| layer at (0,0) size 785x783 |
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| layer at (0,0) size 785x783 |
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| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 224x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 224: "First cell empty, second auto width" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,29) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
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| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 244x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 244: "First cell empty, second percent width" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,58) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
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| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 229x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 229: "First cell empty, second fixed width" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,87) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
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| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 4x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 4: " " |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 341x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 341: "First cell empty (with space) and has white-space:pre" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,116) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
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| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 329x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 329: "First cell empty (no space) and has white-space:pre" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,145) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
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| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 196x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 196: "First cell empty but has border" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,174) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
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| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 206x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 206: "First cell empty but has padding" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,203) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,11) size 391x3 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,2) size 391x21 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (1,0) size 243x20 |
| text run at (1,1) width 243: "First cell empty, table has cellpadding" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,232) size 785x31 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x27 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,1) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (1,13) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (2,4) size 778x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 240x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 240: "First cell empty, table has cellspacing" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,263) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 200x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 200: "First cell empty but has margin" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,292) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [bgcolor=#FFFF00] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 267x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 267: "First cell empty but has background color" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,321) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 162x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 162: "First row, first cell empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,28) size 391x19 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 24x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 24: "text" |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,28) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 204x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 204: "Second row, first cell not empty" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,375) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 162x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 162: "First row, first cell empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 0x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,28) size 781x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 179x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 179: "Second row, first cell empty" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,429) size 785x29 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 182x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 182: "First cell empty, has colspan" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,458) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 24x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 24: "text" |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 313x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 313: "First row, first cell empty, second cell non-empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,28) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 282x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 282: "Second row, first cell empty with colspan=2" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,512) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 24x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 24: "text" |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 313x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 313: "First row, first cell non-empty, second cell empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,28) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 282x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 282: "Second row, first cell empty with colspan=2" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,566) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 196x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (195,12) size 196x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 237x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 237: "First row, first and second cell empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,28) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 278x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 278: "Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,620) size 785x65 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x61 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 237x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 237: "First row, first and second cell empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x36 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,43) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,25) size 391x36 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 356x36 |
| text run at (0,0) width 356: "Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2 and percent" |
| text run at (0,18) width 37: "width" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,685) size 785x54 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x50 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,12) size 391x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,12) size 0x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,3) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=0 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 237x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 237: "First row, first and second cell empty" |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,25) size 781x25 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,37) size 391x0 [r=1 c=0 rs=1 cs=2] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (390,28) size 391x19 [bgcolor=#FF0000] [r=1 c=2 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,-1) size 381x20 |
| text run at (0,0) width 381: "Second row, first cell empty, has colspan=2 and fixed width" |
| RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,739) size 785x18 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 103x18 |
| text run at (0,0) width 103: "One empty cell:" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,757) size 785x4 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x0 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x0 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,0) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderBlock (anonymous) at (0,761) size 785x18 |
| RenderText {#text} at (0,0) size 110x18 |
| text run at (0,0) width 110: "Two empty cells:" |
| RenderTable {TABLE} at (0,779) size 785x4 [border: (2px solid #000000)] |
| RenderTableSection {TBODY} at (2,2) size 781x0 |
| RenderTableRow {TR} at (0,0) size 781x0 |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,0) size 0x0 [r=0 c=0 rs=1 cs=1] |
| RenderTableCell {TD} at (0,0) size 0x0 [r=0 c=1 rs=1 cs=1] |