| CONSOLE MESSAGE: WebGL: ERROR: 0:1: 'INVALID' : syntax error |
| CONSOLE MESSAGE: WebGL: ERROR: 0:1: 'INVALID' : syntax error |
| Test compilation of shaders after being attached to a program, with and without syntax errors. |
| == Running test suite: Canvas.updateShader |
| -- Running test case: Canvas.updateShader.vertexShaderValid |
| gl_Position = vec4(1, 2, 3, 4); |
| -- Running test case: Canvas.updateShader.fragmentShaderValid |
| gl_FragColor = vec4(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4); |
| -- Running test case: Canvas.updateShader.invalidProgramId |
| PASS: Should produce an error. |
| Error: No shader program for given identifier. |
| -- Running test case: Canvas.updateShader.invalidShaderType |
| PASS: Should produce an error. |
| Error: No shader for given type. |
| -- Running test case: Canvas.updateShader.invalidVertexShaderSource |
| PASS: Should produce error. |
| Error: Shader compilation failed. |
| -- Running test case: Canvas.updateShader.invalidFragmentShaderSource |
| PASS: Should produce error. |
| Error: Shader compilation failed. |