blob: 5203f0bbc8dbeb788f785489566076215e3cdbfe [file] [log] [blame]
Test RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription called with an RTCSessionDescription of type 'offer'
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
*** Create (remote) offer with audio (remoteOffer1)
*** Done, start testing with remoteOffer1
PASS pc.signalingState is 'stable'
PASS pc.remoteDescription is null
PASS pc.pendingRemoteDescription is null
PASS pc.currentRemoteDescription is null
PASS remoteOffer1 set as remote description
PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer'
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should be [object Object]. Was [object RTCSessionDescription].
FAIL pc.pendingRemoteDescription should be [object Object]. Was [object RTCSessionDescription].
PASS pc.currentRemoteDescription is null
PASS remoteOffer1 set as remote description (again)
PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer'
*** Try setting local descriptions with bad types for the current state
PASS promise pc.setRemoteDescription({type:'answer', sdp:remoteOffer1.sdp}); rejected with InvalidStateError: Failed to set remote answer sdp
PASS promise pc.setRemoteDescription({type:'pranswer', sdp:remoteOffer1.sdp}); rejected with InvalidStateError: Failed to set remote answer sdp
*** Create (remote) offer with video (remoteOffer2)
*** Done, start testing with remoteOffer2
PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer'
PASS remoteOffer2 set as remote description
PASS pc.signalingState is 'have-remote-offer'
FAIL pc.remoteDescription should be [object Object]. Was [object RTCSessionDescription].
FAIL pc.pendingRemoteDescription should be [object Object]. Was [object RTCSessionDescription].
PASS pc.currentRemoteDescription is null
PASS successfullyParsed is true