| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 8: Inside NoInstrumentsProgrammaticCapture profile |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 8: Inside MultipleInstrumentsProgrammaticCapture profile |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 8: Inside NoInstrumentsProgrammaticCaptureAgain profile |
| Tests programmatic capture (console.profile/profileEnd) automatically starts instruments set via Timeline.setInstruments. |
| == Running test suite: Timeline.setInstruments.programmatic-capture |
| -- Running test case: NoInstrumentsProgrammaticCapture |
| PASS: Should not be an error setting valid instruments. |
| PASS: ScriptProfiler.startTracking |
| PASS: Timeline.recordingStarted |
| PASS: Timeline.recordingStopped |
| -- Running test case: MultipleInstrumentsProgrammaticCapture |
| PASS: Should not be an error setting valid instruments. |
| PASS: ScriptProfiler.startTracking |
| PASS: Timeline.recordingStarted |
| PASS: Timeline.recordingStopped |
| -- Running test case: NoInstrumentsProgrammaticCaptureAgain |
| PASS: Should not be an error setting valid instruments. |
| PASS: ScriptProfiler.startTracking |
| PASS: Timeline.recordingStarted |
| PASS: Timeline.recordingStopped |