blob: f8db1f3323d61834b13a40a30af1067ba70b43ad [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL Container relative unit cqw is not computationally independent assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--x', inherits: false, syntax: '<length>', initialValue: `1${unit}` });
}" did not throw
FAIL Container relative unit cqh is not computationally independent assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--x', inherits: false, syntax: '<length>', initialValue: `1${unit}` });
}" threw object "InvalidModificationError: This property has already been registered." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to 13, expected 12
FAIL Container relative unit cqi is not computationally independent assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--x', inherits: false, syntax: '<length>', initialValue: `1${unit}` });
}" threw object "InvalidModificationError: This property has already been registered." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to 13, expected 12
FAIL Container relative unit cqb is not computationally independent assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--x', inherits: false, syntax: '<length>', initialValue: `1${unit}` });
}" threw object "InvalidModificationError: This property has already been registered." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to 13, expected 12
FAIL Container relative unit cqmin is not computationally independent assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--x', inherits: false, syntax: '<length>', initialValue: `1${unit}` });
}" threw object "InvalidModificationError: This property has already been registered." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to 13, expected 12
FAIL Container relative unit cqmax is not computationally independent assert_throws_dom: function "() => {
CSS.registerProperty({ name: '--x', inherits: false, syntax: '<length>', initialValue: `1${unit}` });
}" threw object "InvalidModificationError: This property has already been registered." that is not a DOMException SyntaxError: property "code" is equal to 13, expected 12