| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <script src="../../http/tests/inspector/resources/inspector-test.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| function setContainerWidth(width) |
| { |
| document.getElementById("container").style.width = `${width}px`; |
| } |
| |
| function test() |
| { |
| let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("CSS.getMatchedStyleForNode.ContainerGrouping"); |
| |
| function expectRuleAtIndex(rules, index, {selectorText, colorPropertyValue, file, lineNumber, groupings}) |
| { |
| InspectorTest.log(`- Testing rule #${index}`); |
| |
| let rule = rules[index]; |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(rule.selectorText, selectorText, `Selector text should be "${selectorText}".`); |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(rule.style.propertyForName("color").value, colorPropertyValue, `"color" property value should be "${colorPropertyValue}".`); |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(rule.sourceCodeLocation?.sourceCode.urlComponents.lastPathComponent, file, `Source code for rule should be in file named "${file}".`); |
| |
| if (!groupings) { |
| InspectorTest.expectEmpty(rule.groupings, "Rule should have no groupings."); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(rule.groupings.length, groupings.length, `Rule should have ${groupings.length} grouping(s).`); |
| |
| for (let i = 0; i < groupings.length; ++i) { |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(rule.groupings[i].type, groupings[i].type, `Grouping ${i} should have a type of "${groupings[i].type}".`); |
| |
| if (groupings[i].text) |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(rule.groupings[i].text, groupings[i].text, `Grouping ${i} should have a text of "${groupings[i].text}".`); |
| else |
| InspectorTest.expectNull(rule.groupings[i].text, `Grouping ${i} should not have any text.`); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| function addTestCase({name, description, containerWidth, expectedAuthoredRuleCount, authoredRulesHandler}) |
| { |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name, |
| description, |
| async test() { |
| |
| await InspectorTest.evaluateInPage(`setContainerWidth(${containerWidth})`); |
| |
| let documentNode = await WI.domManager.requestDocument(); |
| let nodeId = await documentNode.querySelector("#item"); |
| let domNode = WI.domManager.nodeForId(nodeId); |
| InspectorTest.assert(domNode, `Should find DOM Node for selector '#item'.`); |
| |
| let domNodeStyles = WI.cssManager.stylesForNode(domNode); |
| InspectorTest.assert(domNodeStyles, `Should find CSS Styles for DOM Node.`); |
| await domNodeStyles.refresh(); |
| |
| let authoredRules = domNodeStyles.matchedRules.filter((rule) => rule.type === WI.CSSStyleSheet.Type.Author); |
| InspectorTest.expectEqual(authoredRules.length, expectedAuthoredRuleCount, `Should have ${expectedAuthoredRuleCount} authored rules.`); |
| authoredRulesHandler(authoredRules); |
| }, |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| addTestCase({ |
| name: "CSS.getMatchedStyleForNode.ContainerGrouping.Narrow", |
| description: "No `@container` queries should apply to the item in a 100px wide container.", |
| containerWidth: 100, |
| expectedAuthoredRuleCount: 1, |
| authoredRulesHandler(rules) { |
| expectRuleAtIndex(rules, 0, { |
| selectorText: "#item", |
| colorPropertyValue: "peachpuff", |
| file: "getMatchedStylesForNodeContainerGrouping.html", |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| addTestCase({ |
| name: "CSS.getMatchedStyleForNode.ContainerGrouping.Medium", |
| description: "Only one `@container` query should apply to the item in a 200px wide container.", |
| containerWidth: 200, |
| expectedAuthoredRuleCount: 2, |
| authoredRulesHandler(rules) { |
| expectRuleAtIndex(rules, 0, { |
| selectorText: "#item", |
| colorPropertyValue: "lemonchiffon", |
| file: "getMatchedStylesForNodeContainerGrouping.html", |
| groupings: [ |
| {type: WI.CSSGrouping.Type.ContainerRule, text: "usedName (width >= 200px)"}, |
| {type: WI.CSSGrouping.Type.SupportsRule, text: "(color: red)"}, |
| ], |
| }); |
| expectRuleAtIndex(rules, 1, { |
| selectorText: "#item", |
| colorPropertyValue: "peachpuff", |
| file: "getMatchedStylesForNodeContainerGrouping.html", |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| addTestCase({ |
| name: "CSS.getMatchedStyleForNode.ContainerGrouping.Wide", |
| description: "Two `@container` queries should apply to the item in a 300px wide container.", |
| containerWidth: 300, |
| expectedAuthoredRuleCount: 3, |
| authoredRulesHandler(rules) { |
| expectRuleAtIndex(rules, 0, { |
| selectorText: "#item", |
| colorPropertyValue: "thistle", |
| file: "getMatchedStylesForNodeContainerGrouping.html", |
| groupings: [ |
| {type: WI.CSSGrouping.Type.ContainerRule, text: "(width >= 300px)"}, |
| ], |
| }); |
| expectRuleAtIndex(rules, 1, { |
| selectorText: "#item", |
| colorPropertyValue: "lemonchiffon", |
| file: "getMatchedStylesForNodeContainerGrouping.html", |
| groupings: [ |
| {type: WI.CSSGrouping.Type.ContainerRule, text: "usedName (width >= 200px)"}, |
| {type: WI.CSSGrouping.Type.SupportsRule, text: "(color: red)"}, |
| ], |
| }); |
| expectRuleAtIndex(rules, 2, { |
| selectorText: "#item", |
| colorPropertyValue: "peachpuff", |
| file: "getMatchedStylesForNodeContainerGrouping.html", |
| }); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.runTestCasesAndFinish(); |
| } |
| </script> |
| <style> |
| #container { |
| container-type: size; |
| container-name: usedName; |
| } |
| |
| #item { |
| color: peachpuff; |
| } |
| |
| @supports(color: red) { |
| @container usedName (width >= 200px) { |
| #item { |
| color: lemonchiffon; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @container notUsedName (width >= 200px) { |
| #item { |
| color: PaleVioletRed; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @container (width >= 300px) { |
| #item { |
| color: thistle; |
| } |
| } |
| </style> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="runTest()"> |
| <p>Tests for the CSS.getMatchedStyleForNode command and container rule groups.</p> |
| <div id="container"> |
| <div id="item"></div> |
| </div> |
| </body> |
| </html> |