function () {
}" threw object "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'sheet.cssRules')" that is not a DOMException SecurityError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 18
FAIL Origin-clean check in cross-origin CSSOM Stylesheets (redirect from same-origin to cross-origin) assert_throws_dom: stylesheet.cssRules should throw SecurityError. function "function () {
}" did not throw
FAIL Origin-clean check in cross-origin CSSOM Stylesheets (redirect from cross-origin to same-origin) assert_throws_dom: stylesheet.cssRules should throw SecurityError. function "function () {
}" threw object "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'sheet.cssRules')" that is not a DOMException SecurityError: property "code" is equal to undefined, expected 18
FAIL Origin-clean check in loading error CSSOM Stylesheets assert_throws_dom: stylesheet.cssRules should throw SecurityError. function "function () {
}" did not throw
PASS Origin-clean check in same-origin CSSOM Stylesheets
FAIL Origin-clean check in data:css CSSOM Stylesheets Not allowed to access cross-origin stylesheet