| Basic tests for AudioNode API. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS Source AudioNode has no inputs. |
| PASS Source AudioNode has one output. |
| PASS Destination AudioNode has one input. |
| PASS Destination AudioNode has no outputs. |
| PASS audioNode.connect(0, 0, 0) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('destination') to AudioNode.connect must be an instance of AudioNode. |
| PASS audioNode.connect(null, 0, 0) threw exception TypeError: Argument 1 ('destination') to AudioNode.connect must be an instance of AudioNode. |
| PASS connect() exception thrown for illegal output index. |
| PASS connect() exception thrown for illegal input index. |
| PASS audioNode.connect(context.destination) succeeded. |
| PASS exception thrown when connecting to other context's node. |
| PASS exception should not be thrown when creating audio context with too many arguments. |
| PASS AudioNode is an EventTarget |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |