| Tests RTCPeerConnection localDescription. |
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| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription).then(requestSucceeded1, requestFailed1); did not throw exception. |
| PASS requestSucceeded was called. |
| PASS pc.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription).then(requestSucceeded2, requestFailed2); did not throw exception. |
| PASS requestFailed was called. |
| PASS pc.localDescription.type is "offer" |
| FAIL pc.localDescription.sdp should be local. Was t=0 0 |
| . |
| PASS pc.localDescription.type is "offer" |
| FAIL pc.localDescription.sdp should be local. Was t=0 0 |
| . |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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