| Tests that setting a longhand property does not produces a valid shorthand value. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| PASS Setting style="background-image: url(foo.png)" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-position-x: 10px" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-position-y: 10px" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-size: cover" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-repeat-x: no-repeat" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-repeat-y: no-repeat" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-attachment: scroll" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-origin: padding-box" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-clip: padding-box" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS Setting style="background-color: green" should not return a value for element.style.getPropertyValue("background"). |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |