| All boxes below should be 100px * 100px and green. |
| |
| unclosed calc => PASS |
| unclosed calc with garbage => PASS |
| garbage => PASS |
| non length => PASS |
| number + length => PASS |
| length + number => PASS |
| percent + number => PASS |
| number + percent => PASS |
| length - number => PASS |
| number - length => PASS |
| percent - number => PASS |
| number - percent => PASS |
| length * length => PASS |
| length * percent => PASS |
| percent * length => PASS |
| percent * percent => PASS |
| number / length => PASS |
| number / percent => PASS |
| length / length => PASS |
| length / percent => PASS |
| percent / length => PASS |
| percent / percent => PASS |
| number mod length => PASS |
| number mod percent => PASS |
| length mod length => PASS |
| length mod percent => PASS |
| percent mod length => PASS |
| percent mod percent => PASS |
| mod10 => PASS |
| 1mod => PASS |
| 70px+40px no whitespace around + => PASS |
| 70px +40px no whitespace on right of + => PASS |
| 70px+ 40px no whitespace on left of + => PASS |
| 70px+-40px no whitespace around + => PASS |
| 70px-40px no whitespace around - => PASS |
| 70px -40px no whitespace on right of - => PASS |
| 70px- 40px no whitespace on left of - => PASS |
| 70px-+40px no whitespace around - => PASS |
| too many nests => PASS |
| end with operator => PASS |
| start with operator => PASS |
| no expressions => PASS |
| too many pluses => PASS |
| no binary operator => PASS |
| two binary operators => PASS |
| invalid operator '@' => PASS |
| invalid operator 'flim' => PASS |
| invalid operator '@' => PASS |
| invalid operator 'flim' => PASS |
| invalid operator 'flim' with parens => PASS |