blob: 284268ce78aae2ac96c2cd2f844063304305e711 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests RTCPeerConnection in stable state.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS pc.signalingState is "stable"
PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription).then(finishIfSucceeded, requestFailed1); did not throw exception.
PASS setLocalDescription failed.
FAIL should be InvalidSessionDescriptionError. Was InvalidStateError.
FAIL pc.localDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.signalingState is "stable"
PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription).then(finishIfSucceeded, requestFailed2); did not throw exception.
PASS setLocalDescription failed.
FAIL should be InvalidSessionDescriptionError. Was InvalidStateError.
FAIL pc.localDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.signalingState is "stable"
PASS pc.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription).then(finishIfSucceeded, requestFailed3); did not throw exception.
PASS setRemoteDescription failed.
FAIL should be InvalidSessionDescriptionError. Was InvalidStateError.
FAIL pc.localDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.signalingState is "stable"
PASS pc.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription).then(finishIfSucceeded, requestFailed4); did not throw exception.
PASS setRemoteDescription failed.
FAIL should be InvalidSessionDescriptionError. Was InvalidStateError.
FAIL pc.localDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.signalingState is "stable"
PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription).then(requestSucceeded1, finishIfFailed); did not throw exception.
PASS setLocalDescription succeeded.
PASS pc.localDescription.type is "offer"
FAIL pc.localDescription.sdp should be local. Was t=0 0
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.signalingState is "have-local-offer"
FAIL pc.localDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.signalingState is "stable"
PASS pc.setRemoteDescription(sessionDescription).then(requestSucceeded2, finishIfFailed); did not throw exception.
PASS setRemoteDescription succeeded.
FAIL pc.localDescription should throw an exception. Was null.
PASS pc.remoteDescription.type is "offer"
FAIL pc.remoteDescription.sdp should be remote. Was t=0 0
PASS pc.signalingState is "have-remote-offer"
PASS successfullyParsed is true