blob: 55a93227282eaf3e0ed5f2e0e79151cd1f7291ac [file] [log] [blame]
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
# This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
# defined by the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
package Bugzilla::DB::Schema::Pg;
# DB::Schema implementation for PostgreSQL
use 5.10.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(Bugzilla::DB::Schema);
use Storable qw(dclone);
sub _initialize {
my $self = shift;
$self = $self->SUPER::_initialize(@_);
# Remove FULLTEXT index types from the schemas.
foreach my $table (keys %{ $self->{schema} }) {
if ($self->{schema}{$table}{INDEXES}) {
foreach my $index (@{ $self->{schema}{$table}{INDEXES} }) {
if (ref($index) eq 'HASH') {
delete($index->{TYPE}) if (exists $index->{TYPE}
&& $index->{TYPE} eq 'FULLTEXT');
foreach my $index (@{ $self->{abstract_schema}{$table}{INDEXES} }) {
if (ref($index) eq 'HASH') {
delete($index->{TYPE}) if (exists $index->{TYPE}
&& $index->{TYPE} eq 'FULLTEXT');
$self->{db_specific} = {
BOOLEAN => 'smallint',
FALSE => '0',
TRUE => '1',
INT1 => 'integer',
INT2 => 'integer',
INT3 => 'integer',
INT4 => 'integer',
SMALLSERIAL => 'serial unique',
MEDIUMSERIAL => 'serial unique',
INTSERIAL => 'serial unique',
TINYTEXT => 'varchar(255)',
MEDIUMTEXT => 'text',
LONGTEXT => 'text',
LONGBLOB => 'bytea',
DATETIME => 'timestamp(0) without time zone',
DATE => 'date',
return $self;
} #eosub--_initialize
sub get_create_database_sql {
my ($self, $name) = @_;
# We only create as utf8 if we have no params (meaning we're doing
# a new installation) or if the utf8 param is on.
my $create_utf8 = Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'}
|| !defined Bugzilla->params->{'utf8'};
my $charset = $create_utf8 ? "ENCODING 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0" : '';
return ("CREATE DATABASE $name $charset");
sub get_rename_column_ddl {
my ($self, $table, $old_name, $new_name) = @_;
if (lc($old_name) eq lc($new_name)) {
# if the only change is a case change, return an empty list, since Pg
# is case-insensitive and will return an error about a duplicate name
return ();
my @sql = ("ALTER TABLE $table RENAME COLUMN $old_name TO $new_name");
my $def = $self->get_column_abstract($table, $old_name);
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
# We have to rename the series also.
push(@sql, "ALTER SEQUENCE ${table}_${old_name}_seq
RENAME TO ${table}_${new_name}_seq");
return @sql;
sub get_rename_table_sql {
my ($self, $old_name, $new_name) = @_;
if (lc($old_name) eq lc($new_name)) {
# if the only change is a case change, return an empty list, since Pg
# is case-insensitive and will return an error about a duplicate name
return ();
my @sql = ("ALTER TABLE $old_name RENAME TO $new_name");
# If there's a SERIAL column on this table, we also need to rename the
# sequence.
# If there is a PRIMARY KEY, we need to rename it too.
my @columns = $self->get_table_columns($old_name);
foreach my $column (@columns) {
my $def = $self->get_column_abstract($old_name, $column);
if ($def->{TYPE} =~ /SERIAL/i) {
my $old_seq = "${old_name}_${column}_seq";
my $new_seq = "${new_name}_${column}_seq";
push(@sql, "ALTER SEQUENCE $old_seq RENAME TO $new_seq");
push(@sql, "ALTER TABLE $new_name ALTER COLUMN $column
SET DEFAULT NEXTVAL('$new_seq')");
if ($def->{PRIMARYKEY}) {
my $old_pk = "${old_name}_pkey";
my $new_pk = "${new_name}_pkey";
push(@sql, "ALTER INDEX $old_pk RENAME to $new_pk");
return @sql;
sub get_set_serial_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $value) = @_;
return ("SELECT setval('${table}_${column}_seq', $value, false)
FROM $table");
sub _get_alter_type_sql {
my ($self, $table, $column, $new_def, $old_def) = @_;
my @statements;
my $type = $new_def->{TYPE};
$type = $self->{db_specific}->{$type}
if exists $self->{db_specific}->{$type};
if ($type =~ /serial/i && $old_def->{TYPE} !~ /serial/i) {
die("You cannot specify a DEFAULT on a SERIAL-type column.")
if $new_def->{DEFAULT};
$type =~ s/\bserial\b/integer/i;
# On Pg, you don't need UNIQUE if you're a PK--it creates
# two identical indexes otherwise.
$type =~ s/unique//i if $new_def->{PRIMARYKEY};
push(@statements, "ALTER TABLE $table ALTER COLUMN $column
TYPE $type");
if ($new_def->{TYPE} =~ /serial/i && $old_def->{TYPE} !~ /serial/i) {
push(@statements, "CREATE SEQUENCE ${table}_${column}_seq
OWNED BY $table.$column");
push(@statements, "SELECT setval('${table}_${column}_seq',
FROM $table");
push(@statements, "ALTER TABLE $table ALTER COLUMN $column
SET DEFAULT nextval('${table}_${column}_seq')");
# If this column is no longer SERIAL, we need to drop the sequence
# that went along with it.
if ($old_def->{TYPE} =~ /serial/i && $new_def->{TYPE} !~ /serial/i) {
push(@statements, "ALTER TABLE $table ALTER COLUMN $column
push(@statements, "ALTER SEQUENCE ${table}_${column}_seq
push(@statements, "DROP SEQUENCE ${table}_${column}_seq");
return @statements;
=head1 B<Methods in need of POD>
=item get_rename_column_ddl
=item get_rename_table_sql
=item get_create_database_sql
=item get_set_serial_sql