| <!doctype html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| <title>Testing ICE candidate filtering when using data channel</title> |
| <script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script> |
| <script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script> |
| </head> |
| <body> |
| <script> |
| function ensureCandidatesAreMDNS(sdp) |
| { |
| assert_true(sdp.indexOf("c=IN IP4\r\n") != -1 || sdp.indexOf("c=IN IP6 ::\r\n") != -1); |
| const candidates = sdp.split('\r\n').filter(line => { |
| return line.indexOf('a=candidate') !== -1; |
| }); |
| for (const candidate of candidates) |
| assert_not_equals(candidate.indexOf('.local'), -1); |
| } |
| |
| function ensureCandidatesAreNotMDNS(sdp) |
| { |
| const candidates = sdp.split('\r\n').filter(line => { |
| return line.indexOf('a=candidate') !== -1; |
| }); |
| for (const candidate of candidates) |
| assert_equals(candidate.indexOf('.local'), -1); |
| } |
| |
| promise_test(async (test) => { |
| let resolve, reject; |
| const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); |
| setTimeout(() => { reject("Test timed out"); }, 5000); |
| |
| if (window.internals) |
| internals.setICECandidateFiltering(true); |
| |
| let counter = 0; |
| let pc = new RTCPeerConnection(); |
| pc.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel'); |
| pc.onicecandidate = async (event) => { |
| if (event.candidate) { |
| assert_not_equals(event.candidate.candidate.indexOf('.local'), -1); |
| counter++; |
| return; |
| } |
| ensureCandidatesAreMDNS(pc.localDescription.sdp); |
| if (counter === 0) { |
| const offer = await pc.createOffer(); |
| await pc.setLocalDescription(offer); |
| ensureCandidatesAreMDNS(pc.localDescription.sdp); |
| resolve(); |
| return; |
| } |
| resolve(); |
| }; |
| const offer = await pc.createOffer(); |
| assert_equals(offer.sdp.indexOf("a=candidate"), -1); |
| await pc.setLocalDescription(offer); |
| |
| return promise; |
| }, "Gathering ICE candidates from a data channel peer connection with ICE candidate filtering on"); |
| |
| promise_test(async (test) => { |
| let resolve, reject; |
| const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; reject = rej; }); |
| setTimeout(() => { reject("Test timed out"); }, 5000); |
| |
| if (window.internals) |
| internals.setICECandidateFiltering(false); |
| |
| let counter = 0; |
| let pc = new RTCPeerConnection(); |
| pc.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel'); |
| |
| pc.onicecandidate = async (event) => { |
| if (event.candidate) { |
| assert_equals(event.candidate.candidate.indexOf('.local'), -1); |
| counter++; |
| return; |
| } |
| ensureCandidatesAreNotMDNS(pc.localDescription.sdp); |
| if (counter !== 0) { |
| // Redoing an offer now that we have some candidates. |
| const offer = await pc.createOffer(); |
| await pc.setLocalDescription(offer); |
| ensureCandidatesAreNotMDNS(pc.localDescription.sdp); |
| resolve(); |
| } else |
| reject("Host candidates should be found"); |
| }; |
| const offer = await pc.createOffer(); |
| await pc.setLocalDescription(offer); |
| |
| return promise; |
| }, "Gathering ICE candidates from a data channel peer connection with ICE candidate filtering off"); |
| |
| promise_test(async (test) => { |
| if (window.internals) |
| internals.setICECandidateFiltering(true); |
| |
| const pc = new RTCPeerConnection(); |
| |
| let resolve; |
| const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r); |
| |
| pc.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel'); |
| pc.onicecandidate = (event) => { |
| if (event.candidate) { |
| if (event.candidate.protocol !== "tcp") |
| return; |
| assert_equals(event.candidate.port, 9); |
| assert_true(event.candidate.address.indexOf(".local") !== -1); |
| return; |
| } |
| resolve(); |
| } |
| pc.createOffer().then((offer) => { pc.setLocalDescription(offer); }); |
| |
| await promise; |
| |
| pc.onicecandidate = null; |
| }, "Verify TCP candidates with filtering"); |
| |
| promise_test(async (test) => { |
| if (window.internals) |
| internals.setICECandidateFiltering(false); |
| |
| const pc = new RTCPeerConnection(); |
| |
| let resolve; |
| const promise = new Promise(r => resolve = r); |
| |
| pc.createDataChannel('sendDataChannel'); |
| pc.onicecandidate = (event) => { |
| if (event.candidate) { |
| if (event.candidate.protocol !== "tcp") |
| return; |
| assert_equals(event.candidate.port, 9); |
| assert_true(event.candidate.address.indexOf(".local") === -1); |
| return; |
| } |
| resolve(); |
| } |
| pc.createOffer().then((offer) => { pc.setLocalDescription(offer); }); |
| |
| await promise; |
| |
| pc.onicecandidate = null; |
| }, "Verify TCP candidates without filtering"); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |