| Test that request with different Range header values work. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| --------Testing loads from disk cache-------- |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100"} |
| response source: Disk cache |
| response status: 200 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 200 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100","Range":"bytes=2-4"} |
| response source: Disk cache |
| response status: 206 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0","Range":"bytes=2-4"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 206 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100","Range":"bytes=5-7"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 416 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0","Range":"bytes=5-7"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 416 |
| |
| --------Testing loads through memory cache (XHR behavior)-------- |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100"} |
| response source: Memory cache |
| response status: 200 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 200 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100","Range":"bytes=2-4"} |
| response source: Memory cache |
| response status: 206 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0","Range":"bytes=2-4"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 206 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100","Range":"bytes=5-7"} |
| response source: Memory cache |
| response status: 416 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0","Range":"bytes=5-7"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 416 |
| |
| --------Testing loads through memory cache (subresource behavior)-------- |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100"} |
| response source: Memory cache |
| response status: 200 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 200 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100","Range":"bytes=2-4"} |
| response source: Memory cache |
| response status: 206 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0","Range":"bytes=2-4"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 206 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=100","Range":"bytes=5-7"} |
| response source: Memory cache |
| response status: 416 |
| |
| response headers: {"Cache-control":"max-age=0","Range":"bytes=5-7"} |
| response source: Network |
| response status: 416 |
| |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |