blob: 5e0cf99c487cea71a4e8500ef8a700c57fad911a [file] [log] [blame]
// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This file is part of the KDE libraries
* Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Harri Porten (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "value.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "internal.h"
#include "collector.h"
#include "operations.h"
#include "error_object.h"
#include "nodes.h"
#include "simple_number.h"
using namespace KJS;
// ----------------------------- ValueImp -------------------------------------
ValueImp::ValueImp() :
// Tell the garbage collector that this memory block corresponds to a real object now
//fprintf(stderr,"ValueImp::ValueImp %p\n",(void*)this);
//fprintf(stderr,"ValueImp::~ValueImp %p\n",(void*)this);
void ValueImp::mark()
//fprintf(stderr,"ValueImp::mark %p\n",(void*)this);
_flags |= VI_MARKED;
bool ValueImp::marked() const
// Simple numbers are always considered marked.
return SimpleNumber::is(this) || (_flags & VI_MARKED);
void ValueImp::setGcAllowed()
//fprintf(stderr,"ValueImp::setGcAllowed %p\n",(void*)this);
// simple numbers are never seen by the collector so setting this
// flag is irrelevant
if (!SimpleNumber::is(this))
_flags |= VI_GCALLOWED;
void* ValueImp::operator new(size_t s)
return Collector::allocate(s);
void ValueImp::operator delete(void*)
// Do nothing. So far.
bool ValueImp::toUInt32(unsigned&) const
return false;
// ECMA 9.4
int ValueImp::toInteger(ExecState *exec) const
unsigned i;
if (dispatchToUInt32(i))
return (int)i;
return int(roundValue(exec, Value(const_cast<ValueImp*>(this))));
int ValueImp::toInt32(ExecState *exec) const
unsigned i;
if (dispatchToUInt32(i))
return (int)i;
double d = roundValue(exec, Value(const_cast<ValueImp*>(this)));
double d32 = fmod(d, D32);
if (d32 >= D32 / 2.0)
d32 -= D32;
return static_cast<int>(d32);
unsigned int ValueImp::toUInt32(ExecState *exec) const
unsigned i;
if (dispatchToUInt32(i))
return i;
double d = roundValue(exec, Value(const_cast<ValueImp*>(this)));
double d32 = fmod(d, D32);
return static_cast<unsigned int>(d32);
unsigned short ValueImp::toUInt16(ExecState *exec) const
unsigned i;
if (dispatchToUInt32(i))
return (unsigned short)i;
double d = roundValue(exec, Value(const_cast<ValueImp*>(this)));
double d16 = fmod(d, D16);
return static_cast<unsigned short>(d16);
// Dispatchers for virtual functions, to special-case simple numbers which
// won't be real pointers.
Type ValueImp::dispatchType() const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this))
return NumberType;
return type();
Value ValueImp::dispatchToPrimitive(ExecState *exec, Type preferredType) const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this))
return Value(const_cast<ValueImp *>(this));
return toPrimitive(exec, preferredType);
bool ValueImp::dispatchToBoolean(ExecState *exec) const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this))
return SimpleNumber::value(this);
return toBoolean(exec);
double ValueImp::dispatchToNumber(ExecState *exec) const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this))
return SimpleNumber::value(this);
return toNumber(exec);
UString ValueImp::dispatchToString(ExecState *exec) const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this))
return UString::from(SimpleNumber::value(this));
return toString(exec);
Object ValueImp::dispatchToObject(ExecState *exec) const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this))
return static_cast<const NumberImp *>(this)->NumberImp::toObject(exec);
return toObject(exec);
bool ValueImp::dispatchToUInt32(unsigned& result) const
if (SimpleNumber::is(this)) {
long i = SimpleNumber::value(this);
if (i < 0)
return false;
