blob: f5325fb13ec7aa6bb37cf77a4a767d4c876e4bf5 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS (width)
PASS (min-width: 0px)
PASS (max-width: 0px)
PASS (height)
PASS (min-height: 0px)
PASS (max-height: 0px)
PASS (aspect-ratio)
PASS (min-aspect-ratio: 1/2)
PASS (max-aspect-ratio: 1/2)
PASS (orientation: portrait)
PASS (inline-size)
PASS (min-inline-size: 0px)
PASS (max-inline-size: 0px)
PASS (block-size)
PASS (min-block-size: 0px)
PASS (max-block-size: 0px)
PASS (width: 100px)
PASS ((width: 100px))
PASS (not (width: 100px))
PASS ((width: 100px) and (height: 100px))
PASS (((width: 40px) or (width: 50px)) and (height: 100px))
PASS ((width: 100px) and ((height: 40px) or (height: 50px)))
PASS (((width: 40x) and (height: 50px)) or (height: 100px))
PASS ((width: 50px) or ((width: 40px) and (height: 50px)))
PASS ((width: 100px) and (not (height: 100px)))
PASS (width < 100px)
PASS (width <= 100px)
PASS (width = 100px)
PASS (width > 100px)
PASS (width >= 100px)
PASS (100px < width)
PASS (100px <= width)
PASS (100px = width)
PASS (100px > width)
PASS (100px >= width)
PASS (100px < width < 200px)
PASS (100px < width <= 200px)
PASS (100px <= width < 200px)
PASS (100px > width > 200px)
PASS (100px > width >= 200px)
PASS (100px >= width > 200px)
PASS foo(width)
PASS size(width)
PASS (asdf)
PASS (resolution > 100dpi)
PASS (resolution: 150dpi)
PASS (color)
PASS (min-color: 1)
PASS (color-index >= 1)
PASS size(grid)
PASS (grid)
PASS (width == 100px)
PASS (100px == width)
PASS (100px = width = 200px)
PASS (100px < width > 200px)
PASS (100px <= width >= 200px)
PASS (100px <= width > 200px)
PASS (100px < width >= 200px)
PASS (100px : width : 200px)
PASS screen
PASS print
PASS not print
PASS only print
PASS screen and (width: 100px)
PASS screen or (width: 100px)
PASS not screen and (width: 100px)
PASS not screen or (width: 100px)
PASS (width: 100px), (height: 100px)
PASS (width: 100px) and (height: 100px)
PASS (width: 100px) or (height: 100px)
PASS not (width: 100px)
PASS foo (width: 100px)
PASS Container selector: foo
PASS Container selector: foo
PASS Container selector: foo
PASS Container selector: foo foo
PASS Container selector: 1px
PASS Container selector: 50gil
PASS Container selector: name(foo)
PASS Container selector: type(inline-size)
PASS Container selector: "foo"
PASS Container selector: "inherit"
PASS Container selector: none
PASS Container selector: None