result = (unsigned)i;
return true;
return toUInt32(result);
// ------------------------------ Value ----------------------------------------
Value::Value(ValueImp *v)
rep = v;
assert (!(rep && !SimpleNumber::is(rep) && *((uint32_t *)rep) == 0 ));
assert (!(rep && !SimpleNumber::is(rep) && rep->_flags & ValueImp::VI_MARKED));
if (v)
//fprintf(stderr, "Value::Value(%p) imp=%p ref=%d\n", this, rep, rep->refcount);
Value::Value(const Value &v)
rep = v.imp();
assert (!(rep && !SimpleNumber::is(rep) && *((uint32_t *)rep) == 0 ));
assert (!(rep && !SimpleNumber::is(rep) && rep->_flags & ValueImp::VI_MARKED));
if (rep)
//fprintf(stderr, "Value::Value(%p)(copying %p) imp=%p ref=%d\n", this, &v, rep, rep->refcount);
if (rep)
//fprintf(stderr, "Value::~Value(%p) imp=%p ref=%d\n", this, rep, rep->refcount);
Value& Value::operator=(const Value &v)
if (rep) {
//fprintf(stderr, "Value::operator=(%p)(copying %p) old imp=%p ref=%d\n", this, &v, rep, rep->refcount);
rep = v.imp();
if (rep)
//fprintf(stderr, "Value::operator=(%p)(copying %p) imp=%p ref=%d\n", this, &v, rep, rep->refcount);
return *this;
// ------------------------------ Undefined ------------------------------------
Undefined::Undefined() : Value(UndefinedImp::staticUndefined)
Undefined Undefined::dynamicCast(const Value &v)
if (v.isNull() || v.type() != UndefinedType)
return Undefined(0);
return Undefined();
// ------------------------------ Null -----------------------------------------
Null::Null() : Value(NullImp::staticNull)
Null Null::dynamicCast(const Value &v)
if (v.isNull() || v.type() != NullType)
return Null(0);
return Null();
// ------------------------------ Boolean --------------------------------------
Boolean::Boolean(bool b)
: Value(b ? BooleanImp::staticTrue : BooleanImp::staticFalse)
bool Boolean::value() const
return ((BooleanImp*)rep)->value();
Boolean Boolean::dynamicCast(const Value &v)
if (v.isNull() || v.type() != BooleanType)
return static_cast<BooleanImp*>(0);
return static_cast<BooleanImp*>(v.imp());
// ------------------------------ String ---------------------------------------
String::String(const UString &s) : Value(new StringImp(s))
UString String::value() const
return ((StringImp*)rep)->value();
String String::dynamicCast(const Value &v)
if (v.isNull() || v.type() != StringType)
return String(0);
return String(static_cast<StringImp*>(v.imp()));
// ------------------------------ Number ---------------------------------------
Number::Number(int i)
: Value(SimpleNumber::fits(i) ? SimpleNumber::make(i) : new NumberImp(static_cast<double>(i))) { }
Number::Number(unsigned int u)
: Value(SimpleNumber::fits(u) ? SimpleNumber::make(u) : new NumberImp(static_cast<double>(u))) { }
Number::Number(double d)
: Value(SimpleNumber::fits(d) ? SimpleNumber::make((long)d) : (KJS::isNaN(d) ? NumberImp::staticNaN : new NumberImp(d))) { }
Number::Number(long int l)
: Value(SimpleNumber::fits(l) ? SimpleNumber::make(l) : new NumberImp(static_cast<double>(l))) { }
Number::Number(long unsigned int l)
: Value(SimpleNumber::fits(l) ? SimpleNumber::make(l) : new NumberImp(static_cast<double>(l))) { }
Number Number::dynamicCast(const Value &v)
if (v.isNull() || v.type() != NumberType)
return Number((NumberImp*)0);
return Number(static_cast<NumberImp*>(v.imp()));
double Number::value() const
if (SimpleNumber::is(rep))
return (double)SimpleNumber::value(rep);
return ((NumberImp*)rep)->value();
int Number::intValue() const
if (SimpleNumber::is(rep))
return SimpleNumber::value(rep);
return (int)((NumberImp*)rep)->value();
bool Number::isNaN() const
return rep == NumberImp::staticNaN;
bool Number::isInf() const
if (SimpleNumber::is(rep))
return false;
return KJS::isInf(((NumberImp*)rep)->value());